18 minute read

Honoring the Class of 2021

On Saturday, May 8th, Bridgton Academy was pleased to host our Commencement Exercises here on campus at Fisher Ellis Field. This academic year will certainly be long remembered by all who were part of it.

We are proud to recognize this group of students who finished the year with true grit and determination. Please join us in congratulating our newest Bridgton Academy alumni, the Class of 2021!


matt aebersold Sport: Basketball What’s Next?: SUNY Fredonia Commencement Awards: Dennis O’Brien ’67 Award What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: Talent is not enough; hard work will get you places. taaj andrews Sport: Football What’s Next?: College of the Sequoias

Legacy Student: indicates a student who had a direct relative also attend Bridgton Academy

aidan araujo Sport: Basketball What’s Next?: Johnson & Wales University Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Ms. Polak and Coach Whit—they both saw that I was stressed at the beginning of the year and talked to me individually to calm me down. Without their conversations or them reaching out to me, I honestly don’t think I could have finished this year. logan araujo Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Johnson & Wales University What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: I learned the importance of time management.

david armstrong Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: University of Maine Commencement Awards: Alumni Award, Arthur B. Stebbins Jr. ‘67 Award What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: My best memory was going bird hunting with Coach Meserve.

gerard aroneo What’s Next?: Sacred Heart University Commencement Awards: Alumni Award

alexander bachmann Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Bridgton Academy Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Mrs. Meserve, because of how much my writing improved this semester.

Kalidu bah Sport: Lacrosse What’s Next?: Coker University

chris balzano Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Roger Williams University Commencement Awards: Russell A. Pitnof ’34 Award, Dr. William Holt Award - Social Science What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: I learned when I work best and the type of mindset I need to have to be successful.

maKhi basKin Sport: Football What’s Next?: Post University Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Coach Paris Horne helped me become a better player, person, and student. Also, he helped me decide on my college pick. maxwell bonanno Sport: Football What’s Next?: Nichols College

shane brait Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: University of Mississippi

jacKson brown Legacy Student Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Midlands Technical College What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: Learning that Coach Atwood is the best Guitar Hero player I have ever seen.

jordan brown Sport: Lacrosse What’s Next?: D’Youville College What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: You are independent and tomorrow is not guaranteed.

scott bundy Sport: Lacrosse What’s Next?: Brevard College

aidan burKe Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Plymouth State University What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: Sometimes you need to listen.

jacK campbell Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Radford University Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Ms. Gottschalk (my Focused Academic Coach) helped me turn my grades around and taught many different essay writing strategies. michael canney Sport: Football What’s Next?: Endicott College

jacob champagne Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Saint Joseph’s College of Maine

tyler chapman Sport: Basketball What’s Next?: Florida International University Commencement Awards: Alumni Award, Mission Achievement Book Scholarship What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: Getting to know my teammates and coaches better.

malachi clarKe Legacy Student Sport: Football What’s Next?: Morgan State University Commencement Awards: Faculty Award, David D. Felice ’67 English Improvement Award

zachary coffin Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Fitchburg State What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: I learned not to procrastinate.

jayden cormier Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Keene State College What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: I learned how to live on my own and keep myself responsible. clayton cowee Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Undecided What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: If I really try, I can succeed.

dylan demers Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Roger Williams University Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Coach Meserve taught me honesty and that taking responsibility is always the right thing to do. brase dottin Legacy Student Sport: Basketball What’s Next?: Undecided Commencement Awards: Captain Claude “Duke” Hough ’54 Award, Corey Smith ’88 Memorial Basketball Award What will you miss most about the Academy?: Most of all, I will miss my teammates—living and being around them every day has been awesome. tim doyle Legacy Student Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Junior Hockey Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Mr. Washburn was very approachable and always there if we needed extra help. He cared about how we did in his class, so that made it much easier to succeed in the classroom.

tyler dussault Sport: Football What’s Next?: University of New Haven

william “trey” eberhart Sport: Football What’s Next?: Sacred Heart University Commencement Awards: Richard R. Marcella Award

connor edwards Legacy Student Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: University of Southern Maine What will you miss most about the Academy?: The brotherhood of this team is something I will never forget. This was genuinely the first team I’ve ever been a part of that I enjoy everyone as a teammate, a person, and a friend. liam egan Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: University of Notre Dame Commencement Awards: Alumni Award

conner elliott Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Johnson & Wales University What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: My favorite memory from this year is scoring the game-winning goal against New England College and celebrating with the boys.

colby emerson Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Hawaii Pacific University

Kobe estes Sport: Lacrosse What’s Next?: Franklin Pierce University Commencement Awards: Annie R., Horace A., & Martha B. Flint Improvement Award Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Coach Marshall cares about each and every one of us and has done a lot of things to get us where we need to be. He knows how to connect with all of the players outside of school and sports and is someone you can talk to about anything because he’s so connected with you. jaden ezomo Sport: Basketball What’s Next?: Pace University

garret fleury Sport: Lacrosse What’s Next?: Keene State College Commencement Awards: Faculty Award

stephen gabriel iii Sport: Basketball What’s Next?: Lynn University What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: My best memory was meeting new friends and teammates. nolan gantrish Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Ohio Wesleyan University What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: I loved going skiing with the team.

shawn golden Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Junior Hockey Commencement Awards: Howe Award What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: I learned that taking care of yourself on your own involves a lot of responsibility and discipline.

john hallgren Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Eture Sports Gap Year Program

logan hamilton Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Junior Hockey Commencement Awards: Sportsmanship Award, Faculty Award, Dr. William Holt Award - Computer Science Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: I can’t pick out just one. Every staff member has had a great impact on me and the fact that all the staff members can make a great impact is something that is really special. muzamil hamoda Sport: Basketball What’s Next?: Utah State University Commencement Awards: Faculty Award

odahri hibberts Sport: Football What’s Next?: Central Connecticut State University What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: I learned that what I believe about myself influences everything I do.

samuel holley Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Keene State College What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: This year, I met so many new friends from all over. These relationships will last a lifetime.

patricK hughes Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: College of Charleston What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: You can always do a little more to help improve your own habits.

liam ireland Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Eture Sports Gap Year Program

ryan iritano Sport: Lacrosse What’s Next?: Salve Regina University Commencement Awards: Alumni Award, John D. Powers ’91 Memorial Coaches’ Award

christopher jenKins Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Endicott College Commencement Awards: Faculty Award Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: The faculty member who impacted me the most was Coach Izaryk. Every day, he pushed me along with my teammates to be the best people we could be and prepared us for what’s to come in college next year. Not only did he prepare us for baseball, he also taught us life lessons that will stick with me forever. He was by far the best coach I’ve ever had.

devan jessop Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Southern Connecticut State University What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: I will remember going ice fishing on the weekends. argelys jiminian Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Bentley University Commencement Awards: Mission Achievement Book Scholarship, Faculty Award, Edward F. Brown Public Speaking Prize What will you miss most about the Academy?: I will miss the peace and calmness of the countryside. ramon juarez Sport: Lacrosse What’s Next?: Cairn UniversityLanghorne

joel Kashila Sport: Football What’s Next?: Southern Connecticut State University Commencement Awards: Alexander D. Harry ’58 Memorial Commencement Award What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: My favorite memory was Long Lake.

thomas Kelly Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Keene State College What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: I learned that life is more than just video games and hockey. I gathered that I needed more dedication to myself and my life, like less gaming and more time working on school or working out. jacK Kinahan Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Junior Hockey What will you miss most about the Academy?: I will miss the hockey team and our coaches.

cooper Knudson Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Plymouth State University

james KochaKian Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: American International College What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: My favorite Bridgton memory from this year had to be the long bus rides with my teammates and playing at several great venues throughout the fall and spring for baseball.

melvin Kolenovic Sport: Basketball What’s Next?: Bridgton Academy

brandon KulaKowsKi Sport: Basketball What’s Next?: Canisius College What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: My favorite memory is going bowling with the team.

vincent lapolla Sport: Football What’s Next?: Bridgton Academy

matt laughlin Sport: Football What’s Next?: Trinity College Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Coach West worked with us every day and was dedicated to helping us improve. jacob lennerton Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Saint Joseph’s College of Maine What will you miss most about the Academy?: I will miss the people. Yeah, I will miss the campus, but ultimately it was the people: Coach Atwood, Coach Izaryk, Cody Marean, Drake Stinson, Mr. Washburn, and Mr. Meserve were the most helpful to me during my time here.

cameron lepage Legacy Student Sport: Lacrosse What’s Next?: Western New England University Commencement Awards: Headmaster’s Award Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Ms. Hanson helped me with my writing ability and Mrs. Izaryk walked me through the college process. riley linn Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: SUNY Cortland Commencement Awards: Electra H. Fickett Outstanding Citizenship Award

john loftus iv Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Western New England University Commencement Awards: Douglas R. Avery Baseball Award

aidan lowery Sport: Football What’s Next?: New England College What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: My best memory is fishing with Mr. Mooney

Kuol majoK Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Springfield College Commencement Awards: Howe Award

magueK mariech Legacy Student Sport: Basketball What’s Next?: Roane State Community College Commencement Awards: Phyllis B. Wakefield Class of ’46 & ’10 Award, Mission Achievement Book Scholarship What will you miss most about the Academy?: I will miss playing basketball under Coach Whit.

michael masterpolo Sport: Lacrosse What’s Next?: Franklin Pierce University

donovan mawhinney Sport: Lacrosse What’s Next?: Bridgton Academy

andrew mcgaffigan Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Junior Hockey

thomas mcgaffigan Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Junior Hockey Commencement Awards: Leland S. Buck Jr. ’42 Award, John T. Fabello ’34 Hockey What will you miss most about the Academy?: Every person I meet is amazing, so I will definitely miss the people. I’m especially going to miss all the hockey boys so much. Kieran mcgrath Sport: Lacrosse What’s Next?: Palm Beach Atlantic University Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: English has always been a subject I’ve enjoyed and been pretty good at, but this year my English teacher, Mr. Lindberg, not only helped me excel even further in my reading and writing endeavors, but took time out of his day to help me better understand lacrosse. He seemed to genuinely care about my wellbeing during this crazy year at BA. I will always remember him and the kindness he reflected on everyone he met.

flynn mcnally Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Goucher College

aidan mcnamara Sport: Football What’s Next?: University of New Haven

daniel moors Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Trinity College Commencement Awards: Charles H. Gould Award

hayden moses Sport: Football, Lacrosse What’s Next?: Grinnell College Commencement Awards: Addie M. Chadbourne Award What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: My favorite Bridgton memories this year were canoeing on Long Lake with my friends, listening to music, and enjoying the nature around us.

leao nelson Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Bridgton Academy What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: I learned that I do my best work in all areas of my life when I do things for others, when I can balance my work with my well-being and also help others succeed.

zacK palmer Sport: Football What’s Next?: Long Island University What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: Productivity will get you places.

haKe patricK Sport: Lacrosse What’s Next?: University of Colorado Boulder

danny peixinho Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Johnson & Wales University

tyler pereira Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: University of New Haven Commencement Awards: Edwin V. Spooner Memorial Award What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: My best memory was the weekend trip with Cody Marean exploring and hiking in northern Maine. robby phillips Legacy Student Sport: Basketball What’s Next?: Undecided What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: I learned how hard you have to work every day to get better.

sawyer pierpont Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Saint Michael’s College Commencement Awards: Arthur B. Stebbins Jr. ’67 Award What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: I learned how to live on my own, take care of myself, and what I need as an individual.

patricK pires Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Chicago State University

jahmir pritchard Sport: Football What’s Next?: Anna Maria College

shane provost Sport: Football What’s Next?: Nichols College Commencement Awards: Dr. Christopher Blanch ’89 Award, Tom C. Austin Football Award

ryan rector Sport: Football, Lacrosse What’s Next?: Lynn University

neil reilly Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Junior Hockey Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Coach Meserve impacted me the most this year as my dorm parent, coach, and teacher. Mr. Meserve taught me so much about hard work and always doing things at 100 percent. He also showed me how to deal with adversity by simplifying things and looking at things differently.

thomas reilly Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Junior Hockey What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: The only easy day was yesterday.

joseph robinson Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: University of Mississippi What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: I think completing Hell Day with the hockey team was my favorite memory. It started to bring us together as a family.

timothy robinson Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Junior Hockey

dante roselli Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Ohio Wesleyan University Commencement Awards: Electra H. Fickett Outstanding Citizenship Award, Dr. William Holt Award - Physical Science What will you miss most about the Academy?: I will miss walking down the hill with my teammates after a packed day of classes, practice, and a lift. yechiel saint Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Presbyterian College Commencement Awards: Alumni Award, Mission Achievement Book Scholarship What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: I loved listening to Coaches Izaryk and Atwood debate about the most common things.

aaron sears Sport: Football What’s Next?: Saint John’s University Commencement Awards: Edward F. Brown Essay Prize

paul shibley Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Fisher College What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: My favorite memory was the first day I got here on campus out of quarantine—seeing my name on my dorm room door and the locker in the locker rooms, and getting all the team clothes. I just remember having the biggest smile on my face.

christopher simeone Sport: Football What’s Next?: Roger Williams University

Kevin simpson Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Massachusetts Maritime Academy Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Coach Paris Horne encouraged, supported, cared, and helped me from the start to end of this academic year. He cares and remains dedicated to his students, dorm residents, and basketball team players, as well as to his family. He is funny and he alone made my time here so much better and enjoyable. I looked forward to our meeting times and he is one of the very few people who will have a long-lasting impact and memory with me.

alex slezaK Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Western New England University What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: I enjoyed fishing and kayaking at the lake.

jason smith Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Plymouth State University What will you miss most about the Academy?: I will miss going to class with the boys, road trips, and just being a part of another family. luKe staples Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Thomas College What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: My favorite memory is hikes up the mountains with the team.

john summers Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Stonehill College

paul tevlin Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Springfield College What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: I learned that if I put my mind to something, I can accomplish anything.

chris theodores Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Saint Joseph’s College of Maine Commencement Awards: Justin A. DeSorrento ’96 Soccer Award, Lee & Carol Noble Fine Arts Award, Dianne C. Fabello Memorial Award What will you miss most about the Academy?: I don’t think there is one thing that stands above the rest. I think Bridgton Academy gave me a place where I could succeed athletically, academically, and socially. It is a very tight community which supports you along the way. While some days were tough, this year has been one of the best of my life. I am thankful for Bridgton Academy because it has allowed be to grow and become a better person. Keah tobey Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania

will twadell Sport: Football What’s Next?: Saint Anselm College Commencement Awards: Dr. William Holt Award - English Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Coach Day is a great dorm parent and coach.

luKe tyner Sport: Football What’s Next?: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Coach West completely challenged me athletically.

marcus voss Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Bryant University

seth wall Sport: Lacrosse What’s Next?: Wentworth Institute of Technology

Kaelan walters Sport: Basketball What’s Next?: Howard University What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: I learned to be patient and trust in God.

cj willis Sport: Baseball What’s Next?: Western New England University Commencement Awards: Douglas R. Avery Baseball Award, Dr. William Holt Award - Mathematics What was the biggest lesson you learned about yourself at Bridgton this year?: I learned that when you have nothing to do, find something to work on.

will winter Sport: Soccer What’s Next?: Wheaton College What is your favorite Bridgton memory from this year?: My best memory was when the whole soccer team went down to the lake at 11pm after a very tough game. We had a difficult time taking the result of our game and the team became very divided for a few hours after the game until we all went down to the water. After that small moment, it felt as if we were all closer than ever before and went on to finish the season very strongly.

david wright Legacy Student Sport: Football What’s Next?: Nichols College

glenn wright jr. Sport: Football What’s Next?: Sacred Heart University Which faculty member impacted you the most and why?: Mr. Rosen made science enjoyable and interesting. He also took time to make connections with all of his students and involve everyone in class.

jayden yawKey Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Junior Hockey What will you miss most about the Academy?: I will miss the people.

joshua zambarano Sport: Hockey What’s Next?: Junior Hockey What will you miss most about the Academy?: I will miss hitting the ice every day with my teammates.

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