2019 Academic Results
n the final year of the OP system, the Class of 2019’s academic results continued the School’s strong tradition of excellent outcomes. A median OP5 showcased the consistency of the cohort. This broadly equates to an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) median of 93, placing BGS among the best-performing schools in Australia.
who earned bonus ranks. An impressive 30.7% of students earned an OP1 or OP2, the third-highest result for BGS historically. In another example of the cohort’s consistency, 51.7% of students achieved an OP1-5, or ATAR of 93 or above. Two BGS 2019 graduates were recognised at the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) Achievement Awards for the top 32 students in the state.
Two students achieved an ATAR of 99.95, the highest score possible, with a further two achieving an ATAR of 99.90.
In addition to a strong 2019 academic year, BGS boys continued to excel in many other areas – including cultural, sporting and public purpose pursuits – which should in part be attributed to the support provided by parents, families, volunteers, and teaching and professional staff.
A total of 36 students, 17.6% of the cohort, achieved an OP1 or ATAR of 99. This number increases to 58 when combined with OP1 equivalents received by students