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Jottings by the Way
Jottings by the Way.
IT will be pleasing to note that E. Jordan, our old cricket captain, has been awarded a Biursary of f"50, with exemption from fees, by the Chancellor of the Sydney University. lie has taken advantage of it and is now studying engineering at the Sydney University.
B-:FO)ki; the appearance of our next issue, the Fifth Form will be facing the dreal ordeal of the Junior. They I'ave our genuine * sympathy; may they do a little better than the Fifth of last year, for though they nearly all got through, some even passing well, not a medal or a proxime did they see. Perhaps they needed a little encouragement, or an incentive strong enough to make them work; but in order that the candidates of this year may not have this excuse, we hereby promise that the names of all our candidates who succeed in passing the Junior next June will appear in the next issue of this paper; also, that if more than six fail, their names will receive special honourable mention, and don't you forget it.
()O\vHI:.A) from a sle,,py-headed boarder at 7.30 a.m.: " It's a shame to ring the second bll Iwbefore the first."
Fr, the edification of our readers we append a few examples of school wit displayed in bestowing patronymics (N.B.-Feminine .inicknames are at a premium) " Efie," " Buffer," " Squeak," " The 'Possum," " The Snoozer," etc.