Brighton Energy Coop project update - 9th December 2013

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Project Update: Installaion under way at Phase 1 – now fundraising for Phase 2! The first framing rails are fixed to the roof of Shed 10 at Shoreham Port

Join Brighton Energy Coop! We have several big community-owned solar projects in development. Members receive a 5% return on their investment plus the potential for a 30% tax break on the amount invested.

Project Update: Installaion under way at Phase 1 – now fundraising for Phase 2! Eventually the system will look like this, but first...

Join Brighton Energy Coop! We have several big community-owned solar projects in development. Members receive a 5% return on their investment plus the potential for a 30% tax break on the amount invested.

Project Update: Installaion under way at Phase 1 – now fundraising for Phase 2!

...the complete framing system is installed, composed of more than a mile of framing rods.

Join Brighton Energy Coop! We have several big community-owned solar projects in development. Members receive a 5% return on their investment plus the potential for a 30% tax break on the amount invested.

Project Update: Installaion under way at Phase 1 – now fundraising for Phase 2!

Meanwhile, our Fronius inverters are installed, ready to switch the Direct Current output of the solar panels to mains AC

Join Brighton Energy Coop! We have several big community-owned solar projects in development. Members receive a 5% return on their investment plus the potential for a 30% tax break on the amount invested.

Project Update: Installaion under way at Phase 1 – now fundraising for Phase 2! Materials are hoisted onto the roof via a large cherry picker.

Join Brighton Energy Coop! We have several big community-owned solar projects in development. Members receive a 5% return on their investment plus the potential for a 30% tax break on the amount invested.

Project Update: Installaion under way at Phase 1 – now fundraising for Phase 2! The cabling to connect panels to inverters - more than 6 miles of 4mm cable will be used to connect all the panels together

Join Brighton Energy Coop! We have several big community-owned solar projects in development. Members receive a 5% return on their investment plus the potential for a 30% tax break on the amount invested.

Project Update: Installaion under way at Phase 1 – now fundraising for Phase 2! MC4 connectors - these clip to the panels to harvest the solar electricty and send it on its way to the inverters

Join Brighton Energy Coop! We have several big community-owned solar projects in development. Members receive a 5% return on their investment plus the potential for a 30% tax break on the amount invested.

Project Update: Installaion under way at Phase 1 – now fundraising for Phase 2! Our installers stringing out the cabling across the framing system.

Join Brighton Energy Coop! We have several big community-owned solar projects in development. Members receive a 5% return on their investment plus the potential for a 30% tax break on the amount invested.

Project Update: Installaion under way at Phase 1 – now fundraising for Phase 2! Cabling is then collected together in gutering systems, which draw together the output of the panel and channel it off the roof

Join Brighton Energy Coop! We have several big community-owned solar projects in development. Members receive a 5% return on their investment plus the potential for a 30% tax break on the amount invested.

Project Update: Installaion under way at Phase 1 – now fundraising for Phase 2! The gutering leads off two sides of the Shed, to two grid connecion points.

Join Brighton Energy Coop! We have several big community-owned solar projects in development. Members receive a 5% return on their investment plus the potential for a 30% tax break on the amount invested.

Project Update: Installaion under way at Phase 1 – now fundraising for Phase 2! Next stage is the installaion of the panels, currently awaiing paiently by the side of the Shed. Stay posted for more updates next week!

Join Brighton Energy Coop! We have several big community-owned solar projects in development. Members receive a 5% return on their investment plus the potential for a 30% tax break on the amount invested.

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