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Cave Creek Equine adds Hallmarq Standing Equine sMRI to Help Improve Lameness Diagnosis
We are pleased to tell you that together with our highquality products and equipment, we now will be offering Hallmarq’s Standing Equine MRI system (sMRI) which will bring the same diagnostic capability that human medicine offers to equine clinical practice, with the equine patient at the forefront of every design decision.

Cave Creek Equine’s newest Hallmarq sMRI provides a definitive diagnosis, better treatment, and ultimate support. By visualizing slices through tissue, sMRI can quickly and precisely localize damage to both bone and soft tissues without the need for anesthesia!! Diagnostic in over 90% of cases, Standing Equine MRI (sMRI) identifies the specific cause of lameness! SMRI provides clinicians better guidance for treatment: More Accurate Diagnosis, Quick & Affordable Answers, A Clear Picture of Chronic Lameness, Scan Multiple Regions, Visualize Tissues & Densities, Effectively Guide Treatment
To help vets quickly and safely diagnose the cause of equine lameness, Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging addition of Standing Equine Leg CT (slCT) to its product range, increasing access to advanced imaging for all equine vet practices. Hallmarq is introducing the new slCT after achieving success imaging standing sedated horses in collaboration with their UK-based clinical trial sites. Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging pioneered the development of standing MRI for horses and the new standing CT scanner uses a simple and safe design, with a unique low, flat platform for quick and easy entry and exit of the standing sedated horse.
The system uses a novel dual-concentric ring design which enables the detector plate to remain very close to the region of interest, thereby improving image quality. Using slCT ensures equine practices have access to 3D imaging in the evaluation of their lameness cases. Hallmarq is one of the few companies to incorporate motion correction technology to better ensure high quality, clear images in the standing patient.

For more information contact Cave Creek Equine Surgical & Imaging Center at (623) 581-5508, or visit cavecreekequine.com
This technology is often considered out of reach for many clinics and horse owners. However, Hallmarq considers the total cost of ownership in its design decisions, providing an affordable solution to most clinics. Their unique financial models and low start-up costs negate the need for up front capital expenditure and their flexible monthly payment options take seasonality into account. For any horse owner, the treat, rest, repeat loop of lameness diagnosis is both costly and time consuming. Early use of advanced imaging to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem minimises the overall cost associated with getting horses back on track.
Hallmarq has capitalized on over 20 years of experience with their unique Standing Equine MRI (sMRI) to create this additional tool for equine vets to fully evaluate and diagnose bony disease in the equine lower limb, including 3D visualization of fractures. CT combines hundreds of x-rays to create a 3D digital image, which can then be viewed as thin slices from any direction, eliminating overlapping structures and revealing minute detail in bone and cartilage. slCT complements their sMRI which highlights soft tissue and metabolic changes and together they provide an even more powerful diagnostic aid.