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Meet the team that keeps Brimmer running smoothly
It is nearly impossible to spend time on Brimmer’s campus and not cross paths with a member of this wonderful team. Their workday starts well before most step foot on campus. From driving the bus routes, to fixing what is malfunctioning, to maintaining and beautifying campus grounds, the Facilities Team supports all things Brimmer. “They are the heartbeat of School operations,” says CFO Julian Hickman. “They always go the extra mile with a smile to ensure that every School day, every event, and every field trip and athletics program goes off without a hitch. Their strength lies in their commitment to our community and each other. Each brings a unique skill and expertise to the team, and these traits are leaned upon to manage day-to-day work efficiently.” We hope you enjoy learning more about this indispensable team.
TOM BRAY, Manager of Operations & Facilities
What do you love about your job?
I love that my job is different every day. We do a little of everything, from setting up and taking down events, to driving School buses, to diagnosing HVAC problems. There is both a daily and a seasonal rhythm to the job, but each day brings an unexpected challenge. I also love being a part of a team and having the opportunity to teach what I’ve experienced. I feel like the stewardship of this School has been passed to me, and I’m preparing to pass it on. I like knowing that the Facilities Team is an important part of the overall team effort to support the education of these kids.
After 30+ years on staff at Brimmer, what have been some of the most significant changes you’ve witnessed on campus?
The School was a lot smaller back then! My first year at Brimmer was the first year that the graduating class contained boys. The construction of the Corkin Theatre was just beginning in the Chase building, and a few years later the Almy addition was built, extending underneath Middlesex Field. The School purchased and developed Orr Field, giving kids another option for practice after School. The old barn that held our woodshop was developed into the Corkin Art Barn. Today, it’s hard to imagine the School without these spaces. Of course, some of the faces have changed, but the constant is the spirit. The feeling of community at Brimmer has not changed.
Tom Schmottlach
What do you love about your job?
I love the diversity of tasks requiring all kinds of skills and problem-solving. Each morning, we drive the buses to pick up students. The rest of the day might involve electrical work, plumbing, or woodworking; the School grounds are in constant need of attention. Teachers and staff keep us busy with special requests, and there are always special events that need setting up. The job stays interesting and challenging. Having first taught at Brimmer, I enjoy connecting with colleagues and viewing the community from a different perspective. Our Facilities Team is dedicated, respectful, and fun to work with, and we share many stories and laughs throughout the day. There is also flexibility within the team. If anyone needs to be out, one of us will step in and help. You could not ask for a more supportive team.
As an educator (and former Brimmer faculty), how do you continue to connect with students in your day-to-day work?
Many of our Lower School students remember me from my teaching days, and I often hear a “Hi Tom” or “Hi Mr. S” when walking around campus. Some of my former students still attend Brimmer, and I see them daily. They have grown into young adults, and it is wonderful to see what they’ve accomplished whether in academia, the arts, or sports. I enjoy the occasional conversations when passing in the hall, eating lunch, or driving them to sports practices and games. I have maintained a connection to my love for teaching by joining the afterSchool tutoring program, working with Brimmer students to help develop their math skills and confidence in math.
Douglas Landeverde
What do you love about your job?
I like that I am never working in one place. Being able to work around the entire campus is very satisfying and stress-relieving.
As the newest member of the team, what have been your first impressions of Brimmer?
One of the first impressions I had was that people were very kind and welcoming to me. The School feels much bigger in size than it actually is. Kind students and dedicated faculty and staff make Brimmer a great School.
Rafael Salazar
What do you love about your job?
I have been at Brimmer for six years now. I began working in the dining room helping the kitchen staff keep things stocked and clean. I spent that first year getting trained to drive buses. Of everything I do for Brimmer, it’s driving the bus routes that makes me happiest. I love interacting with the students, getting to know them, and being a part of their lives.
I have a great relationship with the entire Facilities Team—we have each other’s backs. Everyone is kind and supportive. I feel like I can say anything to these guys, and they will give me the best advice. I love being in a professional learning environment—I learn so much in my day-to-day interactions with faculty, staff, students, and even their parents. When I’m not driving, I help to keep the campus beautiful and everything running smoothly. I go where I am needed!
With your love of both bus driving and landscaping, how do you build relationships with the Brimmer community on your routes and throughout your day?
Because I drive all three bus routes as well as the afternoon buses to sports, I have a chance to get to know a larger group of students. These kids are my responsibility, and I need to keep them safe. As a result, we have developed a great relationship. They trust me and treat me with respect. I remind them often that we all need to care about one another, and I know they listen. Sometimes they board my bus with a frown, but they almost always leave with a smile. When I’m back on campus helping with landscaping, these kids always stop to say hi. I feel good because I know I am a part of their day. I help them start or end their day with a smile, and they are equally a part of my life as well.
ERIC SMITH ’99, P ’35
What do you love about your job?
There is never a dull moment. We’re always doing something different every day. I’m always learning new things, and I love the challenges that lie ahead.
As both an alum and a current parent, you have a unique perspective on all things Brimmer. What has stood the test of time since you were a student here?
What has stood the test of time is the community. I see it with my son when we walk into School, the hellos and greetings from teachers and kitchen staff to students of all ages. Brimmer was a smaller School when I was a student; I knew almost everyone on campus, and it still has that vibe today. ■