2 minute read
from Bridle & Bit Horse Magazine September 2020 Edition - Special Yellowstone Bunk House Boys Interviews
by Bridle & Bit

Bob & Dana Avila with Kevin Costner
Q) What did it feel like to see yourself in the opening of Yellowstone and in an important scene of the show?
A) Well when you film you never know if your scenes will be used or hit the editing room floor! So it was really cool to see what they did in the opening.
Q) Wow, Yellowstone really put working cow horse on the big-stage with millions of viewers. After spending much of your life promoting NRCHA, how big an impact can that exposure be for the sport and how did it make you feel?
A) It was fantastic exposure for the Cow Horses. We have said all along that Cow Horses would be such a good fit for the show based on a working cattle ranch. We have had tons of positive feedback from all over since the episode aired.
Q) Capturing the Worlds Greatest Horseman title twice, is an incredible feat, just how tough it that event, and what have been your keys to winning?
A)The World’s Greatest is probably my favorite event. It is definitely the most challenging making all 4 events work. I’ve always approached it with a very methodical mindset. I didn’t ever try to win one leg of it, I just tried to stay as high as I could in every event. The most challenging part is not only keeping your mental mindset right, it is keeping your horses healthy and in the right mindset as well. Your horse must be prepared properly when you arrive, over schooling at the event is really not an option.
Q) Your parents Don and Pat encouraged involvement in horses, was that a big help getting started?
A) From the time I was born horses have been involved in my life. My mother even gave lessons to a very young Carol Rose when she was pregnant with me! So to answer your question "yes" it was a very big part of my beginning.
Q) After moving into the Scottsdale/ Rio Verde area and settling in, how do you like it?
A) We absolutely LOVE Arizona! My wife and I have always liked it here so it was just an easy transition to move over here. Rio Verde is just a beautiful area with so many quality horses and talented trainers. We really enjoy it.
Q) What sage advice can you share with our readers that wish to become horse trainers, and show horses for a living?
A) If you are going to be a horse trainer always have a plan B in the background. It is not an easy life, it’s a very good life, but you better love it if you decide to do it. It is a 24/7, 365 day a year job.

Bob on the set with the Crew

NRCHA Open Riders - Kelby Phillips, Todd Bergen, Bob Avila, Corey Cushing, & Tracer Gilson all appeared on camera in Episode 8, “I Killed A Man Today.”

Bob & Corey