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Visions of the Frontier
Oklahoma-based photographer Kirsten Griffin, who is used to turning her camera toward remote parts of the world, finds beauty in her own home region
The first time she picked up the camera was to capture her newborn daughter. From that moment on, Kirsten Griffin fell in love with photography. Nature’s flora and fauna are often her subject matter, as she finds them to be filled with beauty. Her approach is to be present in the moment and let the “analytical side” of her brain rest, in order to have her intuition guide her, she said. “I think it’s just being honest, finding things that are beautiful, finding things that I’m resonating with.”
Oklahoma, where Griffin is based, is home to 39 Native American tribal nations. She considers herself fortunate to live in an area where tribes often hold public powwows that she can witness and photograph. “It’s just gorgeous to see the dignity … and this deep connection to their heritage,” she said.