1 minute read
It’s easy to want to dive head first into a new year with big, bold plans to turbo charge your growth. New year, new me, right? Let’s take this business all the way to the next level!
*Ahem* Not wanting to be the proverbial pooper at the party, but I would first ask you to cast your mind back over the last year or so.
It won’t be a far throw to recall times when the same proverbial hit the fan:
• Maybe you became ill at the worst possible time (is there ever a good time with no sickies for business owners?)
• An unexpected curve ball came out of left of field
• Massive fluctuations in staff probably had you scrambling more often than you’d like
Long story short: life happens. And it’s at times like this you wish you had better organisation inside your organisation
So in preparation for crafting your next vision board, I would urge you to first reflect on the unfolded laundry lying around inside your business.
And the biggest pile is often your financial data.
I know, I know. That sounds much less fun than planning your next product launch. Or hitting your next revenue milestone. But it’s not only the proper data organisation, but the clarity that comes from it, that will give you that strong foundation your next bright idea can be built upon. '
And, when the unexpected happens, your knowledge and confidence will be at the ready. Still not convinced? I want to share three scenarios with you I’ve seen in my time from people I’ve worked with who neglected to stay personally engaged with their financial data… and then the reality check came a knocking.