2 minute read
Message from Stephen Bizzell
Since joining the Board of Trustees of the Brisbane Grammar School in 2020 and becoming the Chair of the Community Relations Committee, I have seen the ongoing importance of volunteer support, in addition to philanthropic support, at the School. It has been pleasing to see the continuing commitment from students, parents, staff, and Old Boys to giving back to the BGS community.

BGS has a number of independent associations run by volunteers who tirelessly support the School and who make a significant contribution to the educational and wellbeing outcomes of our boys, both during their time at the School and for the rest of their lives.
The BGS Parents and Friends’ Association, through the BGS P&F Auxiliary, runs the commercial operations of the Tuckshop and the Grammar Shop. Both are staffed by hundreds of volunteers who donate their time to serve our boys and the BGS community.
In a time when most schools outsource the running of their cafeterias and clothing stores to external commercial parties, it is great to see the tradition continues at BGS, where these operations continue to be volunteer led, adding significantly to the strong community of the School.
The P&F Auxiliary also makes a significant financial contribution to the School with the surpluses from these well run operations being used to support capital projects, such as the Lilley Centre and the STEAM Precinct, as well as to support students on a needs basis by donating to the Bursary Fund. The P&F Auxiliary is run by a committee made up of executive and year level representatives, of whom all are volunteers.
The BGS Parents and Friends’ (P&F)
Association is comprised of a number of groups that support educational, cultural and sporting cocurricular activities at BGS. The P&F has a committee comprised of presidents from these support groups and an executive committee, of which all members are volunteers who help support the boys in their cocurricular interests.
The Old Boys’ Association also has a committee run by Old Boy volunteers. The group’s purpose is to engage, connect and help students once they leave the School. They organise events for young and notso-young Old Boys, and provide mentoring, networking, reunions and casual catchups as part of the School’s promise to provide connectivity for students during their time at BGS and beyond.
All three associations have the single purpose of providing the best possible experience to students and parents during their time at BGS and throughout their life, long after they pass through the school gates for the final time. They also support the School in achieving the best educational outcomes for the boys.
This year, in particular, I am happy to report that stronger bonds and collaboration between these associations have led to more inclusive community events, where all feel welcome.
Both philanthropy and volunteering make a big impact on students, staff and the broader BGS community. The boys learn valuable lessons about the importance of giving back and making a positive impact in their community when they see various parent volunteers around the School and can utilise facilities that have been made possible by generous philanthropic contributions.
It is also heartening to see this spirit of philanthropy – which our community has long been known for – being carried forward by the latest generation of BGS men through their work undertaken through various Public Purpose initiatives, which support programs in the broader community. Their commitment to making a positive contribution, and their creativity and grit in getting the job done is remarkable.
In conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our donors and our volunteers who equally contribute to the betterment of our School. I look forward to your continuing support of our boys and our community.