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Mike Wood Interview
Q -What does it take to create a winning team?
A - It definitely takes a team to win in cutting! Starting with a horse that wants to win. The horse has to have the desire to win and love his job, and have a stylish way of working. Next factor is the rider/showman, this person has to have that competitive edge and focus to compete day in and day out. There will be tough times but you can’t be successful without the ups and downs. Keeping that focus on the goal and working hard to improve are key! There are also many people involved in the team that you don’t see in the arena. It ranges from the trainer, the loper, the manager of the business, the vet, the farrier, the groom, every single one of these people are important in creating a successful team!
Q - How important is the horse in cutting?
A - The horse, the driving force and love of so many. Cutting is based on a horse that has that natural cow sense and great athleticism. A horse has to think on its own and react to that cow, this makes the horse very important in cutting!
Q - How does it feel to experience a client entering the NCHA Hall of Fame?
A - It’s very rewarding to have a client be successful and reach goals at any level but to have one go in the Hall of Fame is extraordinary. Cutting is a difficult and highly competitive sport and to reach that level is very rewarding!
Q - Dawn Chapman’s Clays Little Kit Cat that you have shown in the Open, as well as Dawn having shown him as well. That is a lot! It is a real juggling act and most horses usually cannot handle that scenario. Tell us a bit about Clays Little Kit Cat.
A - Kit Cat is the epitome of a great cutting horse. He is strong and stout, he’s quick and has lots of stop, he’s very “cowy”, he’s stylish, but most of all he loves his job!! In order for a horse to go in the hall of fame or win for a lengthy period of time, he has to be sturdy and love his job. To this day he loves to go to a cutting!!
Q -Horseshoe Park is the center of the cutting horse world in Arizona. How do you feel about the Park?
A - I travel all over the United States attending cutting horse shows and Horseshoe Park is one of the best facilities around! The AzCHA has been hosting our shows there for quite a few years now and it’s great to hear people from all around say that they love coming to Horseshoe to cut!
Q - What are three tips you can offer aspiring equestrians be it in the cutting discipline or other discipline?
A - 1. Find a program that fits your needs and wants. Whether it’s a club show, weekend shows, or aged events, they’re different programs and trainers to choose from so do some research and find what works for you. 2. To be successful you have to be a student of the sport. You have to focus on your lessons and learn from each time you show. Watching your videos and trying to improve are important, one goal at a time. 3. Enjoy the journey! We all want to win and be competitive but we can’t win every time we step into the arena. Keep your eye on the goal and enjoy the ride. Remember, we do this for the love of the horse!