3 minute read


Why is Thomas Tull spending millions on horses, a small fortune on trainers, and buying events like the American Rodeo? Even the wealthiest in the stable are stunned to see they are no match at sponsorship of events, or at the auction if Thomas Tull wants that horse. The whole scene is interesting to watch as those that for so long have used their millionaire fortunes and power to compete, with an advantage, now find themselves competing with billionaire funding, and a fella with a plan.

What is Mr. Tull’s end game? It is pure speculation to guess that the most logical outcome is an initial public offering for the conglomerate he creates in the horse world. The organization is expected to include divisions for: apparel, horse breeding and showing, special events, media, and significant real estate holdings all of which are rolled into one large holding company to take public, many years from now.


The Thomas Tull story is one of the American dream.

Raised in a small community in upstate New York, Tull and his two young sisters watched as their single mom worked two jobs. Recognizing the need, he jumped into work to help pay the bills from mowing lawns to shoveling snow. Besides excelling in sports, his intellectual curiosity, and interest in science served him well at school. He had an urge to turn his dreams into something he did. And, at an early age decided he wanted to work for himself.

Right out of school, in the early 90’s while living in an economically challenged area he spotted that a local repair shop was going out of business. Unable to even change the oil, or repair a car himself, he eyed it as a possible business he could run. He discovered most of the tools and equipment were about to be repossessed. So, he found out who held the notes and approached them with the premise that they could auction the stuff for pennies on the dollar or, keep it all together and let him try and make a go of it and they did.

In almost every case, the repair shop, laundromat, tax centers, and movies he has entered businesses he knew little or nothing about. Instead, he understood people, their behavior, their needs and wants and recognized how those enterprises could better serve their customers

Thomas Tull likes simple propositions. He is a self-made billionaire, (3.4), executing a proven business model that deploys technology solutions to problems he encounters in businesses. He is the founder, and Chief Executive Officer of the private holding company Tulco LLC. Tulco focuses on streamlining bulky, old-fashioned industries through technology. Their aim is to transform industries using the power of data science and artificial intelligence. They search for industries with static business models that afford them the opportunity to take part ownership in companies that can scale into a larger

Ghost Hounds Opening act for the Rolling Stones, ZZ Top, and Bob Segar.

Thomas Tull

Thomas and his wife Alba

Thomas and his wife Alba extended their wealth into The Tull Family Foundation which empowers people and communities to innovate and thrive. The foundation creates opportunity for change and transforms lives in under-funded communities. It achieves these goals thru focus on education, conservation, and medical and scientific research.

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