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Special Awards Galore at the 2023 APHA World Championship Show
By Jessica Hein
Select awards at the APHA World Championship Show honor outstanding exhibitors, owners and breeders who shine in the Fort Worth spotlight, and we can’t wait to honor these special recipients this year! Read the World Show Premium Book for full details and entry information to make sure you’re in the running.
The World Show takes place June 23 – July 9 at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, Texas.
Leading Owner Award — NEW!
Presented to the owner earning the most points from horses placing in the Top 10 in all world championship classes at the 2023 APHA World Show.
All divisions (Youth, Amateur, Open) count toward the award. Challenge, Sweepstakes, futurities, stakes and other non-world championship classes do not count toward this award. At least two of that owner’s horses must be exhibited to qualify for this award. No additional entry is required. Leading Breeder Award. Presented to the breeder earning the most points from horses placing in the Top 10 in all world championship classes at the 2023 APHA World Show.
All divisions (Youth, Amateur, Open) count toward the award. Challenge, Sweepstakes, futurities, stakes and other non-world championship classes do not count toward this award. At least three of that breeder’s horses must be exhibited to qualify for this award. No additional entry is required.
Leading Owner/Breeder/Exhibitor Award: Presented to the individual who is the owner, breeder and exhibitor of horses earning the most points in the Top 10 in all world championship classes at the 2023 APHA World Show.
All divisions (Youth, Amateur, Open) count toward the award. Challenge, Sweepstakes, futurities, stakes and other non-world championship classes do not count toward this award.
The exhibitor must be the current recorded owner and recorded breeder (or a member of their immediate family) per APHA records (see AM-020 for eligibility rules)
Ireland’s Urban Horses
Ireland’s housing estates continue to ring to the sound of horses with patches of grass used for grazing and garages as stables. Horses used to be an integral part of cities across Europe until the middle of the 20th century. But in Ireland, no matter how hard the authorities have tried to dissuade residents from keeping horses, the tradition survives.
Although horses have long been associated with the travelling community, Irish people from all backgrounds have a passion for owning them. For those on lower incomes, that’s often in housing estates and even in city centres. Some horses can be bought for the price of a packet of cigarettes and although there are supposedly strict ownership rules, these are routinely flouted. The authorities are caught between trying to protect animal welfare and respecting a key part of Irish culture.
Must declare eligibility for this award by 5 p.m. on June 23, listing all horses to be included. No late entries or additional horses will be accepted.
2023 World Show All-Around Awards: Prize packages include a trophy saddle certificate for champions, along with many other prizes for champions and reserve winners—see the World Show Premium Book for details!
All-Around Open Show Horse (excludes reining, working cow horse, cutting, roping, mounted shooting, speed and ranch classes)
All-Around Open Western Performance Horse (includes reining, working cow horse, cutting, roping, mounted shooting and speed classes only). All-Around Open English Performance Horse
All-Around Open Solid Paint-Bred Show Horse (excludes ranch classes; all other classes count), All-Around Open Exhibitor, All-Around Amateur 19-44 (excludes ranch classes; all other classes count), All-Around Masters Amateur (excludes ranch classes; all other classes count), All-Around Amateur Solid Paint-Bred (excludes ranch classes; all other classes count), All-Around Novice Amateur (excludes ranch classes; all other classes count, All-Around Amateur Walk-Trot, All-Around Youth 13 & Under (excludes ranch classes; all other classes count), All-Around Youth 14-18 (excludes ranch classes; all other classes count), All-Around Youth Solid Paint-Bred (excludes ranch classes; all other classes count), All-Around Novice Youth (excludes ranch classes; all other classes count), All-Around Youth Walk-Trot, All-Around Open Ranch Horse (includes ranch classes only), All-Around Open Solid Paint-Bred Ranch Horse (includes ranch classes only), All-Around Amateur Ranch (includes ranch classes only), All-Around Amateur Solid Paint-Bred Ranch (includes ranch classes only), All-Around Novice Amateur Ranch (includes ranch classes only), All-Around Youth Ranch (includes ranch classes only) and All-Around Youth Solid Paint-Bred Ranch (includes ranch classes only)