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Tim Anderson Newest NRHA Million Dollar Owner
As a National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) member for more than 15 years, Tim Anderson has added multiple accomplishments to his name, including serving as the Reining Horse Foundation President, NRHA Corporate Partner, sponsor, and owner. At the 2022 NRHA Futurity, another title was added to his NRHA career, which may be the most exciting yet—becoming an NRHA Million Dollar Owner.
Anderson was an owner of three horses that competed in the NRHA Futurity MS Diamonds Level 4 Finals, a feat that is a major accomplishment in itself. “When I started my involvement with reining horses, I didn’t have this goal to become a million dollar owner,” said Anderson. “I never had any clue that we would get this involved in it. Once I started having some success with my horses, I always had the goal of being in the Top 20 Owners every year.”
“Three years ago, I saw how things were going and that my horses were on track that we might become a million dollar owner before retiring in the industry,” he continued. “This year [2022] happened to be my most successful year with my horses, and I didn’t know that until the fall. We won three futurities, and when all three made the finals, I knew we would go over the threshold.”
Anderson has found success as a breeder, picking successful yearlings, and in his partnerships— all of which were showcased at the 2022 NRHA Futurity. Of the three horses in the Level 4 finals, one was bred from a mare he owned since she was two, one he chose as an early yearling, and the third one was a partnership with good friend and past NRHA President Rick Clark.
“To go over the million dollar mark at the big show, the one we all dream about, and to have three in the Level 4 Finals when that doesn’t happen very often, it was a huge moment of excitement and accomplishment,” he said. “We did it the old-fashioned way. Our horses have won some derbies and futurities but not the NRHA Derby or Futurity, we just chipped away at it year after year. It’s possible to chip away at the goal, and you don’t need to win a major to do it.”
Anderson and his family have been involved in the agricultural industry throughout their lives, both with their business and passions, and in the horse industry specifically for decades. Although originally in the halter and pleasure industry, Anderson fell in love with the reining industry for the fair judging system.
“Picking the right horses is a lot of luck, but my abilities are higher power given,” he said. “I was born with my abilities, and there’s no doubt about it. I can’t point my finger at one person. My mother had a huge impact on it, she was a long-term breeder and exhibitor and had a lot of influence on me reading pedigrees, reading confirmation, and trainers’ abilities. I have a good eye for animals, I have been in the livestock business for 40 years, and it sounds corny, but animals with me, and I can talk with them. It isn’t like Doctor Doolittle, but I can walk into barns and tell you within ten seconds if the animals are feeling good and the environment is comfortable for them. I have always had a very good eye for a horse.”
Although Anderson may not have initially set his sights on the million dollar mark, his appreciation for the journey and each person who helped meet the accomplishment is evident. “My partner Kim [Niven] has been a huge supporter and never questioned my moves or what I do with the horses, she also shows and has always been there 100 percent, he said. “I have great partners and am never afraid to have a partner, and all of them are done with a handshake, if it can’t be done with a handshake, we don’t do it. There have been many trainers and people who work their tails off for these trainers on my way to one million.
It is a very hard industry to work in and can be very stressful, so there have been many people who contributed to this, from grooms to lopers, saddlers, and more. “