VOICE - Winter 2014

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VOICE Charleston Jewish

Winter 2014

w w w. J e w i s h C h a r l e s t o n . o r g


Annual campaign

Check out the Carpenter Story on page 14!


in this issue > > > >

Israel Engagement PJ Library YAD Community Highlights

The AMAZING things

Charleston Jewish

Family services does!

Connect a generation with Israel. Nurture life on campus. Fill summers with Jewish memories. While your latest app installs. It only takes a few minutes to strengthen the future of our people — instilling identity and pride through Hillels, Birthright, Jewish camps and schools, and more. Meanwhile, you’ll help the needy, the aged and the vulnerable thanks to the many other innovative programs Federation supports. The moment is now: Donate. Volunteer. Get involved. www.JewishCharleston.org



Letter from the President We hope that you enjoy the newly formatted Charleston Jewish Voice. The VOICE will be produced four times per year and has a readership of approximately 7,000 individuals in the greater Charleston area. Many people ask why I continue to serve in Jewish Leadership roles. My heart tells me that it is my mission to build, strengthen, and preserve Jewish identity and the needs of our local Jewish community, Israel, and the Diaspora. We hope this publication will inspire and help you realize that you are part of a vibrant Jewish community. Jewish Charleston has a diverse population; whether you are religiously unaffiliated or affiliated, a young family, empty nester or retired, live anywhere in Dorchester, Berkley or Charleston Counties, we are bound together by our shared history and traditions. Charleston Jewish Federation (CJF) promotes a culture that pursues social justice, human rights, advocacy and education. Our organization is guided by the Jewish values of Tzedakah, Chesed and Tikkun Olam. The CJF works on behalf of the community by providing financial resources, services and programs like Jewish Family Services, the Kosher Food Pantry, PJ Library, the Jewish Community Relations Council, and YAD just to mention a few. We could not publish this periodical without your assistance. We hope that you will consider placing an advertisement for your business or professional services in our next issue.

Contents Letter from the president


2014 CJF Board Members


Meet the CJF Team


Our Programs


Letter from the CEO


Shalom Baby


Israel Engagement




Charleston Jewish Family Services




PJ Library


Birthright Israel




2014 Allocations




2013 Grants


Annual Campaign



16 - 23

Hadassah......................................................................................16 NCJW............................................................................................16 BSBI..............................................................................................17 BBYO.............................................................................................18 Synagogue Emanu-El....................................................................18 Charleston JCC.. ............................................................................19 Hebrew Orphan Society................................................................19 ORT...............................................................................................20 Dor Tikvah.. ...................................................................................21

Spencer Lynch Charleston Jewish Federation President

Scott A. Cracraft Managing Director


Spencer J. Lynch Managing Director

A premier wealth management team in Charleston since 1993

Addlestone Hebrew Academy. . ......................................................23 Jewish Resource Guide


ledge to work for you. Call us for a complimentary retirement review.



federation 2014 Board Members

Executive Committee > Chief Executive Officer Judi Corsaro > CJF President Spencer Lynch > CJF President Elect Harry Goldberg


Meet the Charleston Jewish Federation Team

The mission of the Charleston Jewish Federation is to build, strengthen, and preserve Jewish identity and the needs of the community through partnerships that enable us to serve the needs of our local Jewish community, Israel, and worldwide. We will accomplish this mission by: • Convening the community and facilitating collaboration • Advocating for and allocating human resources • Supporting Jewish identity and educational programs for the entire community • Developing leaders for the Jewish community of Charleston • Broadening opportunities for philanthropy through financial resource development & coordination of funding sources

> CJF Vice President Ellen Hoffman

Sandra Brett*

> CJF Vice President Stuart Tessler

Special Events

Judi Corsaro

Bridget Johnson*

Development • Israel Education Fellowship • Connecting Jewish Women

Graphic Design

Joan Herrman*

Sarah Roshfeld Myer*

Chief Executive Director (843)614-6600 judic@jewishcharleston.org

> CJF Secretary Eileen Chepenik > Jewish Endowment Fund President Jan Pearlstine Lipov

YAD (Young Adult Division)

Lori Hoch Stiefel

Sara Sharnoff

Senior Director of Communications and Community Engagement (843)614-6497 lorihs@jewishcharleston.org

Director of Jewish Family Services (843)843-6494 sarahs@jewishcharleston.org Charleston Jewish Family Services

PJ Library • Shalom Baby • JCRC • Israel Engagement • REMEMBER • Charleston Jewish VOICE • Communications

*Denotes Part-Time

Our Programs Charleston Jewish Family Services

The mission of Charleston Jewish Family Services is to preserve and protect the basic human needs of all members of the community and to promote positive social functioning in all of our clients.

that strength through collaboration with other communities. Toward this end, JCRC’s mission is to educate and advocate on issues of vital importance to the organized Jewish community based on consensus, civility and an expanded commitment to living Jewish values of social justice.

Charleston Jewish Voice

Kosher Food Pantry

The Voice is a quarterly magazine-style publication and is a source for local, national, and international Jewish news and events.

Connecting Jewish Women

Connecting Jewish Women provides the opportunity for Jewish women to come together for a day of relationship-building, collaboration, and fun through innovative programs led by community members. The only intergenerational and nondenominational event for Jewish women in the Southeast.

Israel Education Fellowship

The Israel Education Fellowship program offers Jewish youth of the Charleston area the opportunity to obtain an enhanced education by assisting Jewish teenagers in attending institutionally sponsored educational programs in Israel during high school or college as part of the child’s Jewish education.

Israel Engagement


YAD Program Director sarar@jewishcharleston.org

Kosher Food Pantry

Board Members at Large

Phone: 843.571.6565 Fax: 843.556.6206

Senior Graphic Designer (843)614-6480 bridgetj@jewishcharleston.org

Administrative Assistant (843)614-6491 joanh@jewishcharleston.org

> Past President David Odle

Charleston Jewish Federation 1645 Raoul Wallenberg Blvd., Charleston, SC 29407-3507

Accountant (843)614-6481 tarah@jewishcharleston.org Accounting

> CJF Treasurer Suzanne Lynch

Aaron Engel Harold Fox Marilyn Hoffman Lisa Isaacson Ava Kleinman Ed Kronsberg Hilary Rieck Peter Rosenthal Ilene Turbow

Tara Veronee*

Cultural Arts Program Director sandrab@jewishcharleston.org

We’re dedicated to strengthening bonds between ourselves and the people of Israel through vibrant cultural and educational programming and dynamic pro-Israel advocacy.


The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) envisions a more just society by sustaining a strong and vibrant Jewish community in the United States and in Israel, and by enhancing

The mission of the Charleston Jewish Community Kosher Food Pantry is to provide healthy food to individuals and families in crisis in the Charleston Jewish community while creating awareness of the existence of hunger in the community.

PJ Library

The PJ Library® program supports families in their Jewish journey by sending Jewish content books and music on a monthly basis to children from age six months to seven years for free!

Shalom Baby

“Shalom Baby” warmly welcomes new babies and reaches out to parents in the Charleston Jewish Community.


The REMEMBER Program for Holocaust and Genocide Education plays a vital role in our community. We educate about the horrors of the Holocaust, promoting the concept of mutual respect for all peoples, creating goodwill and building community amongst all ethnicities in Charleston.

YAD (Young Adult Division)

YAD offers young Jewish singles, couples, and families a broad range of social, educational, cultural, and volunteer opportunities. Charleston’s growth is attracting young Jews from around the country, as well as natives returning to the area.



Letter from the CEO Thank You

¬For the last four years, I have had the opportunity to serve as the Joint CEO for the Charleston Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Center. A special thank you to Spencer Lynch and the JCA board who challenged the way things have always been done and had the vision to change the Joint CEO position. In 2014 and I will be working as the Charleston Jewish Federation CEO and focusing all my time and energy on growing the Federation. The Charleston Jewish Federation has a separate board and will be working on behalf of the entire Jewish Community. It is important to note that this change in position was created while keeping our administrative costs lower than last year. In 2014, the Charleston Jewish Federation will be hard at work growing our programs, enhancing services and providing financial resources to our Jewish community, Israel and overseas. I look forward to a successful and rewarding 2014.

Charleston Jewish Federation CEO


Shalom Baby

“Shalom Baby” is an outreach program of the Charleston Jewish Federation that warmly welcomes new (and new-ish!) babies and reaches out to parents in the Charleston Jewish Community. Each new baby is greeted with a visit by CJF Staff and a gift, a copy of an adorable PJ Library board book and a custom-made tzedakah box from HelloEverywear!, and a delicious JCC challah. Do you have a new addition to the family? We’d love to visit and provide a gift! Contact Lori Hoch Stiefel at 843.614.6497 to let her know about your special new family member!


By Hanukah Solomon, Director, Abu Hoshi Home for Seniors – Haifa, Israel Shalom, my name is Hanukah Solomon and I am the director of the Abu Hoshi Seniors Home in Haifa, Israel.

Two years ago the Abu Hoshi facilities were repurposed from living quarters for new immigrants to a residential facility for the vulnerable elderly. Our facility has 181 apartment units housing our residents who are senior citizens and almost all are single (widowed) and have no family in Israel. The majority are from the former Soviet Union. Many are survivors of the Second World War and the Holocaust.

Judi Corsaro


Thank You Charleston!

I am writing to say thank you on behalf of all the residents here at Abu Hoshi. Thank you to the Charleston Jewish Federation and thank you to the Jewish community of Charleston for your support of our residents.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.

Tim, Maddie, & Lauren Schryver

Israel Engagement

The Shalom Baby program is funded by a generous grant of the Zucker Family Foundation.

Free Shalom Baby & PJ Library Parent/Child class With Ellen Miriam Brandwein

Beginning Tuesday, January 14, 2014, at 10:30am Join us for a weekly parent/child class at the JCC. Designed for children ages 6 months through 3 years old and their caregivers, “Toddler Time” is an opportunity for families to meet and learn together. We will explore Jewish culture as we stimulate baby’s senses through music and play. Each 1-hour session will include singing, creative movement, pretend play, story time, crafts and kosher snacks. Ellen Miriam Brandwein, wife of Rabbi Adam J Rosenbaum of Synagogue Emanu-El, will lead us through these activities that give the children an opportunity to grow and interact in a casual and fun setting. Best of all, this class is FREE. Pre-registration is encouraged but not mandatory. Shalom!

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What has eluded me, however, is the renovation of our current bomb shelter, which is of critical importance to the safety of my residents. In Israel, we live in a neighborhood that can become very dangerous very quickly. Haifa is a target of our enemies and in a time of crisis, my residents have nowhere else to go for shelter. They need Abu Hoshi to provide them protection. The current bomb shelter is in bad shape. Yes, it is large and structurally sound. But it lacks any running water, has no toilet, no basic furnishings, the electric system is unsafe, the walls are depressing and, frankly, it smells. A place unfit to live in for more than a few hours. If Haifa were to come under attack today, it is hard to imagine how my residents will be able to live in the shelter for more than a few hours in its current condition. If our fears of a dirty weapon are ever realized, our residents would need to live in this shelter for days for protection. My residents and I are thrilled that your community and the Charleston Jewish Federation learned of our situation and stepped up to raise the funds we need to do a very critical and needed renovation to the shelter. We will have a water system installed that will give us clean water and toilets. We will have the electric system updated, the walls painted, basic furnishings brought in, and an air filtration system that will allow our residents to remain safe in the shelter in case of a biological or chemical attack.

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When I took over the Abu Hoshi facility, it needed lots of work. The building was 40 years old and had not had any renovations. The needs of young, new immigrants who were “passing through” created units that simply did not have acceptable living conditions for the senior citizens now living here. In the past two years, I have overseen extensive renovations to the building to make it accessible to our residents and to ensure our residents have pride in their apartments, regardless of how modest these units are.

On behalf of the nearly 200 residents at the Abu Hoshi Seniors Home, Thank You Charleston!




Kristallnacht Recap November 6, 2013

We teach the Holocaust and invoke a refrain of “Never Again.” The REMEMBER Program for Holocaust and Genocide Education continues to engage the Charleston community in reflection on the past and education to affect future change.

Martin Fletcher & Holocaust Survivor Joe Engel

Our 2013 Kristallnacht commemoration featured award winning NBC newscaster and acclaimed author Martin Fletcher. His dynamic presentation before an audience of 175 people related the events of Nov. 8, 1938 to his latest novel, Jacob’s Oath. Fletcher reminded us that, “For Jews, Kristallnacht, November 9, 1938, was more than two days of breaking glass and screams. It was followed by a series of humiliations. The Nazi government took all insurance payments from the Jews. They further restricted Jewish access to the professions. Jewish businesses were sold at bargain prices. German citizens, from this day, when more than a thousand synagogues were destroyed, as well as Jewish homes, and thousands of Jews were arrested for no reason, could no longer pretend they did not understand what Germany was doing to the Jews. But most importantly, Kristallnacht shattered any remaining illusions among Jews in Germany or Austria.”

The REMEMBER Program for Holocaust and Genocide Education plays a vital role in our community. We

educate about the horrors of the Holocaust, promoting the concept of mutual respect for all peoples,

creating goodwill and building community amongst all ethnicities in Charleston.

2014 Holocaust Creative Arts Competition For Greater Charleston Area Students Grades 6-12.

The REMEMBER Program for Holocaust and Genocide Education is pleased to announce the 2014 Holocaust Creative Arts Competition. The theme is “Stolen Childhood.” Children’s lives were forever altered during the years that Hitler was in power. How do these children help us to understand the Holocaust? How can empathy for children that experienced these horrors guide students today? We look forward to students’ creative interpretation of this theme in the visual arts, creative writing, music and performance art. Prizes will be awarded in all categories. Submitted work will be due in March, with a public reception and exhibition of the entries during the month of April at the Charleston County Public Library. We are very grateful to the TBonz Foundation for their sponsorship of this important educational initiative. Students and teachers interested in entering can get more information and entry forms by contacting Sandra Brett at sandrab@jewishcharleston.org.

Hyman’s Seafood & Aaron’s Deli NOW SERVING GLATT KOSHER DINNERS Brisket • Chicken • Salmon Brisket Chicken. Stuffed Cabbage Salmon & Stuffed Cabbage. Matzo Ball Soup Matzo Ball Soup. Don’t FORGET forget our ny style deli sandwiches! DON’T OURhuge NY STYLE DELI SANDWICHES! 843.723.6000 215 Meeting St. Charleston, SC WWW.H YMANSEAFOOD. COM



Charleston Jewish Family Services

Charleston Jewish Family Services Update By Sara Sharnoff Wow, we can’t believe how much has been going on since Charleston Jewish Family Services (CJFS) launched! I want to first thank all of the amazing CJFS volunteers who have reached out and helped with gleaning, the Charleston Jewish Community Kosher Food Pantry (KFP), and creating KFP centerpiece baskets for rentals. Our next project will be creating a KFP cookbook, which will be a collection of recipes submitted by Charleston Jewish community members using some of the common food items that are found in our pantry. All of the money that CJFS receives from the cookbook sales will go directly back to support the KFP. If you are interested in participating in the cookbook project or any of our other volunteer opportunities, please visit our website at CharlestonJFS.org and fill out a volunteer form today! We are certainly looking to expand our volunteer opportunities in the upcoming year. The KFP also wants to thank the Addlestone Hebrew Academy kindergarten class for raising money and shopping for food for the pantry. It’s never too early to teach children about serving others; the students asked great questions and had wonderful ideas about how to feed others. We are so proud to see the younger generation getting involved in the fight against hunger. Way to go, kids! In order to honor all of our amazing volunteers and communities partners, CJFS will be hosting a Volunteer Appreciation event on Sunday, February 23rd at 4pm at the Jewish Community Center. We love our volunteers who do so much to help the Charleston Jewish

Federation reach new levels of service across Charleston. If you have any photographs of volunteers in action, please contact Lori at LoriHS@JewishCharleston.org. We hope to see all of our volunteers there! CJFS has also been busy with our new community support groups. Our free grief support groups began rotating to different locations around Charleston to be convenient for anyone who wishes to attend. On the first Sunday of the month, the grief support group meets at the JCC (Dor Tikvah), on the second Sunday we meet at Synagogue Emanu-El, on the third Sunday we meet at KKBE, and on the four Sunday we meet at BSBI. Participants must RSVP before attending groups. We have also started our eating disorder support group in which participants learn coping skills to handle stressful life situations, particularly those involving food. We would love to have you join us, so please contact me at SaraS@JewishCharleston.org for more details. RSVPs are required. CJFS is also hosting Breast/Ovarian Cancer support groups every third Tuesday of the month at 5pm at the JCC. RSVPs are required. Thank you for all of your support in helping us grow and reach more people than ever before. We couldn’t do it without you!

2013 CJFS Highlights

Provided Counseling for

15 13 7 Individuals


www.charlestonjfs.org Case Management & Financial Assistance to Jewish Families


in Financial Support provided


Launched Support Groups > Breast/Ovarian Cancer Support Group > Eating Disorder Support Group > Grief Support Groups


Distributed produce through the KFP and provided excess to other local food pantries including ECCO, Tri-county Family Ministries, Ansonborough House and the Sherman House


Times we provided financial assistance for utilities


Times we provided financial assistance for rent/mortgage


Times we provided medical support


Families served


Individuals Served

Affiliated with the Association of Jewish Family and Children’s Agencies

Kosher Food Pantry


Families Served

265 Adults

2300lbs+ Of crops gleaned


Children under the age of 18

Groups Gleaned


Jewish Clients on average that use the KFP weekly



Gleaning groups include: MUSC Dental Students, YAD, Sisterhood Emanuel, College of Charleston members of SPEA (Student Professionalism and Ethics Association)

Special thanks To Jacki Baer & Jill Levy and all of the volunteers who helped out in the KFP and gleaned in order to help our community members who are food insecure and needed our compassion and support.

How Charleston Jewish Family Services Helped Me By Janine Rofe The list of ways that I was helped by the people and resources of the Charleston Jewish Federation would be far too long to include in just one article. After being the owner of an independent foreign language school and translation service for 25 years, I could not have imagined encountering the financial obstacles that came my way. Some unexpected health scares, the loss of most of my possessions due to a flood, and the corrosion of my business hit me almost all at once while I was still grieving the death of my closest friend. I did not have family to lean on. I felt alone and scared. Someone was watching over me when I had the idea to seek counseling through Charleston Jewish Family Services. They made me feel like I was a member of their family. Sara Sharnoff, Judi Corsaro, Harold Fox, Ijo Toporek, and all the wonderful people who comprise the Federation helped me in so many

ways through this difficult time in my life. They provided financial assistance for housing and living expenses, helped with some medical expenses, and even made the kosher food pantry available to me. I wasn’t aware of all that CJF did for the community because I had never needed help before, and it was provided in a generous, non-judgmental manner. Today I continue to get better and move forward. Double Talk Language School and Translation Services is back on its feet and is beginning to thrive. It’s thrilling to be working again and hearing from some of my old students, both children and adults, tutoring and teaching once more. I could not have made it without the people and the auspices of the Charleston Jewish Federation. This is a very special organization, a gem that Charleston is blessed to have among its many treasures. I, for one, am extremely grateful.



Young Adult Division of the Charleston Jewish Federation

The Underdogs of YAD When a brisket team dropped out of Synagogue Emanu-El’s 3rd Annual Jews, Brews, and Ques competition at the last minute, YAD members quickly took advantage of the opportunity to participate in this community-wide event. YADdie Dan Greenstein had competed in the chicken category in 2012 and was approached about filling the empty spot with a YAD team; without any expectations of winning among the serious competitors, he gathered up a team with admittedly limited experience. Dan himself enjoys cooking, but has limited grill experience due to restrictions at his apartment complex. Aaron Engel hated to miss out on the experience of “transforming an inherently tough, low-quality cut into something transcendent and decadent”, but couldn’t participate the day of the competition due to work obligations out of town. Instead he volunteered to assemble the team’s rub from scratch, using his chemistry background and interest in food science to come up with a recipe that was never actually tested before the competition! Joseph Beker had never cooked a brisket before, but volunteered to help in any way he could, and Anne Smith and Pumla and Curtis Gitter, all alumni of Synagogue Emanu-El’s conversion program, jumped at the opportunity and happily joined together to represent YAD. The weekend of the competition, Team Limp Brisket camped out at Synagogue Emanu-El to supervise the marinating and smoking process. Sunday was spent “relaxing outside in the amazing fall weather, talking to the other teams, and enjoying the aroma of BBQ that filled the air”, said Joseph. All team members agreed that their favorite memory of the event was the camaraderie felt among participants in the hours leading up to the judging. During the dinner Sunday night, the team served their brisket and encouraged attendees to vote for them for the People’s Choice award. After hours of laboring over a grill, camping out in the cold, and finally tasting the fruits of their competitors’ labor, Team Limp Brisket didn’t win the People’ Choice award. They did win the blind taste test from the professional judging panel, which they least expected given their limited experience competing against teams who had participated in all 3 prior events! YAD looks forward to participating in Jews, Brews, and Ques and other community events for many years to come – with a newfound confidence in our grilling abilities!

Team Limp Brisket

For more information on YAD, please contact Sarah Roshfeld Myer at sarahs@jewishcharleston.com

2013 YAD Highlights


New Members


Different homes for monthly Shabbat Dinners

Programs Offered

with all 4 synagogues in Charleston Including Shabbat Dinners, Shavuot, Purim, Sukkot

Finding a Second Home with YAD Erin Greenblatt didn’t intend to fully immerse herself in the Charleston Jewish community—but 16 months after moving to town, she can’t imagine what would have happened if she hadn’t. Originally from Atlanta, but an Ohio resident throughout high school, Erin spent 5 years in Ypsilanti, Michigan studying secondary education and Spanish at Eastern Michigan University. When she and her best friend moved to Charleston on a whim without knowing anyone besides one another, Erin found it difficult to meet people her own age. Despite her background working at Hillel at Eastern Michigan, and a persistent grandfather encouraging her to attend events within the Charleston Jewish community, it took her 6 months to attend her first event—the Federation’s annual Mitzvah and Margaritas event for young women. Designed to educate the next generation of Jewish leaders about what the Federation does in our local community and beyond, the event had a much bigger impact on Erin. There she met Janine Rófe, a local language tutor (please see Janine’s article on page 6) who worked with Erin to help her to pass the recent Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) that Erin needed for her job teaching Spanish at Summerville High School.

Erin also met members of YAD, Charleston’s Young Adult Division (of the Jewish Federation), at Mitzvahs and Margaritas. Erin suddenly felt connected to peers her age, outside of work, with whom she had things in common! She began attending YAD events, starting with monthly happy hours, and appreciated being able to participate in Tikkun Olam projects like the First Day Festival with the City of Charleston or YAD’s annual beach sweep as a result. She is looking into leadership roles that will help her to continue her involvement with the community and allow her to reach others who are new to town and hesitant to get involved. She also credits YAD with the friendships she maintains beyond official YAD events – even if it’s just perusing the Farmer’s Market together or having a potluck dinner during Passover, Erin feels connected to other young Jewish adults year-round. She laughs at how long it took her to get involved, but has truly taken advantage of every opportunity since then- and Charleston is all the better for it!



PJ Library

The PJ Library program currently serves children ages 6 months to 7 years old. The program is able to grow to 8 years old and we

generous donors

are looking for to help make this expansion possible. Please contact Lori Hoch Stiefel, at 614-6497 or lorihs@jewishcharleston.org for more information.

What is PJ Library? The PJ Library (PJ as in pajamas) provides your family with a FREE treasury of Jewish books and music. Each child you enroll in The PJ Library will receive a monthly gift of a high-quality, age-appropriate Jewish book or CD as well as a reading guide to enhance your family’s experience. Regardless of your level of observance or affiliation, the gift of stories and song is sure to enrich your entire family’s Jewish journey. Book topics include holidays, traditions, family values, Jewish identity and Jewish heroes. The books are carefully selected by top national Jewish educators, with an eye on books that are joyful, highly engaging, and represent the best Jewish children’s literature available.

Join us at our events, share your stories and grow our community for our future. Did you know that over 245 children in Charleston take advantage of receiving FREE Jewish Books or Music every month through the PJ Library? Do you know someone 6 months – 7 years old that would be interested in taking part in this incredible program? Sign your child up at www.pjlibrary.org. PJ Library is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, made possible through partnerships with philanthropists and the Charleston Jewish Federation. Join the conversation at www.facebook.com/PJLibraryCharleston

PJ Library is also a community for parents, grandparents and friends.

2013 PJ Library Highlights

PJ Library Programs Include... > Tot Shabbat at Dor Tikvah > Tot Shabbat at Synagogue Emanu-El > PJ Library Books Alive! > Fall Fling > Cocktails & Cupcakes (for moms only!) > Celebration of PJ Library in Charleston > Purim Carnival > Picnic and Play at the Park > Monthly Story Time at AHA > Pool Party > Pancake breakfast > Noon Year’s Eve celebration at the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry.



Books & 245 Music CDs were mailed directly to homes


Children Enrolled in the PJ Library Program


Special thanks to Linda and David Cohen who were instrumental in bringing the PJ Library program to Charleston and chairing this wonderful program. A big thank you goes out to Marilyn Hoffman for hosting a lovely donor event. Thank you all of our generous donors who make so many children happy by allowing them to have access to books & CDs of Jewish content.

PJ Library Programs throughout the Charleston area

PJ Library Donors: Patti and Mickey Bagg, Linda and David Cohen, Marilyn Hoffman, Elaine and Barry Krell, Neda and Alan Nussbaum, Sandra and Howard Peskin, Gina and Sam Shapiro, Sunny and Samuel Steinberg, Elaine and Stuart Tessler, Judi and Fred Volkman, Anita Zucker, and the Cohen Foundation.

Why PJ Library is so Important to My Family By Anya Carpenter My name is Anya Carpenter and being a working mom and an MBA student, I find it is challenging to seek out Jewish material to share with my children. The PJ library makes our Jewish reading time together possible. I was born in Kiev, Ukraine and immigrated to Israel with my dad in June of 1990 during the split of the Soviet Union like so many others. As you may recall, the first gulf war started in August and that was a pretty scary time - everyone carried gas masks and alarms would sound warning us of an attack. Even so, the time I spent in Israel is one of my favorite past times because it was the first time in my life I was surrounded by a people that was my family and boy was I so proud of being Jewish. My family left Israel in December of 1993 to reunite with my grandparents who immigrated to Baltimore, Maryland. We were so lucky to receive support from the local Jewish Federation and the JCC when we arrived. The community really came together and donated furniture, clothes, food and books.

Being 12 years old, books were my favorite because it was the only time in the day when my dad wasn’t worried about all those things that parents worry about, and then we got to escape and imagine adventures in Israel. Books were also really important to me because growing up in Russia, it was difficult to find Jewish books (they were extremely scarce) and it was essential to take good care of those books that were passed down generation to generation. Fast forward to my husband and me moving to Goose Creek in 2010 and now it is the PJ Library books that are our favorite. It is through the program and events that we were first introduced to the local Jewish community and began to make friends, having not known a single Jewish soul in the Charleston area when we moved here. My children look forward to the books we receive in the mail and now my older son, Adi says “Mama I get the mail” and just lights up when he sees the white and blue envelope in the mail box. Being 3-years-old, dinosaurs are his favorite, and after we read the book “Dino goes to Israel”, it warms my heart when Adi says “Mama, I go there some time” and it brings back memories. The funniest is when I say “the end” for the third time reading about Koofi the monkey and he says “eyn ba’aya (which means no problem) one more, Mama.” “Eyn ba’aya” just like that …

Just recently, he asked me to read his favorite book “How Do Dinosaurs say happy Chanukah?” By looking at the cover, you can tell it gets read a lot. All year long, it goes to school, the playground, places we are not going to mention and sleeps under his pillow at night. I catch myself smiling when I stand outside his door in the morning and listen as he says “no, no, no” to the question “does a dinosaur act up on Chanukah nights when mama comes in with the holiday lights?” It is these memories and experiences that stand out in my mind when I think of the gift of books from the PJ Library. I know that before long, we will be reading the story with his children and I will tear up as I remember our nights together, tucking him in and hearing “Mama, I am a good dinosaur.” I am grateful to have met many wonderful Jewish women thanks to the PJ Library. These books are so important because they are helping us raise the future Jewish generation with Jewish values and traditions and create countless memories. Toda raba – Thank you!



Birthright Israel My Journey Home Chelsea Parker This summer I was given the most incredible gift anyone could give me. Yes, it is also given to thousands of other 18-26 year olds every year, but I really believe that it changed my life. I know, I know, insert eye roll here, because that is what everyone says about their Birthright trip, but my story might be a little different than the typical Birthright participants. My story doesn’t start with Hebrew School, Bat Mitzvah, or even Shabbat. I wasn’t born to a Jewish mother or father, and in fact, I’m actually a member of another tribe – Pee Dee Native American. I was raised in a very liberal home in East Tennessee with my parents and five sisters (yes, six girls- poor Dad). We were never particularly religious, though like everyone else in our small town, we were loosely described as Christians. We hardly ever went to church, except for the occasional Christmas Eve service or Easter service before

“My story might be a little different than the typical Birthright participants.”

going to the Country Club for lunch. Needless to say, I didn’t really care about what the holidays represented, it was more like, “When do I get to see Grandmother and Granddaddy again?” I never really thought about G-d or what I thought about

Jesus or anything like that. I just went with what I was told and moved on. I didn’t know anything about other religions because it was never talked about. That started to change when I went to college. In high school, I had already picked out where I knew I’d go to college. Call it a sixth sense, I guess. My mom graduated from the same school and still loved the city. So, when the time came, I packed my newly acquired extra-long twin sheets and school books and made the trip to my new home at the College of Charleston.

Did you know that the Charleston Jewish Federation pays its fair share to JFNA for the Taglit-Birthright Israel program? That means that our funding helps give the gift of a free 10-day trip to Israel to eligible applicants.

The College of Charleston was such a melting pot of diversity for me, I was pretty shocked. For the first time, I met and had class with people who didn’t necessarily believe the same things as I did or think the same way that I was used to in Tennessee. It was so incredibly refreshing to have a variety of people bring their thoughts and opinions to the table, so to speak.


I decided right off that I wanted to join a sorority, and after attending the formal

My favorite experience of the trip was our visit to the city of Tzfat. Looking back, this

recruitment process, decided on Sigma Delta Tau. Sigma Delta Tau was founded by

makes sense because Tzfat is said to be one of the best cities for spirituality in Israel. I

seven Jewish women because they were discriminated against and told they weren’t

loved the symbolism and antique beauty the city offered at every turn. That city pulled

allowed to join other sororities because of their religion. I found it so courageous that

me in, inviting me to explore its winding streets and vendors around every bend. I

those women didn’t let the ignorance of others stop their dreams of participating in

actually was late getting back to my group because I was wandering so much! (oops!)

something they believed in. Sigma Delta Tau participated in a lot of activities with

“It felt like I was a part of it and it was just what I should be doing. I realized I wanted to convert. And that moment was the spark.”

the Jewish Student Union at the

Our stay in Jerusalem was special as well. Not only did we visit the Western Wall where

college, and that’s when I started

touching the stones, warm from the afternoon sun, was absolutely awe inspiring, but I

getting curious. I wanted to know

got to celebrate my birthday in Jerusalem. I still can’t get over how much fun and how

all about the things we were

special that birthday was. Even though I celebrated with people who I had never met

doing, from the Shabbat dinners

before the trip, I felt like I had known them for years prior. I’m convinced it’s the spirit,

we hosted to the prayers said

of Jerusalem, of Israel, that affected me from the moment I walked off that plane. That

during the services. The more I

spirit nourished my soul and even I didn’t know I needed that so desperately.

read, the more I wanted to know. Countless books later, I enrolled in a class at KKBE and classes at the College of Charleston.

Receiving a free trip to Israel was so much more than a trip to a far-away country that everyone talked about. That trip was a life changing experience, and one that I

I’m not sure what it was, but one day, everything I was reading and learning about

won’t soon forget. I can’t thank anyone enough for the gift of that trip because it was

didn’t really feel like something foreign. The reasons behind the traditions, prayers,

so much more than travel - it encouraged me to grow in my Judaism, to seek more

and holidays made perfect sense to me and it felt like I was a part of it and it was

knowledge, to trust G-d fully, and never give up (have you ever climbed the “snake

just what I should be doing. I realized I wanted to convert. And that moment was the

path” at Masada?!).

spark – a spark that the conversion classes and meetings with the Rabbi slowly built into a little flame. Everything about Judaism was exciting in that I could choose what was meaningful to me and I would still be considered Jewish. Before, I was told what to believe and if I didn’t, I was destined to be separated from G-d. And with conversion came the realization that I could practice and bring myself closer to G-d without being told it was right or wrong. After my conversion was complete, I still didn’t feel like I was ready to stop learning, and really I don’t think I’ll ever stop. Where does Birthright come into all of this? Hold tight, guys, here it comes. I never had given much thought to actually taking a trip to Israel. It really seemed too far away or I didn’t have time to take off work to go, not to mention it is really expensive for someone fresh out of college. I was (and still am) working at the Jewish Community Center though, and was always hearing about trips to Israel. Of course, I’d love to go (who wouldn’t?!) but I thought since I had converted I wasn’t eligible for the Birthright trip. But I decided I’d call to ask anyway, and lo and behold, I was eligible after all. Fast forward three months, and I was assigned a flight and was preparing for the trip of a lifetime. Once we landed, the organizers didn’t waste any time showing off their beautiful country. We immediately headed to Arad for activities as a group and to prepare for our first location; Masada. The hike up was difficult, but the results were so rewarding. There I stood as the sun slowly rose over the mountains, chills rolling down my spine and unable to move. That was the first of many moments like this. We toured around and had the typical Birthright experience, but in each and every place we went, I found meaning and purpose for my being there. Even before Shabbat on Friday, when we rafted down the Jordan River and our group’s raft kept getting stuck on every possible rock, something about the spirit of the people yelling “Shabbat Shalom” and enthusiastically splashing us was something I’ll never forget.

Are you interested? Are you interested in participating in the Taglit-Birthright Israel program? Are you searching for a gap year program or an internship during or after college? Would you like to travel the world in a meaningful way but aren’t sure where to start? Contact Lori Hoch Stiefel at 843-614-6497 or lorihs@jewishcharleston.org. She’ll be happy to grab a cup of coffee with you and help you plan the best adventure of your life!



Jewish Community Relations Council

JCRC The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) envisions a more just society by sustaining a strong and vibrant Jewish community in the United States and in Israel, and by enhancing that strength through collaboration with other communities. Toward this end, JCRC’s mission is to educate and advocate on issues of vital importance to the organized Jewish community based on consensus, civility and an expanded commitment to living Jewish values of social justice.

[Interested in getting involved?] making a difference

Do you have a passion for in the world? Are you interested in human rights, social justice or education? Do you love all things Israel? Do you enjoy getting your hands dirty in the ground or maybe you like planning events? The Charleston Jewish Federation has so many opportunities for you to get involved -

it is virtually limitless!

Let’s get together and chat about what would be the best fit for you. Contact Lori Hoch Stiefel at 843-614-6497 or lorihs@jewishcharleston.org


“Whoever saves one life saves the world” - Oscar Schindler

Community thank you To each and every one of you who contributed to the 2013 CJF Annual Campaign, you have our heartfelt appreciation. Thank you to Ruth Goldberg & Ellen Hoffman, our 2013 Campaign Chairs.

Together we can do extraordinary things in 2014!

$668,285 Raised


Charleston Jewish Federation digital communications are a great way to stay in the know. We keep you posted with what’s going on at CJF, Charleston Jewish Family Services and we even send out a monthly community e-mail advertising special events from all of your favorite Jewish organizations in Charleston!

To get on our list, contact Lori Hoch Stiefel at 843-614-6497 or lorihs@jewishcharleston.org

Being held back to cover anticipated outstanding allocations, Deficit Reduction and Campaign Shrinkage

2014 Allocations


Birthright Charleston’s Fair Share









Overseas Giving

Israel Educational Fellowship Program

Jewish Family Services Incudes the KFP

Israel Action Network

Jewish Campus Support

Jewish Community Relations Council Includes the REMEMBER program for Holocaust & Genocide Awareness, Israel Engagement

Communications Includes VOICE, Website

Engagement Programs Includes PJ Library, Connecting Jewish Women, YAD, Shalom Baby











Financial Resource Development

Addlestone Hebrew Academy Scholarships

Synagogue Emanu-El

Congregation Dor Tikvah

Jewish Community Center


NCJW Charleston Chapter

CJF Administrative

Brith Sholom Beth Israel

Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim


Hadassah Charleston Chapter


Coming Street Cemetery

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Jewish Endowment Fund Jan Pearlstine Lipov JEF President The Jewish Endowment Fund was established in 1996 as a partnership between the Charleston Jewish Federation and The Coastal Community Foundation. The mission is to develop a foundation for future support and continuity of the Charleston Jewish community by way of perpetual endowment funds. The Foundation is nearing the $6,000,000 mark. Please look for information in the next VOICE issue about the ways to create an endowment. Contact Jan Pearlstine Lipov or Judi Corsaro to schedule a meeting to discuss creating an endowment.

CJF Endowments $13,264 Received from Endowments in 2013 Charleston Jewish Federation “Good Deeds” Endowment Chesed-Mildred and Joseph Firetag AHA Scholarship Fund Edmund and Marilyn Barron Fund Edwin Pearlstine Endowment for Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Elisabeth and Spencer Lynch Family Endowment Endowment for College of Charleston’s Jewish Studies Program Haskell & Barbara Ellison Endowment Janice & Ellis Kahn Endowment* Jerry & Anita Zucker Family Endowment for CJF Jerry and Anita Zucker Family Endowment

Making your donation to the 2014 Annual Campaign Thanks to your generosity, the Charleston Jewish Federation has been making a difference in the lives of countless people. We work to repair the world and to keep Jewish life thriving, and we could not do it without support from people like you. Help us to be the community’s safety net. The economy is still fragile, and we are here to care for the needy and the vulnerable. Any individual or family in our community can turn to us and our agencies to get help, including cash assistance, legal services, crisis intervention, family therapy and kosher food. Help us fulfill needs in Israel and throughout the world. Trouble knows no geographic borders and that is why your gift goes to care for Jews in 70 countries. Through our partner agencies, we help destitute Jewish elderly and families in Europe and the former Soviet Union. We offer support to families and the elderly in Israel, and help provide job training and intervention programs for new immigrants and at-risk youth. Help us nurture Jewish life. We fund schools, camps, synagogues, preschool programs, Israel trips, international service experiences and Jewish leadership programs. Your gift helps support programs that strengthen our common tradition and build global Jewish peoplehood. It is a privilege and a responsibility to repair our world and strengthen Jewish life. Please make a gift to our Annual Campaign. Together, we put into action our shared values of tzedakah, generosity and compassion. Together, we do extraordinary things.

Here are the ways you can give:

1) By visiting www.JewishCharleston.org 2) By calling Judi Corsaro at 843-614-6600 3) By sending in your pledge to the Charleston Jewish Federation, 1645 Raoul Wallenberg, Charleston, SC 29407

Jerry Zucker Endowment Jerry Zucker Endowment for Jewish Studies at the College of Charleston Jewish Community Center Endowment Judith & Melvin Solomon Endowment for Addlestone Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Endowment for Temple Sinai in Sumter, SC LeRoy Family Philanthropic Fund Lynn Bernstein JCC Kitchen Endowment Max Kirshstein Community Endowment Morris Kalinsky Campaign Continuity Fund Pearlstine Endowment for JCC Athletic Facilities Rabbi David and Barbara Radinsky Addlestone Endowment REMEMBER Program for Holocaust & Genocide Awareness Endowment Renee F. Kolender Holocaust Memorial Fund Sam and Regina Greene Family Fund Sumter Temple Sinai Cemetery Fund Synagogue Emanu-El Endowment Synagogue Emanu-El Leah and Ray Greenberg Education Endowment The Nat Shulman Jewish Community Services Endowment Unrestricted Endowment for Jewish Causes William Ackerman Endowment for JCC Capital Improvements Zucker Family Endowment for Addlestone Hebrew Academy Zucker Family Endowment for Brith Sholom Beth Israel Zucker Family Endowment for Emanu-El Synagogue Zucker Family Endowment for K.K. Beth Elohim


Grants $126,000 was received in funding from the following Foundations: Thank you to the following Foundations who provide funding that makes it possible to do the important work that we do. > The Altman Foundation > The Baker Endowment Fund > The Exchange Club of Charleston > The Harold Grinspoon Foundation > The Hebrew Benevolent Society > The Hebrew Orphan Society > The Henry & Sylvia Yaschik Foundation > The Oscar & Mona Sokol Foundation > The Saul Alexander Foundation > The Sol & Celia Cohen Endowment Fund > The South Carolina Council on the Holocaust > The Zucker Family Endowment Fund



Annual Campaign

The Jewish Federations of North America represent 157 Jewish Federations and 400 network communities, which raise and distribute more than two billion annually for social welfare, social services, and educational needs. The Federation movement, collectively among the top ten charities on the continent, protects and enhances the well-being of Jews worldwide through the values of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), Tzedakah (charity and social welfare) and Torah (Jewish learning). The support of each and every Jew is necessary to forge ahead and meet the demands for the survival of worldwide Jewry. When you are called upon to support Jewish peoplehood, open your hearts and recognize your obligation to support the total Jewish community through the Federation Campaign.

CAMPAIGN MATCHING GIFTS Did you know that many corporations will match monthly, payroll deduction gifts, and annual gifts from their employees as a way of showing their support for their employees’ charitable causes? Please note: matches are to payment, not pledges. Hundreds of companies—large and small—have one. Some companies will even match gifts made by retirees and spouses of employees. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of the gift!



You can ask the Human Resources Officer where you work if there is a charitable Matching Gift program.

Donations received from employers through their matching gift programs are fully tax deductible by the employer providing the matching gift. Matching Gifts are credited to the employer providing the gift, but also should be cross referenced on the employee’s account. At Charleston Jewish Federation, donors are acknowledged at the recognition level that includes the match and are eligible to attend minimum gift events for their total gift. For example, if a matching gift and the gift of the donor equal $1,000, the donor is recognized at that level and is therefore eligible to attend a $1,000 suggested minimum gift level event.


If the answer is “yes”, you should ask for a Matching Gift Form and complete your portion.


Please check out our website that lists some of the companies that offer a charitable Matching Gift Program.

For further information please call Judi Corsaro, CJF CEO at (843)614-6600 or e-mail judic@jewishcharleston.org.

Lion of Judah The Lion of Judah program recognizes women who make generous individual gifts at the $5,000 level and above to the Charleston Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign. Lions attend exclusive events, and are encouraged to wear the internationally recognized Lion of Judah pin with pride.

// What is the Challenge?

Year 1

The stunning Lion of Judah pin represents sisterhood and connectedness, leadership and power, and is enhanced further as women continue or increase their giving levels. When you become a Lion, you have a unique opportunity to secure our Jewish future, to forge new opportunities for creative philanthropy, and to influence the global agenda with the Jewish values of compassion and loving kindness.

// Take Anita Zucker’s “Lion of Judah” challenge Anita Zucker, CEO and Board Chair of the InterTech Group, Business Leader, and Philanthropist put into place a three-year challenge for the women in our community to encourage them to make leadership gifts and become a Lions of Judah.

The first year, you contribute $2,500 and Anita will match the gift with $2,500, which will make you a Lion.

Year 2 Year 3 The second year, you contribute $4,000 and Anita will match the gift with $1,000, again making you a Lion.

The third year, you contribute the full $5,000 gift which is a leadership gift of a Lion of Judah.

Making a leadership gift at the Lion of Judah level makes a huge impact for our Jewish community locally, in Israel and around the world. Call Judi Corsaro, CJF CEO, at 843-614-6600 to become a Lion of Judah today!

Please join us for the 2014 Charleston Jewish Federation

Pacesetter Major Gifts Kick Off Event T h u r s d a y, J a n u a r y 9 , 2 0 1 4

Minimum Gift $5,000 per couple or $2,500 individual to the Charleston Jewish Federation 2014 Annual Campaign

At the Home of

The Pacesetter Event launches the Charleston Jewish Federation Annual Campaign, which raises critical funding to better the quality of Jewish life and secure the future of the Jewish people locally, in Israel, and worldwide.

at 7:00pm

Anita Zucker & David Popowski 99 South Battery Charleston , SC 29401 Street parking is available

Light Hors d’Oeuvres and Desserts

Featuring Special Guest Speaker

Susan Jackson

Toronto Executive Philanthropic Officer at UJA Federation in Toronto, Canada

RSVP by January 2, 2014 to Judi Corsaro by phone at 843-614-6600 or by e-mail at judic@jewishcharleston.org


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www.sesameburgersandbeer.com | Lunch & Dinner www.fiveloavescafe.com | Lunch & Dinner Owners: Joe Fischbein, Casey Glowacki Owners: Casey Glowacki Joe Fischbein, Casey Glowacki www.sesameburgersandbeer.com | Lunch & Dinner www.fiveloavescafe.com | Lunch &Owners: Dinner Owners:Joe JoeFischbein, Fischbein, Casey Glowacki JoeJoe Fischbein, Casey Glowacki Owners: Fischbein, Casey Glowacki JoeGlowacki Fischbein, Casey Glowacki Owners: JoeOwners: Fischbein, Casey Owners: JoeOwners: Fischbein, Casy Glowacki

Owners: Joe Fischbein, Casey Glowacki Owners: Joe Fischbein, Casey Glowacki

Melanie Weintraub receives 2013 Max Kirshstein Community Youth Endowment Award Melanie Weintraub isn’t just changing the world herself, she’s inspiring others to do so with her. The Ashley Hall junior has made community service a priority, working on projects with her peers in Washington, D.C., Israel, and at home in Charleston. She is an active member of BBYO, has spent summers working at Camp Baker and the JCC, and has dedicated herself to helping with Charleston’s Miracle League, a baseball program for children with disabilities. The committee was particularly moved to see that Melanie has motivated her classmates to participate in the Miracle League with her- the entire grade attends weekly games to encourage the players and assist with any duties needed throughout the season. Melanie doesn’t see her commitment slowing down anytime soon; she is “excited to continue impacting my community through service” and believes this is a “great opportunity afforded to me by the Max Kirshstein Community Youth Endowment Award” to continue helping others. Yasher Koach Melanie!

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HALOS and the Charleston Jewish Federation present

The Duke Pitchforks

Save the Date

Saturday February 8, 2014 7:30PM - 9:00PM

Circular Congregational Church 150 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC 29401 Founded in 1979, The Pitchforks are the oldest a cappella group at Duke University. The Pitchforks’ most recent album, Refraction, has been nominated for four awards by the Contemporary A Cappella Society.

Tickets: $25 in advance $30 day of show and at the door $10 for students

Burke High School

244 President Street

Charleston, SC 29403

$1 Per Person - once inside everythinG iS free! Save the Date for KiDSfair Gala Tuesday, March 11, 2014 6pm at the harbour Club 35 Prioleau Street, Charleston SC 29401

For more information, please contact Carol Berlin at 843.568.4450 or carolberlin@att.net www.charlestonjcc.org Presented by the Charleston Jewish Community Center in partnership with the City of Charleston. Hosted by Charleston County School District, Charleston County Community Education Department, and Charleston County Parks & Recreation Department.

Purchase tickets online at: www.charlestonhalos.org/events.php or by calling 843-953-3715 For more information, please contact Sarah Myer at sarahr@jewishcharleston.org

Special thanks

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In the Community

HADASSAH HADASSAH HIGHLIGHTS November 10th was a crisp autumn day in Charleston. Terry and Dennis Fisher hosted the Charleston Chapter’s Donor/Installation at their beautiful home. Sandra Schwartz, past Chapter and Region President installed the 2014 Executive Board – Presidium members Sandi Archambault, Sharon Hox and Ilene Turbow; Treasurer: Ruth Oser; Recording Secretary: Gail Snow; Corresponding Secretary: Jennifer Maron; VPMembership: Bonnie Silverberg; Director Emeritus for Life: Dorothy Weiner. We wish the new Board success in keeping the local chapter vibrant and the members engaged. Donor is the Charleston Chapter’s annual “Thank You” to our all-important contributors – those who donate at least $100 in the current year. The majority of Hadassah’s members are “life members” – meaning there is no annual fee for membership. Nationally, less than 20% of all Life Members make a contribution of any amount in a given year. That’s a dauntingly sad statistic. It’s particularly sad when you consider all the wonderful work that Hadassah does in Medicine and Healthcare, The Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower, Youth and Education, U.S. Initiatives, Scholarships, and Enhancing the Land of Israel. If you are a Life Member think about why you became a member, and why Hadassah is important to you. Under a new program “Choose Where to Make [YOUR] Impact”, you can make a personal, positive impact where it means the most to you. You can choose one of the impact areas listed above. For more information contact HadassahCharleston@gmail.com. Thank you to everyone who has made a donation to Hadassah – and to everyone who will. The end of the calendar year approaches and we hope that you’ll help make this year a great one in terms of charitable giving. E hadassahcharleston@gmail.com W www.hadassah.org

NCJW Gail Silverman and Marsha Greenhill The Charleston Jewish Federation is proud to support NCJW through allocations from the Annual Campaign.

National Council of Jewish Women Charleston Section NCJW Charleston Section has had a busy fall, beginning with our greatly successful annual fundraiser the 5k walk/run in September, “Untying the Strings of Violence.” This 5k acknowledges the challenge of domestic violence. South Carolina is number one in the Nation on domestic violence, and it has been our long-term goal to educate and support victims of domestic violence. This fundraiser allows us to do that. In partnering with the Mt. Pleasant Police Department’s program “Victims of Domestic Violence”, we hope to keep this issue in the forefront. Also in September, co-Presidents Linda Krawcheck and Marsha Greenhill attended a luncheon sponsoring “My Sister’s House,” where author Jacqueline Maduneme presented her new book, “Ada’s Daughter,” a story of her life growing up in a home of domestic violence. She now lives in Charleston. “My Sister’s House” is group that provides shelter and needs to victims of domestic violence. In October, NCJW provided dinner for twenty-five Citadel Cadets, who participated in the Jewish Studies Program at the College of Charleston. Co-president Linda Krawcheck delivered a wonderful “southern” dinner to the Citadel Campus where the Cadets enjoyed dinner outside on the patio.

HADASSAH Hadassah’s 2014 Board from left to right: Dorothy Weiner, Director Emeritus; Sandra Schwartz, Installing Officer; Bonnie Silverberg, VP Membership; Sharon Hox + Sandi Archambault + Ilene Turbow, Presidium; Gail Snow, Recording Secretary. Absent from photo: Ruth Oser, Treasurer and Jennifer Maron, Corresponding Secretary. The Charleston Jewish Federation is proud to support HADASSAH through allocations from the Annual Campaign.

NCJW once again participated in Chanukah in the Square on December 1, at Marion Square downtown. We will also be doing our Holiday Gift Wrapping at Barnes & Nobel in late December with all proceeds going to My Sister’s House. In January of 2014, we will kickoff the New Year, on the 12th with a paid up membership brunch and cooking demo, by chef/caterer Lisa Rovick, so save the date. This will be held at Linda and Maurice Krawcheck’s home. Watch the mail for your invitation. Membership to NCJW is a $36.00 annual membership fee. Please consider supporting our worthy causes. For more information, please contact Linda Krawcheck. E lkrawcheck@yahoo.com W www.ncjw.org


In the Community

Brith Sholom Beth Israel LGA to CHS, Why Not? By Andrew Allen Three years ago, my lovely wife, Ellen and I moved from Great Neck, New York to Charleston, For myself, I have had a fantastic opportunity to teach at The Art Institute of Charleston. As

South Carolina.

an instructor in the photography department, I have widened our circles by participating This was a giant step for us, leaving all that we are comfortable and familiar with to go to

in charitable events, continuing our chesed activities with my family. My wife sold real

uncharted territory. All our lives we lived in a Jewish community on Long Island, walking

estate in New York and presently works with Carolina One selling homes to the growing

distance to multiple shuls, close proximity to kosher restaurants, with commuting distance to Manhattan. When striking up a conversation with folks here, or up North, our accents belie our former location, and the very first question arises: “Why did you choose Charleston?” This genuine

population. Our children want to come visit, staying with us for their weeks off from school. For now, perhaps for quite a while, we are here. So my thoughtful response is:

another; that of changing one’s venue and creating a new start.

“Hashem is in our home and with us, here in Charleston, South Carolina.”

The famous artist Saul Steinberg drew an illustration of New York City for The New

E info@bsbisynagogue.com W www.bsbisynagogue.com

question, I feel, harbors inner feelings most everyone has thought about at one time or

Yorker magazine, with details

“Why did you choose Charleston?” This genuine question, I feel, harbors inner feelings most everyone has thought about at one time or another; that of changing one’s venue and creating a new start.

of people, cars and buildings looking



past 9th Avenue, 10th Avenue with the map getting ever so compressed. The Hudson River, a thin line depicting New Jersey, several stones showing the Rocky Mountains, then the

Pacific Ocean with China, Japan and Russia in the background. This distorted view of the world, as a native New Yorker, is probably not too far off from the truth. I can relate to this vision of the “outside world” as being distant and cartoonish. So when we are asked that all too familiar question, out of the starting gate, “Why leave New York for Charleston?” we usually smile and respond, “We threw a dart at the map!” I will try to answer this question honestly. Ellen and I have four children, with three that are currently in colleges. Our long-term goal was to make our lives less stressful while securing our financial future. Our checklist included a warmer climate on the Eastern coast with palm trees and clean beaches. The city had to have cultural and artistic venues making it desirable for guests and us. The city had to have an active Jewish community celebrating holidays and events. Also important was to have a safe, friendly community with a house large enough to accommodate our children, who would stay with us for intervals at a time. We also needed to make a living, so the city we would choose had to be growing, with opportunities for conducting business. All within a tighter budget. Charleston has fit this tall order. We have joined the orthodox synagogue, BSBI, Brith Sholom Beth Israel and have participated with its multitude of sponsored events. There are things to do each week. Last year the shul began a successful Shavout Retreat, hosting guests from around the country to spend the holiday in Charleston. Services, lectures by fascinating speakers, kosher meals at the shul and a professional guided walking tour of the historic city made the holiday a fun and successful experience. Charleston’s famous Spoleto Festival will coincide with Shavout 2014, giving guests an additional incentive to come. Theatre, music and art abound throughout the city. Brith Sholom Beth Israel has a healthy relationship among the other Jewish organizations creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. It is displayed in group candle lighting in the


town square for Chanukah to panel discussions by rabbis, hosted by the local college. All

The Allen Family

in large cordial attendance.

The Charleston Jewish Federation is proud to support BSBI through allocations from the Annual Campaign.


In the Community

Synagogue Emanu-El KEEP CALM AND BBQ ON! The 3rd annual Jews, Brews N’ Ques on October 27th, was a double success for the congregation of Synagogue Emanu-El. First and foremost- it was so much fun! With close to 300 attendees, it was a sold out event. Congregants and friends who attended could not stop talking about what a great party it was. Laura Zucker, who has come up with the JBQ concept and has been chairing this wonderful fundraiser for the 3rd year now, worked hard to make this last one different and exciting for everyone. Having scheduled it in the fall, rather than the summer, created a whole new angle of looking at it. From the signature drink of Apple Cider Bourbon to the perfect weather for the grillers- everything fell perfectly into place to create a laidback autumn festival atmosphere. 13 teams of grill masters were

BBYO BBYO Teens having a Blast The Charleston Jewish Federation is proud to support BBYO through allocations from the Annual Campaign.

hard at work providing delicious, kosher eats. A professional judging panel chose the best of each category, presenting trophies to “Adam’s Rib” of Louis Tick, Ed Kronsberg, Elliot Kronsberg and Matt Campball for best ribs, “Ms. Rose’s”- John Holmes and Dave Bucks for best chicken, and “Limp Brisket” of Dan Greenstein, Anne Noble Smith, Curtis and Pumla Gutter and Joseph Becker for best brisket. The latter team of YAD members, were all new to the competition with zero brisket grilling experience, and surprised everyone with their stellar performance. The people’s choice award went to brisket team BB³- Jonathan Zucker, Hal Robinson and Pete Sniderman. Though not competing,

BBYO BBYO Is Alive And Well!

the grilled salmon by Robert Steinberg’s “15 minutes of flame” was probably the most talked about dish and another favorite. Another important part of the fun was kicking off the grilling the night before, with a bonfire Havdallah that brought out kids and adult for hotdogs, s’mores and songs around the fire.

Dixie Council BBYO has sprung into the 2013-2014 school year, full of life. Our annual Labor Day Dance weekend saw more than 70 teens join together for Shabbat, as well as

The second success was the fact that the event was a successful fundraiser, thanks to

a weekend of programming, including social, spiritual, and educational to kick off the

our generous sponsors.

school year. Congratulations to Jake Kalinsky and Margo Schwartz on their elections of 2013-2014 Beau and Sweetheart. Thank you to Melanie Weintraub and Ryan Berlinsky

Combining so much fun with raising money to keep providing religious, educational

and all of the BBYO families for their hard work to make the weekend such a success.

and social opportunities for our community was a great way to begin this fall. Mark

In October, we inducted our new members into Dixie Council and had a great weekend

your calendars for October 26th, 2014, when the 4th annual JBQ will keep surprising

of programming, coordinated by Max Strauss of Savannah and Charleston’s Melanie

you and be better than ever!

Ourhaan, Dixie Council’s Morah. We learned, played, and even did some community service. We assembled over 175 bagged lunches for the homeless and donated them

Check out the Post and Courier for a photo Gallery of Jews, Brews and Ques:

to a shelter in Columbia. Additionally, we had the great honor of welcoming the 89th


International AZA President, Mika Stein, to Charleston. Mika graduated from Yavneh Academy in Dallas in June and is spending his gap year traveling the world to help

E emanu-el@emanu-el.com W www.emanu-el.com

share BBYO’s message and to help further develop regions like ours. He spent his time in Charleston visiting with community members and teens. At the beginning of November, Charleston teens, Jennifer Barron, Tiffany Dye, and Caroline Kalinsky traveled to Washington, DC to participate in the 2013 AIPAC Schusterman High School Summit. They were among 400 teens from all over the country, almost 90 of whom were representing BBYO, who spent the three days learning all about the US-Israel relationship and key issues between the two. The high point for all of the teens was when they went to Capitol Hill in Washington, DC to meet with members of Congress to lobby on behalf of Israel. Charleston BBYO is thriving! We still have a number of exciting programs coming up, including our participation in International Convention 2014 in Dallas. The Dixie teens will be among almost 2000 of their peers, electing the 90th International Board, setting the international policy for BBYO, participating in Jewish learning sessions, and celebrating being Jewish. BBYO is doing very well but we still need help from the community! Are you an alum of BBYO? Looking to get involved? We need advisors and friends to be involved too! To participate in FAN, the Friends and Alumni Network of BBYO, to join, or to be an advisor, contact Tamar Sternfeld, Dixie Council Director at 843-619-3613. E tsternfeld@bbyo.org W www.bbyo.org

Emanu-el Emanu-El Kids at the BBQ The Charleston Jewish Federation is proud to support Synagogue Emanu-El through allocations from the Annual Campaign.


In the Community

Hebrew Orphan Society marks 213th year By Jennifer Hawkes Berry and reprinted with permission from the Post and Courier

JCC Charleston Jewish Community Center The Charleston Jewish Federation is proud to support the Charleston JCC through allocations from the annual campaign.

Charleston Jewish Community Center Amazing Authors at the JCC Congratulations to Ijo Toporek and the JCC Cultural Arts committee for bringing an enlightening, insightful, enjoyable series of author presentations and book-signings to the Charleston JCC. The Jewish Bookfest promotes reading and the exchange of ideas. All authors are Jewish, and books are selected in order to reach The second annual Charleston JCC audiences with a wide range of interests and backgrounds. We Jewish Bookfest is a resounding gained insight into baseball, success!! Cultural offerings Sholom Aleichem, the Holocaust, and the Food Network. This continue in the spring with the year’s events included a cupcake Homegrown Talent Series. reception, bagel brunch, and donor reception. Thanks so much to all of our wonderful sponsors that helped us make the Charleseton JCC Bookfest possible. But wait, there’s more!! We have one last Bookfest event to finish off our series. JOEL DERFNER - Lawfully Wedded Husband: How My Gay Marriage Will Save the American Family Enjoy wine, beer, and look inside Derfner’s new book. He shares his story of getting In his own way, gay marriage, the American family, and what it means to be human. A Charleston native and celebrated author and blogger, Derfner will enlighten and entertain us with recollections and anecdotes. Wednesday, January 15, 2014 at 7:00PM Finally, don’t miss our spring series, HOMEGROWN TALENT, featuring…. Leonard Goldberg - Plague Ship In bestselling author Goldberg’s latest medical mystery, a potentially fatal and mysterious illness strikes a luxury Caribbean cruise, and every passenger is at risk. Wednesday, January 29, 2014 at 7:00PM Mary Glickman - Marching to Zion Local favorite Mary Glickman will speak about her new book, Marching to Zion, the tragic love story of illicit love set in the South of the early twentieth century. Aurora Mae Stanton returns in this compelling novel that examines the price of love and the interventions of fate. Wednesday, February 12, 2014 at 7:00PM Robert Cox Former editor of the Buenos Aires Herald and asst. editor of the Charleston Post and Courier and screening of Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo and the Search for Identity. This film follows Argentine grandmothers searching for their lost grandchildren after Argentina’s Dirty War(1976-83). Cox’s commitment to reporting the truth in the Buenos Aires Herald during this period made him a hero to the families of the disappeared. Cox’s personal insights follow the screening of this Indie Award of Excellence winner documentary. Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 7:00PM

It was born more than two centuries ago, the brainchild of a group of post-Revolutionary War Jewish men wanting to help the city’s struggling orphans and widows. Since then, the Hebrew Orphan Society has grown and morphed so that it now comprises 36 of Charleston’s most prominent Jewish residents who still band together to address local needs. Today is their annual business meeting, and in coming weeks, they will install a new president and celebrate the 213th anniversary. “It’s an honorary organization for people who want to be more than honorary,” said Eileen Chepenik, Trident Literacy Association executive director and a society member.The Hebrew Orphan Society’s founders, many of them successful merchants, organized in 1801 to provide for the city’s widows, orphans and children of indigent parents. At the time, Charleston’s Jewish community was the nation’s largest. Many of the city’s 100 or so Jewish families enjoyed its post-Revolutionary prosperity and wanted to help others in need. In 1833, the society purchased the building at 88 Broad St. to use for meetings and education, among other needs. The building was not widely used as an orphanage aside from a brief time before the Civil War. Instead, society members placed orphans in private homes and then donated clothes, education and money to them, according to “The Hebrew Orphan Society of Charleston, S.C.,” a historical sketch by Thomas J. Tobias. In 1931, society members sold the building, which had been used as a Civil War hospital. Then came a time of change when the philanthropic group added more members and opened membership to women. The society expanded to 36 lifetime members. The number is significant because it refers to the Hebrew word chai, which means “life” or “living” and whose letters add up to 18 (and 36 is a multiple of 18). Today’s members include such prominent Jewish residents as Anita Zucker, Henry Freudenberg, Martin Perlmutter, Edwin Pearlstine, David Cohen and Joe Sokol. Six of the 36 are women. “It’s an honor,” said Billy Olasov, one of the society’s committee chairmen. There is no requirement for members to donate resources, but membership “illustrates their desire to help this community in one way or another.” Today, the society provides scholarships to low-income South Carolina students and grants to various secular and Jewish nonprofit groups. The Hebrew Orphan Society holds its annual meeting today. On Dec. 10, members will install President-elect Dr. Alan Nussbaum who replaces current President Dr. Haskell Ellison. The society also recently selected two new members in recognition of their achievements and work in the community based on the Jewish concept of tzedakah, a commitment to helping the less fortunate and in preserving Jewish institutions. Membership is lifelong, so new members only come on board after a death or someone moves away. The two openings follow the death of Maurice Fox and MUSC President Dr. Ray Greenberg’s move to Texas. The new members are Holocaust survivor Joe Engel and Linda Cohen whose husband, David, also is a member. Among other efforts, the society helps to fund medical needs in the community and provides grants to various secular and Jewish nonprofits. It also donates to Jewish educational institutions, including Addlestone Hebrew Academy. For instance, the society awards 10 to 20 annual college scholarships worth a total of $50,000 or more each year thanks to a $500,000 gift from Dr. N. Edgar Miles in the 1990s. “We always have had an emphasis on Jewish education,” said Dr. Bill Golod, the society’s secretary and treasurer. Miles wanted to give back to Charleston’s Jewish community, which had helped him while growing up and attending college here until he became a doctor and settled in Alabama. “His gift has been the basis of those scholarships since,” Olasov said. E alan.nussbaum@gmail.comm

Hebrew Orphan Society

More information and authors to follow! Email sandrab@jewishcharleston.org for more information.

New President Alan Nussbaum with outgoing President Haskell Ellison

E info@charlestonjcc.org W www.charlestonjcc.org

The Charleston Jewish Federation is proud to support the Hebrew Orphan Society through allocations from the Annual Campaign.


In the Community

ORT ORT Honors Community Leaders Sunny & Samuel Steinberg Since 1975, ORT has been proud to honor many distinguished leaders of the tight-

ORT first entered Charleston’s growing Jewish community in the mid-1950’s when a

knit Charleston, SC community. This year’s honorees and recipients of the 2013 ORT

chapter of “Women’s American ORT” (“WAO” -- now a division of “ORT America”) was

Commitment to Education Award are a couple who is always busy and active within both

formed post-war in an effort to establish fundraising for ORT’s growing network of schools

the Jewish and non-Jewish Charleston community – Sunny & Samuel Steinberg!


and programs worldwide. WAO boasted a distinctive and unique role in world Jewish life

Steinbergs were honored with this award during the ORT 2013 Annual Brunch, held on

by 1958. It funded scholarships for teacher training, social assistance to needy students,

Sunday, November 24th. We are so grateful to all of you who attended and supported this

preventive medical care, maintenance of vocational training schools, and support of ORT’s

special, annual Charleston event – it was truly a successful morning! We were proud to

many colleges both outside and within the United States.

hear from Naomi Reinharz, the former Chief of Staff for the Jewish Agency in North America & Director of ORT’s Next Gen Initiative, who was able to inspire us to truly believe in our

When American ORT, the men’s ORT organization (also now a division of “ORT America”)

Jewish “Next Generation.” The brunch also highlighted the important work that ORT is

entered Charleston in 1975, ORT began selecting community leaders to help plan and

currently doing around the world, including Latin America, Israel and the United States,

organize an annual brunch, centered around a well-deserving community honoree. For the

shared by Jenna Shulman, ORT Region Director.

past 38 years, we have been proud to boast an impressive list of honorees in the Charleston community. We are especially proud to add Sunny & Samuel Steinberg to this list in 2013.

Originally from Savannah, Georgia, Sunny Steinberg has been involved in a wide range

There are so many people trying to make a difference in the world who rarely receive the

of community activities, from Synagogue Emanu-El, where she was Sisterhood President,

recognition they deserve. Clearly, the Steinbergs exemplify people who have not only

Past President of the Greater Charleston Rotary Club Auxiliary and the Charleston Section

dedicated themselves to this community in an infinite number of ways, but additionally,

of NCJW. She has been a Board Member of the Women’s Council of the Gibbes Art Gallery,

they truly stand for what ORT believes in first and foremost – education.

the Charleston JCC, and Hadassah, and is an active member of the MUSC Women’s Club, many of which she remains a life member of. Sunny was honored to receive the

ORT is very appreciative for the hard work of our 2013 Event Co-Chairs, Barbara Fox and

“Woman Who Makes a Difference Award” from both her Sisterhood and NCJW and also

Linda Krawcheck, without whom we could not be continuing our efforts. Special thanks,

received the Southern Region Light of Torah Award in 2012 for her continued Sisterhood

of course, goes out to Michael Stricker and Beth Buncher, our two most immediate Past

involvement. She has also been a member of the Hevra Kadisha since 1979 and has been

Presidents, who continue to be supportive in ORT’s endeavors.

an active volunteer with the Lutheran Hospice in Mount Pleasant for the past four years. Professionally, Sunny attended MUSC and became a nurse, which she worked at for twenty years, and today, continues to fund a nursing scholarship in her husband’s name, which she started shortly after her graduation.

If you would like to make a donation to ORT’s 2013 Campaign to help support the Charleston Region’s ORT goal, it is not too late! C 404-327-5266 W www.ortatlanta.org/ortcharleston

Samuel Steinberg was born and raised in Charleston and graduated from The Citadel in 1958, with a B.S. degree in civil engineering. After serving in the U.S. Air Force as a commissioned officer, he began working for Charleston Steel & Metal Company, a company founded by his grandfather, in 1961, and eventually served as the company’s president. Retiring from Charleston Steel in 2006, Samuel has also been involved in a multitude of organizations ranging from the Civil Engineering Club of Charleston to the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce and Synagogue Emanu-El, where he served as President from 1972-74 and again from 2002-04. Samuel is also a past board member for the Southern Region of the United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism, the Charleston JCC, the Charleston Jewish Federation and the Hebrew Orphan Society, as well as Past President of the Jewish Community Relations Committee of Charleston, School of Health Professionals, and on the Board of the Charleston Regional Development Alliance. Sunny & Samuel Steinberg have been married for over fifty years, after originally meeting during Sunny’s freshman year at UGA. Together, they are the proud parents of two children, Haley (Charlie) and Stephen (Rebecca) and have three wonderful grandchildren, Peyton, Shannah and Zachary. ORT America is a Jewish organization committed to stregthening communities throughout the world by educating people against all odds and obstacles.

The cutting-edge

educational skills acquired at ORT schools, colleges and international programs enable over 300,000 students annually to attain successful careers, become community leaders and live independently. Originally founded in St. Petersburg in 1880 to provide employable skills for Russia’s impoverished Jewish people, ORT has since evolved to service the global community. ORT programs operate in nearly every corner of the globe and ORT supporters are found in all corners as well - including the Charleston community!

ort Sunny & Samuel Steinberg - ORT Honors Community Leaders


In the Community

Dor Tikvah Amber Daniels, Ora Davies, Samantha Goldberg and Laura Zucker The Charleston Jewish Federation is proud to support Synagogue Congregation Dor Tikvah through allocations from the Annual Campaign.

VOICE Did you know that the Charleston Jewish Voice has a readership of over

7,000 individuals?

Congregation DOR TIKVAH On Shabbat of November 9 Congregation Dor Tikvah launched its newest program, Shabbat Academy. This monthly program, introduced by Rabbi Michael Davies, offers multiple learning opportunities for all ages as well as the chance to socialize and meet new friends. What more would you want out of a Shabbat morning? Shabbat Academy begins with Dor Tikvah’s energy-filled Shabbat morning services. Throughout the morning our Rabbi offers inspiring words of Torah as well as a

What a great place to advertise your business! Advertise with us and be a part of the best source for Jewish news in the greater Charleston area. For more information, contact Lori Hoch Stiefel at 843-614-6497 or lorihs@jewishcharleston.org

sermon on the weekly Parsha – the weekly Torah reading. During services, children and their parents are invited to participate in a Tot-Shabbat program, led by our very own Samantha Goldberg. Each week, including weeks with Shabbat Academy, the children of Dor Tikvah engage in hands on (and often edible) learning about the weekly Parsha. Activities have included camel making, eating s’mores in Avraham’s

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tent, making rainbows out of Fruit Loops and so much more. Following Tot Shabbat, our children take charge in Shul, leading the congregation in the conclusion of services. Our congregation prides itself on the inclusion of our children in the service, and we invite and encourage all children to join in leading the closing services. Following services everyone is invited to partake in a Kiddush meal, enjoy delicious food and meet up with new and old friends.

Our official program begins at

approximately 12:20 and offers several learning options, geared towards different

— Jean Cocteau (1859-1963)

levels and learning styles. Childcare will be provided for the little ones while children ages 9 and up join Jason Daniels for a fun, exciting educational program that they won’t want to miss. Our Kickoff event on November 9th featured Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl, Dean of Margolin Hebrew Academy and Feinstone Yeshiva of the South in Memphis, TN. A master educator and thinker, Rabbi Dr. Perl shared a lecture entitled – Morality and Mitzvot: When Torah and Ethics Collide. The class was insightful and intellectually stimulating and left us all with much food for thought. On a monthly basis, Shabbat Academy will typically offer two adult classes; one introductory level session and one more advanced learning option. Upcoming Shabbat Academy dates are January 4, February 8, and March 8. On March 8th we will have the privilege of welcoming Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter, University Professor of Jewish History and Jewish Thought and Senior Scholar at the Center for the Jewish Future at Yeshiva University. Shabbat Academy is just one of the many exciting programs that we are rolling out at Congregation Dor Tikvah. One member of the community commented after the Inaugural Academy Event, “Every Shabbos at Dor Tikvah is a moving, wonderful

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experience!” Be sure to stop by and see what all the talk is about. E rabbi@dortikvah.org W www.dortikvah.org

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In the Community

Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim The Charleston Jewish Federation is proud to support Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim through allocations from the Annual Campaign.

Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim KKBE HIGHLIGHTS Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (KKBE) is indeed a historic congregation. Founded in 1749, we are

Avodah - Inclusive Communal Worship and Ritual

the fourth established of the five colonial Jewish congregations in the US. Our historic sanctuary,

What does communal worship and ritual (Avodah) look like at KKBE? For the first time in

dedicated in 1840, is the founding Reform Jewish congregation in the U.S. and is considered one

many years we were able to achieve true communal worship during the 2013/5774 High Holy

of the finest examples of Greek Revival architecture in the country. Yet our historic congregation

Days. Our growth over the past decade did not allow for our congregation to pray together,

by no means lives in the past. Over the last decade KKBE has doubled in size, growing from a

so a decision was made to move our morning services outside of our historic sanctuary to

congregation of 250 households to over 500 households. This growth has been quite a blessing

Memminger Auditorium. This move allowed us to come together as one congregation in

as we have been able to incorporate members from many different backgrounds and across a

one space. We were also able to include and incorporate our teen members, both into the

diverse demographic range, while still maintaining a strong sense of community.

congregation and as participants in the service. While this change in location came with much anxiety leading up to the High Holy Days, it was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback in

Through the vision of our Rabbi, Stephanie Alexander, and our Board of Directors, KKBE is striving

the end. As we move forward we will continue to utilize state-of-the-art venues to enhance our

to meet the mission of the congregation in new and meaningful ways. Our mission is to serve the

congregant experience creating meaningful, inclusive worship opportunities.

religious needs of families and individuals through: G’milut Chasadim - Ongoing Quest for Greater Justice, Peace and Acts Torah - Programs of Lifelong Jewish Education

of Loving Kindness

We take Lifelong Jewish Education at KKBE seriously. Our Religious School provides a

Our mission implores us to not only attempt to meet the needs of our own congregants, but to

comprehensive program of Jewish education for students ranging from kindergarten to 10th

reach out to the greater community as well. KKBE is the only synagogue that currently takes part

grade (Confirmation) utilizing an outstanding Reform Jewish curriculum that emphasizes

in the Charleston Area Justice Ministry (CAJM), a growing network of faith-based congregations

Torah, Avodah, and G’milut Chasadim. Graduates of our Hebrew program are able to lead our

who are culturally, economically, geographically and religiously diverse – coming together to

congregation in prayer with confidence when they become B’nei Mitzvah. At all levels there

make the Charleston area a more just place to live. Member congregations (currently 20) work

is emphasis on the joy and importance of being Jewish in today’s world. This year we have

together to empower marginalized people in our communities. We accomplish this by doing

added two new programs for grades 6-9. The first is an Anti-Bullying Initiative which brought

research, educating the public, and publicly addressing the root causes of, and advocating

two professionals from our community to speak with students and parents, both together

solutions to, poverty and injustice in our communities. CAJM is unique in its approach in that it

and separately, to teach ways that we as Jews can address the increasingly pervasive problem

transforms the systems that cause suffering by holding local officials accountable for resolving

of bullying in America. The second is Sacred Choices, which will be offered in the spring. This

these inequities and injustices.

Union for Reform Judaism-designed curriculum was written to help young people find guidance from Jewish tradition in making ethical decisions related to sexuality that are consonant with

To learn more about our vibrant Reform congregation, please contact our Executive Director, Alex

emotional, physical, and spiritual health. With the goal of offering formal learning opportunities

Grumbacher for information or to schedule a tour at 843-723-1090 or alex@kkbe.org. We look

to every age group, we at KKBE are in the process of reviewing, evaluating and working toward

forward to welcoming you!

making adult education a cornerstone of lifelong learning in the community. E info@kkbe.org W www.kkbe.org


In the Community

Addlestone Hebrew Academy What Makes Addlestone So Good? As Charleston’s Jewish community day school, Addlestone Hebrew Academy is renowned for its excellent secular studies program, ideal student–teacher ratio, extraordinary faculty, warm family-like environment AND is one of Charleston’s only pre-schools with NAEYC accreditation plus SAIS and AdvancED accreditations for elementary and middle school. What are some of the unique programs that make an Addlestone education so beneficial? Most public school districts measure success with standardized testing. Although teaching to the test can produce knowledgeable students, it is learning for the 20th century. Due to the fact that most students, by the year 2020, will own handheld pc’s with access to billions of facts and functions, teaching merely for test scores is quickly becoming outdated. Quality education for the 21st century needs to focus on critical and higher order thinking, character development,

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creativity, leadership/life skills and teamwork. This education is what Addlestone offers, preparing students for high level opportunities in the future and success in a global economy. At Addlestone, students learn Hebrew as a living language, and grow to appreciate the depth and meaning of Jewish texts, beliefs and practices. Learning Hebrew as a second language before age 8 activates the areas of the brain that are directly responsible for reasoning, thinking, and numeric

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understanding increasing the chance of excelling in virtually every academic area. Children who learn more than one language understand other cultures from the world and increase their global awareness – another critical skill in the 21st century. As they become adults, living and working in a global society, they will, no doubt, be interacting with individuals from different regions of the

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world on a regular basis, some who do not speak English natively. By learning a second and even a third language, when they take on Spanish in middle school, Addlestone students will grow into adults who have the capability to interact with others in a successful manner.

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Rachel Rosenberg, Addlestone alumna from the Class of 2012 who is a sophomore at Yeshiva Atlanta, says about her AHA experience, “Addlestone did so much to prepare me for High School. From Addlestone I gained such a strong Jewish identity, while maintaining a stellar secular education. I was given such a strong foundation in my education, allowing me to be in all honors classes and highly successful in school.” She goes on to say about the strong connections she made to her Jewish identity and also her classmates, “I didn’t just build a friendship; I built a family. To this day I keep in touch with my Addlestone friends, even though I only see them on breaks. When I have a problem or just need to talk, an Addlestone friend is the first person I go to. AHA gave me a foundation of education, love of Judaism, and strong

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friendships I could not have gotten anywhere else.” A Jewish education is the #1 way to ensure a child has a positive Jewish identity and a connection to Judaism. Teaching multiple languages and providing a dual curriculum of general and Jewish studies, Addlestone students have tremendous opportunities that other schools can’t offer. Consider the benefits of a Jewish education and give your child the best start in life. E info@addlestone.org W www.addlestone.org

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AHA Addlestone Girls The Charleston Jewish Federation is proud to support Addlestone Hebrew Academy through allocations from the Annual Campaign.


1246 Ravenel Drive Charleston, S.C. 29407




Charleston Jewish Resource Guide Addlestone Hebrew Academy www.addlestone.org | 843.571.1105 Addlestone Hebrew Academy is an independent community Jewish day school. As such, we are unaffiliated with any one movement of Judaism. We believe that a multi-disciplinary education helps students make connections between the classroom and the world around them, making learning a more engaging, fascinating and challenging experience. Our expert educational leadership team designed our program to integrate general and Judaic learning throughout the day. BBYO www.bbyo.org | tsternfeld@bbyo.org Tamar Sternfeld | 843.619.3613 BBYO is the leading pluralistic teen movement aspiring to involve more Jewish teens in more meaningful Jewish experiences. For 90 years, BBYO has provided exceptional identity enrichment and leadership development experiences for hundreds of thousands of Jewish teens. Brith Sholom Beth Israel (BSBI) www.bsbisynagogue.com | 843.577.6599 Brith Sholom Beth Israel Synagogue is the oldest Ashkenazic congregation in continuous use in America. Chabad of Charleston and the Lowcountry www.southernspirit.org | info@southernspirit.org Rabbi Yossi Refson | 843.884.2323 Chabad of Charleston and The Low Country is dedicated to serving all Jews throughout Charleston and The Low Country area with Ahavat Yisrael –unconditional love and concern for every Jew, regardless of background and affiliation.

Charleston Jewish Federation www.jewishcharleston.org | judic@jewishcharleston.org Judi Corsaro | 843.614.6600 The mission of the Charleston Jewish Federation is to build, strengthen, and preserve Jewish identity and the needs of the community through partnerships that enable us to serve the needs of our local Jewish community, Israel, and worldwide. Charleston Jews, sponsored by the Charleston Jewish Federation www.charlestonjews.com | sarahr@jewishcharleston.org Sarah Roshfeld Myer Here’s your chance to connect to your Jewish roots by becoming a member of several Jewish organizations at once for one low cost! Charleston has a variety of Jewish institutions including our vibrant JCC as well as four synagogues with active congregations. Enrolling in the program includes one-year of membership to all of these organizations. Congregation Dor Tikvah www.dortikvah.org | 843.410.3230 Congregation Dor Tikvah (Generation of Hope) is a new, vibrant, and growing Modern Orthodox congregation located in the West Ashley. Congregation Dor Tikvah is comprised of enthusiastic members in various stages of their religious journey. Although we cater to both young and old, we have a very special love for children, who are the future of our congregation and community. Our mission is to maintain and conduct an orthodox congregation that strongly supports Israel, for worship and religious observance according to the tenets and precepts of the written and oral laws of Orthodox Judaism.

Charleston Jewish Family Services www.charlestonjfs.org | saras@jewishcharleston.org Sara Sharnoff | 843.614.6494 The mission of Charleston Jewish Family Services is to preserve and protect the basic human needs of all members of the community and to promote positive social functioning in all of our clients. The ultimate goal of CJFS is to provide support and assistance to those in need of help and the committee is guided by the Jewish values of tzedakah (charity) and tikkun olam (repair of the world.) Charleston Jewish Family Services grew from Nat Shulman’s original vision of Charleston Jewish Social Services and is a division of Charleston Jewish Federation.

Hadassah www.hadassah.org | hadassahcharleston@gmail.com Hadassah is a volunteer organization that inspires a passion for and commitment to its partnership with the land and people of Israel.

Charleston Jewish Community Center (JCC) www.charlestonjcc.org | 843.571.6565 Through its wide range of programs, the Charleston JCC strengthens the individual, family and community. We invite those who have not yet joined to come and be part of the JCC today. Enjoy our newly-renovated facility and exciting and stimulating programs for everyone. We offer a wide range of fun activities for children and families all year round! The JCC offers a supportive and friendly environment and is the place for your family to grow in your wellness journey.

Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina www.jhssc.org | 843.953.3918 The Historical Society was organized to encourage the study and interpretation of South Carolina Jewish history and to increase awareness of that heritage among Jews and non-Jews.

Charleston Jewish Community Kosher Food Pantry www.charlestonjfs.org | joanh@jewishcharleston.org Joan Herrman | 843.614.6491 The mission of the Charleston Jewish Community Kosher Food Pantry is to provide healthy food to individuals and families in crisis in the Charleston Jewish community while creating awareness of the existence of hunger in the community.

Hebrew Orphan Society Dr. Alan Nussbaum | alan.nussbaum@gmail.com The Hebrew Orphan Society’s founders, many of them successful merchants, organized in 1801 to provide for the city’s widows, orphans and children of indigent parents. Today, the society provides scholarships to low-income South Carolina students and grants to various secular and Jewish nonprofit groups.

Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies Program, College of Charleston jewish.cofc.edu | jwst@cofc.edu Marty Perlmutter | 843.953.5682 The Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies Program at the College of Charleston is the result of the vision and generosity of Henry and Sylvia Vlosky Yaschik. Jewish Studies at the College of Charleston benefits from having a strong and active Hillel affiliate, our Jewish Student Union. The College of Charleston currently has nearly eight hundred Jewish students and the JSU/Hillel is very active in arranging weekly Shabbat services, dinners, and other events and celebrations to keep students interested in Judaism engaged and interacting with one another.

Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (KKBE) www.kkbe.org | info@kkbe.org Alex Grumbacher | 843.723.1090 From our beginnings in 1749, KKBE has been at the spiritual heart of Jewish Charleston. Since 1841, we have served as the cornerstone of Reform Jewish practice. We strive to provide our more than 475 member households a wide range of worship and learning experiences in a warm, caring, supportive environment. National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) www.ncjwcharleston.org | lkrawcheck@yahoo.com Linda Krawcheck NCJW is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. PJ Library® in Charleston, sponsored by the Charleston Jewish Federation www.facebook.com/PJLibraryCharleston | lorihs@jewishcharleston.org Lori Hoch Stiefel | 843.614.6497 The PJ Library® program supports families in their Jewish journey by sending Jewish content books and music on a monthly basis to children from age six months to seven years for free! The Remember Program, sponsored by the Charleston Jewish Federation lorihs@jewishcharleston.org Lori Hoch Stiefel | 843.614.6497 The REMEMBER Program for Holocaust and Genocide Education plays a vital role in our community. We educate about the horrors of the Holocaust, promoting the concept of mutual respect for all peoples, creating goodwill and building community amongst all ethnicities in Charleston. Shalom Baby, sponsored by the Charleston Jewish Federation lorihs@jewishcharleston.org Lori Hoch Stiefel | 843.614.6497 Do you have a new addition to the family? We’d love to visit and provide a gift! “Shalom Baby” warmly welcomes new babies and reaches out to parents in the Charleston Jewish Community. Each new baby is greeted with a visit by a CJF Staff and a goody bag. The Shalom Baby program is generously funded by a grant from the Zucker Family Foundation. Synagogue Emanu-El www.emanu-el.com | emanu-el@emanu-el.com Rabbi Adam Rosenbaum | 843.571.3264 Synagogue Emanu-El was founded in this historic Jewish community in 1947, the first Conservative congregation in South Carolina, an affiliate of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. We are a modern Conservative congregation emphasizing the continuity of Jewish traditions while being responsive to the challenges of a changing world. YAD www.charlestonyad.org | sarahr@jewishcharleston.org Sarah Roshfeld Myer YAD offers young Jewish singles, couples, and families a broad range of social, educational, cultural, and volunteer opportunities. Our events provide an opportunity to expand your social or professional network with other young Jews in the Charleston area and encourage participation in the Charleston Jewish community. We welcome those who would like to connect with the Jewish community and encourages participation of interfaith families, couples, and significant others in all its activities. There is no membership fee for YAD.

Serve warm meals. Deliver medicines. Give hugs to seniors a world away. Before your alarm goes off. It only takes a few minutes to help seniors stay connected to community and continue living in their own homes, Meanwhile, you’ll nurture Jewish learning, fund food banks, offer job training — just a few of the solutions Federation supports with heart, innovation and decades of knowing what works. It’s time: Donate. Volunteer. Get involved. www.JewishCharleston.org


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