3 minute read
Arabian horses fill their owners with a passion equal to what they hold for loved family members. So, every day to them is National Arabian Horse Day. However, on February 19, the Arabian horse is recognized as one of the most popular breeds in the world.
When asking the question, "What horse breed most exemplifies beauty, grace, stamina, athletic ability, adaptability, pride, refinement, versatility, and emotional connections with its human counterpart," the Arabian horse tops the list. From the backyard family member to Champion show horse, the Arabian horse fits every capacity a person can imagine. Their unique history and distinctive head shape also make them one of the most easily recognizable horse breeds.
Arabian Horse History
The origins of the oldest purebred Arabian horse in the world date back thousands of years to the Arabian Peninsula. The Bedouins, tribesmen of Arabia, are believed to be the first to domesticate the Arabian horse, forming a harmonious relationship in times of both peace and war, a horse that is good-natured, quick to learn, and willing to please, while also exhibiting supreme endurance and speed. A symbol of military might, cavalry needs led to the spread of the
The Arabian horse has endured for thousands of years. That's just one reason why they are so loved and admired. They are also loyal companions to young and old. Arabian horses also offer endless opportunities to be active and meet new people. Anyone can have one in their life.
HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalArabianHorseDay
Celebrate your love of the Arabian horse on National Arabian Horse Day.
• Celebrate the day with The Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show, where the Arabian horse, breeders, competitors, and enthusiasts can appreciate all the breed's magnificent qualities.

• Attend a competition to experience the qualities of the Arabian horse in action.
• Get involved! Join or attend your local affiliate club to learn more about Arabian horses.
• Visit a local Arabian horse farm near you. Go to experiencearabianhorses.com/ farm-finder to learn more.
• Share your experience and knowledge of the Arabian horse with others.
• Experience the Arabian horse and use #NationalArabianHorseDay to share on social media.
breed around the world. Still, today, the Arabian horsere tains all these desired qualities that made it so coveted. The Arabian is also the foundation for many other familiar breeds such as the Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse, Morgan, and American Saddlebred.
Arabian Horse Facts
• Beyond its unique beauty and athletic traits, the Arabian is also known for bonding with humans and its loyal disposition.
• Noted for its distinctive features, enthusiasts immediately recognize the Arabian's dished face and high tail. Other notable features include wide-set eyes, large nostrils, an arched neck, and an easy stride.
• There are over one million Arabian horses in 62countries, with the U.S. having more than half.
• The average lifespan of Arabian horses is 25-30years.
• Notable Arabian horse owners include Napoleon Bonaparte, George Washington, Wayne Newton, Patrick Swayze, and Shania Twain.
First injectable pentosan for equine osteoarthritis is approved by FDA
Appropriate management can help control the clinical signs and improve equine quality of life
Officials with the FDA have approved pentosan polysulfate sodium injection (Zycosan;
Anzac Animal Health) for the control of clinical signs associated with osteoarthritis (OA) in horses. This therapy is a heparin-like compound and is the first injectable pentosan product to receive FDA approval.
Pentosan polysulfate sodium injection will be an important addition to the available approved drugs to control the clinical signs of OA in horses, according to the FDA. It is indicated for intramuscular use in horses only and is only available with a veterinary prescription. The drug should be administered at a dose of 3 mg/kg (1.4 mg/ lb) by intramuscular injection once weekly for 4 weeks (for a total of 4 doses). Pentosan polysulfate sodium injection is supplied in a 7.5 ml single use vial.1,2
Filling a therapeutic need
OA involves the slow breakdown of joint cartilage, which can result in a variety of clinical signs such as lameness, stiffness, and joint swelling. Although there is no cure for the condition, appropriate management can help control the clinical signs of OA in horses and improve their quality of life.1
Unapproved injectable formulations of pentosan have a long history of use in horses, but the newly approved therapy is the first injectable pentosan product to have met the FDA’s standards. FDA-approved drugs have been demonstrated to be safe and effective for their intended use and have been consistently manufactured to preserve the drugs’ identity, strength, quality, and purity. The FDA is strongly encouraging veterinarians to use the legally marketed FDA-approved pentosan polysulfate sodium injection when pentosan is indicated for use in an equine patient.1

The drug’s sponsor conducted a field study of 237 client-owned horses of various breeds that were each diagnosed with osteoarthritis in 1 lame leg. In the treatment group, 120 horses received pentosan polysulfate sodium injection by intramuscular administration in the neck once every 7 days for 4 weeks for a total of 4 doses. In the control group, 117 horses were given an equal volume of saline at the same dosage regimen.1,3
Each horse’s lameness was graded on Days 0 and 28 of the study. On Day 28, improved lameness grades were demonstrated in 57% of horses in the group that received pentosan polysulfate sodium injection and 36% in the negative control group.3