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A Growing Space
A Growing Space
Written by Luise Toma
The expansion of the BGS Middle School may seem like a significant undertaking given student numbers have continued climbing over the past few years.
Head of Middle School Rebecca Campbell, however, describes the growth as a “coordinated and carefully considered process”.
Starting at BGS in 2013, Ms Campbell was the first Head of Years 5 and 6. This was in the lead up to Year 5 students being welcomed to the School for the first time in 2014.
She acted in the Head of Middle School role in 2017, and again from 2018 to 2020, before being appointed permanently in the position in 2021.
Over her time, she has watched student numbers grow by approximately 150, expanding the Middle School cohort to around 850 today.
There is more to the expansion than just student numbers and physical changes to the campus, Ms Campbell said, promoting a strong learning culture that fosters respect, belonging and connection is the priority.
“We are very conscious Middle School students have different developmental needs from the seniors,” Ms Campbell told Grammar News.

“Therefore, it is imperative our places and programs are intentionally designed to support our boys’ needs, and that our people understand and appreciate this critical phase of adolescent development.”
To support growth across the School, there has been a change to the traditional wellbeing structure. An additional Assistant Head of Year has been introduced from Year 7. Over time, Years 7 to 12 will have a Head of Year and two Assistant Heads of Year to support the larger cohorts. The position of a dedicated Student Wellbeing Officer in the Middle School has continued in 2024, following a successful trial last year.

“The Student Wellbeing Officer role is designed to alleviate administrative pressure on our Assistant Heads of Years and Heads of Years.
“They can focus on supporting students through adolescence, creating a positive and supportive culture within their cohort,” Ms Campbell explained.
Sharing her passion for all things Middle School is Head of Year 6 Ian Grice, who has taught at BGS since the opening of Middle School in 2003.
Mr Grice, who is an Old Boy, former BGS parent and long-serving staff member, is quick to point out the expansion presents a wealth of opportunity when it comes to improving student wellbeing and helping the boys reach their full potential at school and beyond.
“It is exciting to be in the expansion phase — the 20-year contrast is certainly significant.”
As part of the expansion, classrooms in N Block have been refurbished into bright and inviting learning spaces for six of our Year 8 classes. Pod offices have been installed on the top floor of Centenary Block, where four Year 7 classes will eventually be taught.
Excitingly, the former Art Block will be transformed into a Middle School Library and a new staff room.
The key to moving the Middle School into the next phase successfully, according to Mr Grice, is to “keep changing and adapting”.
“We value our school’s past... but we aren’t stuck in it.”