14 minute read
Q - When establishing your new Tequila brand, what posed the greatest challenge in the entire process for you and your team?
A - First of all, thank you Ms. Tracy for interviewing me about our new BAJARRIBA Tequila brand. We are very excited to share this incredible tasting product made with 100% Blue Weber fully matured agaves from the Highlands of Jalisco, Mexico.
Yes, there were many challenges in creating a new product and especially one where all the ingredients, components and vendors are in a completely different country than the one in which you reside. One of the most difficult tasks was in finding all the vendors necessary for the creation of the bottle itself from locating a mold maker who could manufacture a two-piece steel mold to in which the hot, molten, recycled glass is poured, thus bringing to life the shape of the glass bottle who is another vendor – the glass blower or bottle maker. In having a unique shaped glass bottle of which we wanted to be an artisan hand crafted and painted we then had to locate an artistic bottle painter instead of just having a simple label designed, printed and slapped onto our bottles.
Once we had the bottle problems fixed and altered many times so as no breakage issues we then had to get lettering, alcohol content, warning labels and bottle size all approved by both government agencies – the CRT in Mexico and the TBB in the United States (each with their own set of rules and regulations), thus we have two different languages on each bottle – English for the US market and Spanish for the Mexico market. Also, there was the journey of finding a reputable, synthetic cork manufacturer, box manufacturer, and most importantly finding the perfect distillery whose Master Distiller is well respected, trustworthy and Does Not Take Short Cuts in their production process by using young, immature three- to four-year-old agaves and then having to add sugar to create the tequila flavor and making it sweeter than tequila should and originally was made to taste. Then comes the need to acquire an import company to transfer the product from Mexico into the USA. And before all of this we needed to interview and find a good fit for a distributor in both Arizona and California, the first two markets we decided to enter. We have since added Nevada and are looking to find a distributor in Texas as our next state of Bajarriba tequila distribution.
From the date I created the Tres Cabo Amigos, LLC in October of 2020 until our first bottle was delivered to us in December 2022 my partners and I had traveled to Guadalajara and the surrounding areas of the state of Jalisco several times to meet with dozens of vendors, distillers before finding the right fit and then traveling back and forth to make certain everything was taking place as planned. Over two years of planning, development, disappointment and finally elation of getting an excellent product to present to the consumer exactly as perceived. One of the most difficult accomplishments in my lifetime with many thanks to my wife Connie who designed the bottle and the co-founders (Jay Nance & Mike Hill), my partners (Mark Nuessle, Marinette Garcia, Ira Gaines & Tom Chambers), the vendors, our distributors who have all played a grand role in helping me create this dream of having my own tequila brand. And thanks to the many restaurants, bars and liquor stores who are helping us get this unique product out to the consumers. Our goal is for Bajarriba to touch as many lips as possible.
Q - Given the vastness of the tequila market, your decision to design a bottle reminiscent of Baja California aims to make your product stand out. How has this distinctive packaging influenced the launch of your product in 2023?
A - Great question as you are absolutely correct in stating the vastness of the tequila market as there are literally over 3,000 (3136) brands of tequila made in Mexico at 122 registered distilleries according to Tequila Matchmaker a mobile app of which can tell you which tequilas and distilleries are Non-Additive approved as is our distillery NOM 1107 and our brand is currently in process of being certified Non-Additive and added onto the exclusive list of which there are currently only 111 Additive Free brands of which BAJARRIBA will add one to that number.
Our decision on creating a unique Baja Peninsula up-side down shaped bottle was based on the three founders having met each other in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California and our love for the Baja and wanting to give tribute to the Mexicans who share their country and their tequila with us gringos. The distinctive packaging has helped us to launch a great product and we set an opening day and opening week sales record with both our California Distributor – 88 Spirits Corp. and with Old Town Tequila, a tequila store and on-line spirits store in San Diego, CA. Bajarriba Tequila sold more bottles on opening day and for the week of any new launching spirits or wine ever for both entities. Even our great friend and consultant Mr. Jim Riley stated in a letter that in all his years in the spirits business and as a founder of his own tequila brand – Azuñia, he had never witnessed such sales success as a new, unknown brand opening. This was due to much social media pre-selling and of sharing our entire process from idea, having the bottle developed, our trips to Mexico, our failures and our triumphs by both Jay Nance and me. Too, I wrote some Blog entries and stories sharing our journey which all helped in a very successful launch.
Too, our unique bottle and our coin inserted medallion wooden topper with synthetic cork is what helped us win the coveted “Brand of Promise” Bottle / Packaging of the Year by Tequila Aficionado Media and Magazine as announced in December 2022 issue, this was before we had even sold a single bottle of tequila. Both our Plata and Reposado expressions were finalists for “Tequila of the Year” a testament to the distillery owned by Juan Edwardo Nuñez and his Master Distiller – Ms. Karina Rojo, one of the few women with this title in a masculine dominated country.
Q - Starting from the moment you seriously contemplated creating your own tequila brand, how much time elapsed before it became a tangible reality?
A - I began talking with my two Amigos, Mike & Jay in September 2020 and sharing my dream with them of starting my own tequila brand as I had met both Mike and Jay in Cabo some 15 years prior as they both lived there, and I was on a book tour with my best seller “My Bad Tequila” novel. I had book signings at both their bars, Mike owned Miguel Loco’s and Jay had the Cabo Lounge. Jay and Mike already knew each other by both being in the restaurant / bar industry and the three of us became good friends. Fast forward to 2020 and both Mike and Jay were living in Arizona and thus the ease of forming a company amongst friends and tequila lovers. Mike shared an idea he had of a Baja shaped bottle, and I showed my wife Connie who is a graphic designer and artist perfected it and we came up with the name from Baja Arriba to form one single unique word – BAJARRIBA which loosely translates to “Bottoms Up.” I then came up with a catch phrase “Sip out of Cabo” of which I have trademarked along with our bottle design and Bajarriba name. In late November 2022 our product was delivered to California, and we sold our first bottle early December of that month and won bottle of the Year at the same time due to sharing our story and journey on social media. So just a bit over two years, our story and journey on social media. So just a bit over two years, 27 hardworking, arduous months from creating the LLC until delivery of product.
Q - For individuals with aspirations, what three pieces of advice would you share with them as they navigate the path toward realizing their dreams?
A - Wow, what three pieces of advice would I share to those who want to realize their dream and make it a reality? (1) Try to get a position in the tequila industry so that you can begin to understand all the nuances involved from the distillery viewpoint, bottling, packaging and of course comprehending the distribution end of it. If you can’t or don’t want to try and work in the industry prior I would strongly suggest researching and doing your due diligence beforehand and know exactly everything you will need and coming up with a solid business plan and the sacrifices you will have to make. Even by doing this, there will be extra steps and duties that will come along that were not foreseen or contemplated. The sacrifice of time spent with family and friends and vacations, etc. will all need to be considered by you and only you. (2) Make certain you have all the resources available to you, such as numero uno: dinero, knowledge, industry contacts, know and study the laws, regulations and which government entities are involved, know your competition, industry trends, societal beliefs, economic factors and to the best of your ability to analyze or predict the future economy of spending for your product or service and whether it would be considered a need vs. want or commodity vs. luxury product. Do a four corner SWOT Analysis consisting of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats. (3) After you have completed and checked off all the pieces of advice given thus far, then reevaluate, go over again, as you will most likely find something that you overlooked and then again, make certain you have enough, Mas Dinero!
Q - Despite your busy schedule, what motivated you to take on the new venture of developing a tequila brand with your unique recipe?
A - Yes, I am working, traveling full time as a manufacturer representative selling commercial truck tires and construction tires in the Western 13 states and working another full time position as Managing Partner / Spokesperson for Tres Cabo Amigos, LLC which owns the tequila brand Bajarriba. This involves tequila tastings and events, trying to sell to new customers, visiting existing customers, marketing and sales ideas, handling inventory, invoicing and ordering tequila as well as keeping up-to-date and in touch with our Mexican vendors. My writing has been almost nonexistent, and I do miss that very much. My motivation was in developing and having my own brand of tequila and proving to myself that I could do it with the limited resources I had as it is recommended that you have at least $2 million dollars before even considering taking on developing your own liquor brand especially tequila because everything is done outside the US. I suppose this is why mostly celebrities are involved in the new brands we all hear about as they have the never-ending funding which is needed. The recipe of true tasting tequila is unique as per our distillery and the exact reason why we chose the distillery Tequila El Viejito as it is always consistent with only mature agaves and Old-World, time-tested cooking method using pure, deep well water, copper / stainless steel pots and slow roasting in “hornos” (brick ovens) for ultimate flavor.
Q - Rumor has it that Bajarriba will be served at Turf Paradise, is there any truth to that or would you care to tell us about that?
A - Yes, fortunately that rumor has complete truth to it and our team is over-the-top excited about BAJARRIBA being the “Official and the Only Tequila” served at Turf Paradise on its reopening of January 29th, 2024, just a couple of days ago where we had a tequila tasting on opening day and will have another on Super Bowl Sunday, February 11th, 2024 and again during the running of the 150th Kentucky Derby on Saturday, May 4th, 2024. Thanks to our Amigo and customer Keith Kottke owner of CD’s Sports Pub & Grill located at 32409 N. Scottsdale Rd. in North Scottsdale who has been awarded the food and beverage contract at Turf Paradise we have been asked if we would supply Bajarriba to the Turf Paradise horse racetrack as his customers, friends and even his bartenders

such as Lori and Connor have told him what a great tequila we have. We urge all you horse racing fans, equestrian lovers and tequila enthusiasts to come out and join us in the festivities and tastings at these fun events coming up.
Q - Is there anything else that you would like to share with us of why Bajarriba Tequila should be considered as an option when selecting it versus some of the other well-known national brands?
A -First of all we are an Arizona owned and based company with 51% ownership by women.
Now, one of the things I am most proud of is our team partners and founders in GIVING BACK. Tres Cabo Amigos, LLC was giving back to the Baja Mexico as early as October 2020, over two years before having tequila to sell. Bajarriba Tequila is a proud supporter of many organizations in Baja Mexico and here in the U.S. that help orphaned and abandoned children including FLCK (Feeding Los Cabos Kids), Corazon de Vida and Los Cabos Missions for Christ. We are also proud supporters of our Veterans and Wounded Warriors. Too, we support local charities and organizations such as Cowboys for Kids and the Cave Creek Rodeo. One of our partners Mr. Mark Nuessle and his wife Beverly are the yearly HOSTS for HopeKids AZ and raise literally tens of thousands of dollars each and every year to help these terminally ill / diagnosed children and giving them hope in looking forward to fun activities instead of hospital visits.
We have a partner Mr. Tom Chambers, former NBA All Star and a Phoenix Suns Legend who has on numerous occasions donated his time and his personal Suns tickets to this and many other organizations. This year thus far in 2023 Tres Cabo Amigos and the Bajarriba Family have donated more than 10% of our annual sales to at least 11 different charities. For more information on how you can help, go to our Bajarriba.com website and click onto the
tab of “GIVING BACK”. Mentioning website, I would like to give a personal thank you to partner Mr. Jay Nance for the outstanding work he has accomplished with our website and social media.
Q - Where and how can our readers find out where they can get / find Bajarriba in Arizona & elsewhere you have distribution?
A - Yes, thank you for this question to help all your readers be able to purchase and /or taste BAJARRIBA Tequila. If you go to our website Bajarriba.com or click onto the QR code on our ad in this issue of Bridle and Bit Magazine it will take you directly to where you can order on-line through Old Town Tequila which ships to about 30 of the US states including most if not all of the Western Horse States. Too, if you are located in Arizona or California or Las Vegas there are several of the liquor stores, restaurants and bars listed where Bajarriba can be purchased, sipped by itself or blended in a delicious margarita. There are lots of great bars and restaurants listed in the Cave Creek and Scottsdale, AZ area as that is where I make my home. A few to list are Mountain View Pub, Harold’s Corral and Cave Creek Patio Grill in Cave Creek as well as Juan Jaime’s Tacos & Tequila, Kasai Japanese Steakhouse, Trevor’s Liquor, Modern Sports Grill in DC Ranch, Los Olivos Mexican Patio all located in Scottsdale, Arizona.
We also have a couple of fun events coming up where Bajarriba is a Sponsor or being tasted: Mountain View Pub for St. Patrick’s Day celebration on March 16th & 17th and at Cave Creek Rodeo in the Stockman’s Club on Thursday, 21st – Sunday, 24th. In California we will be hosting a tasting with Tequila Aficionado Media in Pasadena at El Cholo Mexican Restaurant for National Margarita Day on February 24th, 2024.
Too, we will be introducing our Añejo expression in late February or early March 2024 which will have been aged / reposed for 24 months. I personally can’t wait to taste this as it will be similar to a fine, aged cognac – perfectly delicious for sipping and sharing on special occasions with family and friends.