2 minute read
Q - The 2021 NRHA Derby held your new Story Book Stables Amateur Class. How did the public respond to this new offering?

Brenda Joyce
A - The response to our Amateur Derby held in conjunction with the NRHA Derby this year in OKC was unbelievable. So many reiners thanked me and my husband personally, for the Amateur Derby and everything else that we do for the industry. One lady stopped me in the hallway and she started to cry. Lauren Love, the Amateur Derby champion, was gracious, and grateful. We’re looking forward to next year’s Amateur Derby, while hoping the event catches on, and other shows decide to add the division.
Q- Entries showed to be up for this event and your new class division really seemed to be a hit- How does that make you feel?
A - We are thrilled.
We want to make a difference in the industry….we want to support the industry from the bottom up, meaning supporting the exhibitor/owner first, not from the top down, which means supporting the Open riders at the top and the breeder/owners who own the horses.
Q - Offspring from the Story Book breeding program have been really doing well in the show pen- Can you give us some details?
A - We have been doing well showing for a number of years,
both in the Open and Non Pro divisions, with horses we have purchased as prospects, or a handful of other purchases, like Super Marioo. But this year is really a new era for SBS. We have a handful of three year olds by Star Spangled Whiz which are exceptional, including the two that went to the Invitational. McSpangled was shown by my husband, first time out, they were really good. J Jameson was shown by Arno Honstetter in the Open, placing 6th and taking home $8000.00 And then how can we forget Mandy McCutcheon on Star Spangled Star, the Non Pro Invitational Futurity champion with a 218.5!
We’re really excited about our other stud, Wimpys High Bid, as well. Melody Made Her Bid just won the Non Pro Futurity at Reining By the Bay with Lisa Bricker! Arno is showing another Wimpys High Bid in Tulsa, BIGSHOT in the Dark, and Cade MCutcheon is showing his brother, Gonna Outbid YA. And that is not our full list of outstanding three year olds from our program!