2 minute read
From the OBA President
Cameron Feltham ’86, BGSOBA President
Just as we thought life was starting to return to a new, post-COVID ‘normal’ in 2022, Brisbane and much of the east coast was hit by devastating floods and we were asked again as a community to support one another and help those most affected.
Even though I finished at BGS 35 years ago, some of the lessons and experiences from my school years still provide the perspective to appreciate that collectively we can endure and achieve so much more than we would believe ourselves capable of.
Our role as the BGSOBA committee is to continue to facilitate opportunities both formally and informally for us to connect and maintain that bond. After two years of COVID delays or cancellations, the committee has a very busy year ahead with several opportunities for Old Boys to catch up.
Already this year we have hosted the Foundation Day drinks on the Boarders’ Lawn, where existing Old Boy parents and their partners welcome new parents who are presented with their bespoke Old Boy caps featuring their peer year embroidered on the back.
The Business Breakfasts coordinated by Simon Tolhurst ’87 continue to be popular; a clear reflection of the inquisitive topics and the calibre of speakers. To encourage a greater opportunity to catch up post breakfast, the Old Boys’ Association will fund a coffee cart for attendees to continue to discuss, debate, catch up or network with the BGS community.
If you haven’t already purchased your nil sine labore T-shirts, I encourage you to head to nilsinelabore.theprintbar.com. There are a variety of styles and colours and are part of a unique brand developed by the Old Boys’ Association.
On Monday 9 May the OBA Committee held their AGM and I am pleased to announce the new committee as follows: Cameron Feltham ’86 (President), Adam Franklin ’97 (Vice President), John Emery ’83 (Secretary), Richard Wheeler ’99 (Treasurer), Cameron McLeod ’88 (Past President), Geoff Clark ’64, Jim MacPherson ’85, Scott Austin ’84, Nick Carroll ’12, Toby Carrigan ’08, Eric Sengstock ’09, Grant Halyday ’99.
Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank the committee members stepping down this year: Dr Michael Forrest ’87 and Stuart Rees ’79.
I look forward to working with the OBA Committee this year to provide and promote opportunities for Old Boys to enjoy the benefits of being part of this fantastic community.