PACKAGING A DVD Bailey Wells VISCOM 204 Tad Carpenter
Project Brief
The purpose of this project was to design a new DVD package for a movie from the Criterion Collection. It had to be minimalistic, using only three colors plus black and white, and without using images directly from the film. We had to choose a movie, watch it and take notes, and then sketch some icons that we felt represented themes from the movie. We then took these icons and made packages for our DVDs, exploring many different directions. After many refinements, we finally narrowed them down until we had one direction to use for our final. The final deliverables included a fully mocked-up DVD case as well as an insert for the inside, and a movie poster that reflected the theme we had designed for our case. I chose the movie The Baron of Arizona, directed by Samuel Fuller.
Notes from the movie CHARACTERS James: Chivalric Charming Swindler Believable Knowledgeable Crafty Liar Quick Sly Strong
CULTURE Sophia: Naive Smart Loyal Gullible Loving Compassionate Charming Beautiful
THEMES Manliness Dramatic music Narrative Rebellion Disguise Fake Royalty Wealth Repercussions Grand Upheaval
Poverty to riches Spanish Gypsies Upper class Fancy/grand
ICONOGRAPHY Script Lettering Beard Baron Cigars Spain Borders Boundaries Money Arizona Newspaper Mastheads Feather pens Mob
Original Sketches
12 Cover Concepts
5 Refined full packages
3 Refined full packages
Refinement for final direction
Initial insert design Front Back
Poster designs and refinements
Final dvd package
Insert flap
Inside center
Inside flap
Inside left
Final insert Front Back
Final poster design