Transforming a digital society mylife

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Synchronized Intelligence

Wearable Intelligence

1. The SIS and LMS market leaders must become thought leaders and transformers. 2. The SIS and LMS landscape should more closely model the emergence and blending of technology devices, access, and content. 3. We can no longer confuse content, delivery, and access. They will all blend together… but only for those who comprehend the difference, will be successfully in blending them. 4. We will see the blending of personalized analytics for life, learning, education, and work proactively address the real needs of individuals. 5. It is no longer acceptable to allow GPS navigation systems to be more advanced than education and career navigations systems. No industry has as much intellectual and research capacity as education. It’s time to lead. 6. It is no longer acceptable to have eHarmony, and CARFAX be capable of ‘matching’ and ‘Designing’ the perfect partners for automobiles and dating – yet leave education and career matching to coincidence or chance. 7. Students desire to design their own experience and products including coffees, merchandise and soon their own education-­‐to-­‐work journey. 8. The technology exists to far out pace eHarmony, CARFAX, Garmin GPS, etc. to make a quantum leap toward actually helping every global citizen realize their place and dreams in the world. 9. The world is waiting for an education technology company to become the first to deliver a consumer based ‘solution’ that gives consumer access to intelligence that provides guidance and direction. 10. SaaS, IaaS, and cloud computing make it possible for every global citizen to have access to databanks of smart-­‐data. (upon their opting into the databank) 11. An intelligent education ‘SIRI’ equivalent will be the ‘Game-­‐Changer’ in conjunction with a EPS (GPS) system.



Digital Intelligence 1. Wearable intelligence, synchronized intelligence, and digital personal intelligence have changed the game for every company that wants a fresh strategy. 2. The combination of mobile/wearable technology with the Internet of ‘Me’ -­‐-­‐ the SIS and LMS as we know them will become de-­‐clustered visualization elements for students to wear with them – (Fluid Technology) 3. If Facebook can allow people to press a button at the end of the year to personalizes all their annual ‘posts, pictures, blogs, and videos’ to tell a full story of each member, surely LMS can arrange the same model of ‘sharing a dream, direction, or match’ for every citizen; based on the DNA of their self-­‐selected digital assets at work, school, and within social communities. 4. The current free internet-­‐based education and career data elements, combined with the solutions of companies like Parchment and Clearinghouse, allow students to access all the data in bits and pieces. However, one tech-­‐leader will need to emerge to become the Costco or WalMart of educational digital access. 5. Degree Compass, ECPS, EDUFax, and other education apps are pieces of the current change, but are not themselves the silver bullet. All the pieces are only revenue generators, but not the Amazon type change that D2L is capable of becoming within education. 6. Governmental policy allows students to self-­‐select how they share their documents and records. 7. ConnectEDU, InBloom, and MYEDU lived short lives because of the intent to sell collected data sets of students records – violated parts of FERPA, and agitating teacher unions. The Degree Compass/EPS/ECPS systems work opposite of these companies, in that each student owns the data, application, or software and self-­‐selects to participate, while keeping their own data protected. 8. A new educational match-­‐making or “MYLIFE” Advisor will be the pulling and comparing of personal experiences, engagements, and self-­‐selected records -­‐-­‐ against all the education, career, and work data.

In 2015, Connectivity will be the default in the Products you use most. things in use will be connected Globally; up 30% year after year. (Gartner. 2014)


Training and education will be accessed, taken, and achieved on the ‘fly’

Early Alerts will be designed by each individual, allowing them to speed-­‐up by traveling on the EduBahn – Where life, work, play, and education flow and travel together.

Technology becomes fluid. The fluidity of intelligence, education, social access, and personal attributes gives instant and life changing awareness

Students share their ‘designed-­‐by-­‐me’ elements with a global learning and exchange commons who they are and what they dream of becoming

Social & Personal Engagement Access

Beacon and Wireless Technology allows Living in Fast-­‐Forward

SIS and LMS data elements are distributed in bite-­‐size visualization elements that finally have meaning to students, parents, and employers. The students securely opt-­‐into a designed-­‐by-­‐me analysis by D2L.


Instantly and spontaneously pulling all life experiences and interactions to create a blueprint for each citizen to learn and work in a Global MyLife GPSCloudWorld.



Documents of Evidence Educational Compare Degree Audit -­‐ College Measures Diplomas -­‐ ETS Resume -­‐ FAFSA Job Reviews -­‐ College Transparency Testing/evaluation -­‐ College Board Certifications/Credenti -­‐ EducationConnection als Badges Directional Elements Competencies Stackable Credentials Educational Elements Career Clusters Core Competences Khan Academy CollegeTransparency EdX CollegeBoard Digital Repositories Clearing House VR/AR Libraries Gaming Elements

MyLife GPSCloud eduHarmony


MyLife Advisor becomes the video and audio ‘Siri’ for education and careers


Technology that flows with all citizens

Synchronized and personalized Life Technology

Transactional and Global Positioning Technology (EPS)

Proprietary and Confidential -­‐ Mike Mathews – Feb. 04, 2016

Styles of Learning MOOCs Khan Academy Competency Based Corporate Licensure Degree-­‐Based Badges Competencies

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