4 minute read
Jacquie Love has always been passionate about women’s causes but is especially passionate about the Secret Sisterhood, a movement of amazing women and girls offering beautiful jewellery. 100% of all profits from the group’s endeavours go to women’s charities. We catch up with the entrepreneur who launched Secret Sisterhood with a strategy in place to create a community of one million women globally by 2023.
Tell us about yourself and the Secret Sisterhood, Jacquie.
I am the founder of Secret Sisterhood, a women’s empowerment movement and social enterprise. We empower, uplift and inspire women as I believe that no person should ever be disadvantaged because of their gender. We created a symbol for gender equality, as there was no symbol out there! I am so passionate about spreading our symbol into the world as symbols are so uniting and can help spark monumental change.

Why did you start Secret Sisterhood?
I started Secret Sisterhood after a charity immersion trip to India. I was studying fashion design at University and undertook a sub-major in journalism. When I was studying journalism I came across the issue of human trafficking and was blown away by the horrific nature of the crime and that it was happening at such magnitude. I became very passionate about the issue and how it was very much a gender-based crime. When I finished University, I started questioning whether I still wanted to be in the fashion industry. So when the trip to India came up, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to get away and get some perspective.
India completely changed my perspective on everything. We visited slums where girls are often trafficked and found out that they are often trafficked at the young ages of ten, sometimes even younger. We also visited the brothels where girls are often forced to work in, and the conditions are absolutely horrendous. No person should ever have to live like that. No person should ever have their freedom, voice and dignity taken away.
When I came back I wanted to make a difference to the women I had met but I had no idea how. I thought the best way to make a difference was to work in a charity, so I started to apply for jobs. Around that time, I randomly stumbled across the concept of a ‘social enterprise.’ A concept that means businesses can run for purpose, that they can make a difference. And that is how Secret Sisterhood was born, I was so excited that I could use my skills in design, create a business, and at the heart of it all was to give back and help empower women.

What inspires you to do what you do?
I am inspired by the women who are on the ground, every day actively creating change. In India, I met one woman who was trafficked at the age of 11. She was forced into sexual servitude for over 20 years. She finally made her way out with the help of an Indian anti-trafficking organisation. She now works in that organization, every day, forming relationships with the girls in the brothels to hopefully encourage them to leave. I often think that if this woman can do that every day, then my challenges in my business are so small in comparison.
I am also inspired by the incredible change that can occur when women come together to support one another. We have seen this time and time again throughout history. We saw it in the Suffragette movement, the online #metoo movement and just recently when millions of women joined hands together in India to demand the end of violence against women. Women can create so much change, we just need to do it together. That is what inspires Secret Sisterhood, imagine the impact we could have if we unite with our fellow Sisters around the globe?
Outside of work what are some of your interests?
You will either find me at a beach with a good book, at a women’s empowerment protest, or studying at the library (I am studying a postgraduate MBA in Social Impact.)
I also love being around people, so when I am not working I love to spend time with my friends and family. There is nothing better for the soul than catching up with a friend on a walk and discussing important world issues. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support I have around me.
Where would you like to be in 12 months?
I would love for Secret Sisterhood to be reaching more and more women around the globe. I have a dream that the Secret Sisterhood symbol will become recognised around the world. I hope to be able to direct more and more funds to women’s empowerment initiatives and I hope that I can be a voice for the voiceless.
If you were down to your last $20 what/ who would you spend it on?
Well, this question got me thinking! Well, I have seen the power of microfinance and what an impact it can have on a woman’s life. Micro-finance involves women getting loaned a very small amount of money to help them kick start their business. I have seen how this can transform not only someone’s life but how it can help lift families and communities out of poverty. So I think I would invest it in either my own business or a fellow Sister’s business. What would we create with $20? Well, great question... I think I would have to get a lot more creative!
secretsisterhood.com | hey@secretsisterhood.com | www.facebook.com/SecretSisterhoodGroup/ | www.instagram.com/secretsisterhood/