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Reynols is one of the longest running inclusive rock bands which is led by a Down Syndrome drummer/singer called Miguel Tomasín.
Outspoken singer, drummer and spiritual architect Miguel Tomasin has Down’s syndrome and shapes the band’s unique and playful sense for conceptual sound art.
Reynols are living legends of the international underground. Many history lessons have been written about them, still they remain one of the world’s most mysterious and challenging groups. The band has extensively collaborated with other like-minded innovators, most notably Pauline Oliveros, The Nihilist Spasm Band, and Acid Mothers Temple.
For his work within Reynols, Miguel Tomasín has been considered one of the most relevant personalities with Down Syndrome worldwide and his name is mentioned in several books on Neuroscience and Neurodiversity.

REYNOLS will release its new album “Gona Rubian Ranesa” on Canadian label Outlier Communications. The record will be available in LP and digital formats and is the band first studio record in 17 years.
This record was cut by the classic Argentinian quartet of Miguel Tomasin, Anla Courtis, Roberto Conlazo and Pacu Conlazo and stands as living proof that Reynols are highly reinvigorated and rocking heavier than ever. “Gona Rubian Ranesa” updates the band’s classic sound to new realms of hypnotic psychrock immersion.
Outlier Communications is very proud to present this true masterpiece of psychedelic rock. Not only is this a career milestone for Reynols, but it’s without a doubt their most accessible album to date, sure to please casual psychedelic rock aficionados and fascinate the deepest acid/kraut addicts alike. The album is pressed on translucent “alien green” vinyl.
Formed in 1993 in Buenos Aires, REYNOLS was made up of Roberto Conlazo, Alan Courtis and drummer Miguel Tomasín, who has Down Syndrome. The band counts with over 150 releases by labels from Japan, Europe, USA, Oceania and Latin America. Reynols has collaborated live and in studio with acclaimed artists such as Pauline Oliveros, Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth), The Nihilist Spasm Band, Damo Suzuki (Can), Paul Dutton, John Oswald, Michael Snow, Alan Licht, Birchville Cat Motel, Jaime Davidovich, Duilio Pierri, Pajarito Zaguri, and Acid Mothers Temple.
Reynols has been tagged as a “cult group” by the respected British magazine The Wire, while the French festival Sonic Protest proclaimed it as groupe phare (lighthouse group) of inclusive music for people with dis/ abilities. Throughout 2003, Reynols occupied the 1st place on the “Top 10 Downloads” section of former website Space-Rock (UK). A year later, their song “Manisero Mufuso” was #1 on Larry “Fuzz-O” Dolman’s Blastitude Top10 (USA). Japanese magazine Studio Voice included Reynols’ album Barbatrulos in their “Best 100 Western Alternative Music Records” ranking, and Reynols/ No Reynols among the “300 Legendary Discs” of all times. UK magazine Fact, for its part, considered 10.000 Chickens Symphony as one of the “20 Best Argentine Psychedelic Records” ever made.
Reynols was the first band led by a person with Down Syndrome to appear on the cover of a weekly music supplement (Sí) on Argentine’s largest newspaper, Clarín. In 2011, the national newspaper Página/12 featured the band as one of the “1000 bands you should listen before you get old” (Las 1000 Bandas que hay que escuchar antes de envejecer), and in 2018, the Médiathèque Musicale in Paris organized an exhibition centered around Reynols. The late box set “Minecxio Emanations 1993-2018” was picked by The Wire for its “2019 Archive Releases of the Year” Top50, and it was named “Record of the Week” on the Why…Do You Like It? Blog (USA). The band’s work with Tomasín is mentioned in several books. Recently, a Spanish publisher added the band to a Sticker Album.
Reynols is among the longest-running inclusive bands ever. With the group, Miguel Tomasín has been the first musician with Down Syndrome ever to play daily on the Argentine National TV (ATC, currently Channel 7, 1998). Tomasín’s work has been largely inspiring, and it has contributed to develop positive visibility and to promote inclusion perspectives for people with “learning disabilities” at a global scale.

• “Gona Rubian Ranesa”
• Label: Outlier Communications (Canada)
• Format: colored vinyl LP/digital