Finding solutions for non-UK trained nurses to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council We’re finding pioneering solutions so that non-UK trained nurses can sit their English language proficiency exams and be registered with the NMC. With our help, a group of overseas nurses recruited to Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust were finally able to sit their Occupational English Test (OET), after a number of cancellations due to COVID-19.
What solution was Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Looking for? Due to lockdown restrictions in response to COVID-19, a number of English language proficiency exams have been postponed or cancelled. This has prevented a number of overseas nurses from gaining the qualifications they need to be able to register with the Nursing Midwifery Council. For Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, in particular, this meant 32 recruited nurses were unable to join the workforce at a time of immense pressure for the nation’s healthcare service. They were looking for a way to test overseas nurses in-house. British Study Centres provided them with a solution.
I am so proud that we are the first Trust to support our non-UK trained nurses in this way. An on-site exam venue is more practical for our overseas nurses, which is why we will continue to offer this beyond the pandemic. We had 32 nurses waiting for their English exam since March. They are ready to go, eager to get to work and excited to fully join the team here in Buckinghamshire. JEA NETTE TEBU TT, TRU ST’S DEPU TY CHIEF NU RS E WO RKF O RCE TRA NS F O RMATIO N
Taking the OET on site will help me feel more confident and knowing it will not be postponed again meant I could finally concentrate on my studies. After the exam and subsequently receiving the NMC pin, I hope to achieve my personal desire to work in the paediatric health context at the Trust. M AR I A CATA RI N A F E R N A N DES , N U R S E
What did British Study Centres provide? In collaboration with OET and the Trust’s International Recruitment team, British Study Centres organised for recently recruited overseas nurses to take the test at Wycombe Hospital’s education centre on two dates in June in line with social distancing measures. British Study Centres provided assessment for the test, with a view to continuing this partnership and offering further onsite English exams for its overseas nurses once lockdown restrictions have been lifted. Now those nurses will no longer face delays to NMC registration and will be able to join the rest of the workforce at Buckinghamshire NHS Trust.
What makes us unique ? Premium preparation provider: British Study Centres is a Premium Preparation Provider of the Occupational English Test. This means our teachers have been trained directly by OET to deliver the course and all of our team members have an excellent understanding of OET assessment requirements.
Exam Preparation expertise: At British Study Centres, we are highly experienced in helping students achieve the OET, IELTS and TOEIC scores they need. We have extensive experience in English assessment and preparation.
Speak to an Expert If you would like to talk to our experienced team about how we can help you then contact us today.
We are very proud to be the first test centre to take OET directly into a hospital. We are aware that there can be additional costs and administration for hospitals when arranging English language tests for their international recruits, especially if there is no local test centre. We are delighted to now have a solution that can work for them. N ADIA FALO U, G R O UP EXAMIN ATIONS MAN AG ER , B R ITIS H STUDY CEN TR E S