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[New] She’s running for State Politics
- Why?
v“Why not?” she said. “I have been asked continually over the past year to run and I finally said yes.”
“I want people to think about this, the moment they get up in the morning to the moment they go to bed at night, Council touches their lives in some way, shape, or form.”
She has now joined the National Party because they asked her and because she aligns with their values.
Peta continues, “And the other thing is, the National Party represents the region's rural, regional Australia. And rural regional New South Wales is where the bulk of the people are moving to. Since COVID. People have reshaped and reassessed their lives, moving to regions like ours for a better lifestyle.” vPutting her Mayoral hat on, she says it's her job as the leader of Council to ensure that a better lifestyle is provided. If she puts her Candidate hat on, it's her job she says to ensure she is elected so she can represent the concerns of the constituents at a State level as well.
Election day is March 25, but campaigning for Peta will start after Australia Day.