YL Student handbook

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Young Learners Student Handbook

Welcome to your BSC Young Learners Programme! This guide gives you important information that helps you quickly settle into your programme - an example timetable, meeting points and general rules and regulations. Our aim is to make this the greatest experience for you and remember, all of the BSC YL Team are here to help you so please ask us if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to meeting you soon! BSC Young Learners Team

MEET YOUR BSC TEAM The BSC YL team are here to ensure you have the best stay with us possible, but please come and talk to us and let us know if you have any concerns. We are here to help! TEAM MEMBERS Centre Manager

Overall responsibility for the whole programme

Academic Manager

Overall responsibility for the academic parts of the programme

Activity Manager

Overall responsibility for the out-of-class parts of the programme

Welfare Manager

Emergency Contact Numbers BSC EMERGENCY NUMBER +44 (0)7767 100 580 - UK +356 9964 2476 - Malta


(Police, Fire, Ambulance, Coastguard)

999 - UK or 112 - Malta

Managing your welfare

Welfare Leaders

Looking after your accommodation

Activity Leaders

Looking after you on all activities and excursions We really want to hear what you think so please complete an evaluation form at the beginning and end of your course. Thank you!



It’s extremely important that every student is fully prepared before arriving at their temporary BSC YL residence. BSC YL recommends that every student/parent: • Does some light reading of their course town (perfect time to practise some English reading!) • Purchases appropriate travel insurance

Its important that students are pre pared for an actioned packed experience at BSC YL. It’s recommended that students are prepared for their respective courses by packing the following: • Casual clothes for everyday wear

• Completes their online placement test

• Something to wear at a party

• Submitted a completed parental consent form

• Waterproof walking shoes

• Follows country specific Covid19 travel guidance (please refer to the BSC YL Covid19 Risk Assessment)

• A coat/jacket (preferably warm & wa

• Has access to pocket money (BSC YL recommends £100/€100 per week)

• Sportswear and sports shoes – 2 outdoors and the other pair of sho

• Swimwear

terproof for the UK) pairs of sports shoes – one to we

es with non-marking soles to wear

• Two towels • Sunscreen, Sunglasses & Hat (es • A refillable water bottle

pecially for Malta)

• And, of course, an umbrella for the





Every student will be greeted warmly at the arrivals barrier by a BSC YL team member with a sign with your name on. BSC YL will then take you to your transfer (a coach or taxi) and travel with you to the residence/or homestay. Students will then be carefully led onto the waiting centre transfer. BSC YL also take special measures to ensure that every unaccompanied minor is greeted at the airport.


BSC YL follow all government guidelines to ensure that students feel safe and secure during their stay with us. It’s important that every parent and student reads their respective countries Covid19 travel procedures before traveling. Although goverment law doesn’t require the use of masks, we advise students to bring at least 2 face masks to their respective BSC YL destination.

BSC YL will regularly review and adapt its Covid19 procedures whilst always ensuring that:

(For more information about unaccompanied minors, please click here.)

• Social distancing remains in play

If there are any problems coming through customs then call the emergency number immediately: +44 (0) 7767 100 580 - UK or +356 9964 2476 - Malta

• Masks are made available • Regular cleaning of all facilities • Hand Sanitizer is readily available • Testing advice is given • Isolation rooms are made available • Health and safety collaboration with all external suppliers • There will never be any direct contact with external visitors to the site • Continuous BSC YL Central Support


What to expect on your first day with us. Please ask your Activity Leader and check the main noticeboard for exact times for the day

(This will depend on what time you arrive the centre. Below is an example)

Students are always greeted by BSC YL team members at their respective centres to help everyone settled in quickly and smoothly. Upon arrival at the centre, students will always experience: • a thorough centre induction

• an understanding of centre rules • completing a student arrivals form • health & safety information • a local orientation • the chance to enjoy food from around the UK (*BSC YL will always adapt meal times to student arrival/departure times) • ample time to relax Students will later make lots of new friends from around the world during a fun icebreaking and team building activity in the evening. For a more detailed timetable, please refer to the centre sample programme.

• learn the names of all BSC YL team members

Lunch: 12.00 to 13.00

Breakfast: 08.00 to 09.00

akfast is can include a continental bre Enjoy a variety of local food! Th eals, toast sausage, bacon & eggs, or cer option, cooked breakfast with ) ps’ fact file for more information & fruits. (Check your BSC YL cam

Registration: 09.15 to 10.00

l and meet the team!

Make you way to the main hal

Welcome Talks: 10.00 to 10.15

mme. r school and your social progra you t ou ab you rm info l wil ese Th ivals l be asked to fill in a Student Arr After the Welcome Talks you wil e your mobile phone number! Form. It is important that we hav

English Lesson: 10.30 to 11.45

their their English Class according to Students will be allocated into g to be worried about! placment test. This is not anythin

Enjoy local food for lunch. This will incl ude vegetarian option, as well as salad bar and fresh fruit selection. (Check your BSC YL camps’ fact file for more information)

Orientation Tour: 13.00 to 17.00

This will help you get to know all about

Free Time: 17.00 to 18.00

Relax with friends, play some sport, or

Supper: 18.00 to 19.00

your school and the area around.

explore the site some more!

Enjoy local food for supper. There will be choices available, including vegetar ian option. Salad bar and fresh fruit selectio n also available. Check your BSC YL

camps’ fact file for more information)

Welcome Evening: 19.30 to house meeting & bedtime!

The evening event is a great opportunity to spend time & get to know your flatmates and fellow students.

TYPICAL DAY TIMETABLE The timetable for a typical day is below, but check the main noticeboard for any changes! Breakfast:

Monday to Saturday 07.30 to 08.15 Sunday 08:30 to 09:30

Morning Lessons: 09.00 to 12.15


12.15 to 13.15

Afternoon Activities: 14.30 to 17.30


18.00 to 19.00

Evening Activity: 19.30 to 21.30


21.30 for under 12’s 22.30 for 12+ students Please note: The Welfare Team are there to support you during the evening and overnight – please attend all house meetings for more information!

All lessons and activities are compulsory. Please be on time and make sure your name is ticked off on registers! Things do change so please check the main noticeboard for the most up to date information.





Please note that: Please refer to your centres social programme timetable

Don’t forget: • Your Lanyard and ID card

• Your water bottle and sun block

• Your phone

• A snack or your packed lunch

• Suitable clothes

• Your money!

(rain jacket, jumper for the UK and sunscreen, sunglasses for Malta, etc...)

• Listen to your Activity Leader’s instructions • Take note of the meeting points and times • Be on time • Be careful when crossing the road • Take care of your belongings • Always walk in pairs or groups • Please refer to all Covid19 health & safety advice • If you get lost, call the BSC YL Emergency number + 44 (0)7767 100 580 - UK or +356 9964 2476 - Malta • On some excursions there may be some free time. You must stay in groups within the defined area close to the meeting place. • Students aged 13 and over must stay in groups of three or more and may travel unsupervised with check-ins at a set Meeting Point every 30 minutes. • Students aged 12 and under must remain with a team member at all times. • Before the excursion you will be given an information sheet with phone numbers for every Activity Leader on your excursion and details of the meeting places and times. If you get lost or are worried you can’t find the meeting point, call your Activity Leader or ask a police officer to help you.


• It is very importan t to be careful every time you cross the ro while you are stayin ad g with us. • When you cross th e road, make sure to look both ways and remember that cars might drive on the op posite side of the ro than they do in your ad home country. • Only cross the road at a proper pedestria n crossing and whe there is a “green m n an”. If you are with yo ur A ctivity Leader or another member of the BSC YL Team yo u must wait for them say that it is ok to cr to oss the road. Please note: If you repeatedly ig nore traffic rules yo u will be issued a w arning.





Free time for campus students will only be for 16–17 year olds in groups of at least 3. During your free time we would like you to stay safe so please follow these guidelines: Please: • Make sure you have the Emergency Phone number with you • Don’t leave without the permission of the Centre Manager • Tell your Activity Leader or your Welfare Leader where you are going (shopping, cinema, for a walk with friends). • Sign out in the Sign Out Book in the main office • Be very careful when unaccompanied by a member of the BSC YL Team in your free time. Make sure you have your phone switched on and that your host family or the residential supervisor knows where you are going and at what time you will be back. • Always carry the BSC Emergency Number (+44 (0)7767 100 580 - UK +356 9964 2476 - Malta) and your Student ID Card. • If you are worried about your safety or if you get lost please call the emergency number.

• If you are in danger or you or a friend is hurt badly, call 999 - UK or 112 - Malta, straight away and ask for the police or an ambulance. • Be aware of your personal safety. Please do not carry large amounts of money or expensive equipment around as they could make you a target for thieves. • Please do not argue with any locals or other students who are rude or mean to you: • Remove yourself from the situation and tell a member of the BSC YL Team as soon as you can about what has happened. • If you are worried somebody is about to hurt you call 999 and ask for the police. • Please remember that we are trusting you. If you are seen breaking rules by a member of the BSC YL Team during your free time, you will be reported to the school and your free time may be taken away.





Remember that:

Students aged under 12:

Students aged over 12:

21:30 Go to own rooms

22:30 Go to own rooms

22:00 Light out

23:00 Lights out



In the event of a fire, sound the fire ala rm located closest to you in the building, or when you he ar the fire alarm and/or see the emergency lights flash ing:

• Keep your room tidy!

• Get out of bed quickly

• Be quiet and respectful of neighbours & other residents when travelling to and from accommodation, especially at night or early morning.

• Put on something warm and your sho


• Take very good care of your key or key card and never lend it to anyone. If you lose it the cost will be £50 or €50 payable to the Residential team • Save the Centre Managments contact details • Remember that girls are not allowed in boys’ rooms and vice versa • You will have meals at the residence or learning centre • Fire alarms and extinguishers are for emergency only - you will be fined if you misuse them (£220+VAT or €220+VAT) • You will be charged if you break anything in the residence (windows etc...) • No Smoking or vaping anywhere on site. If found you will be fined £50 or €50 and will have to face the BSC YL Discplinary procedure. • You will have internet access on campus. Check the noticeboards or ask a member of the BSC TL Team for the Wi-Fi code • There are laundry facilities on Campus. Remember where the laundry room is and when its your time to do laundry! If you are not sure then ask your Welfare Leader!


• Check that roommates are awake and alert other students who are near to you. • Listen to the BSC YL Fire Marshall During class – your Teacher; In the residence – Welfare Leaders; During activities – your Activity Leader )

• Leave the building by the nearest em • Do not stop to collect any of your per

ergency exit

• Go straight to the assembly point.

sonal items.

• Do not attempt to re-enter the buildin g until the BSC YL Team Member has told you it is safe to do so.




HOMESTAY ACCOMMODATION Remember that curfew time is: • 22:00 for 13 to 15 year-old students • 23:00 for 16 to 17 year-old students NOTE: YOU MUST BE BACK HOME TO YOUR HOST FAMILY BY THE TIMES ABOVE • Be quiet and respectful of neighbours & other residents when travelling to and from accommodation, especially at night or early morning. • Ask for your host family’s mobile phone number and address – you will need this! • Find out which bus you have to take to and from school – your host family will help you. • Tell your host family if you are allergic to any food. • Your host family provides you breakfast and dinner. You have lunch at school. • Please ask your host family what time they eat dinner and make sure you are on time! • Take very good care of your keys and never lend them to anyone. If you lose them you will have to pay to have them replaced


Important Things To Remember Do not carry your passport with you. Leave it in your suitcase in your room. Please be careful with your money. Keep it safe at all times.

General Rules

You must not carry dangerous items such as knives. This is illegal, and the Police will be informed if you are found in possession of such items.

• No smoking or vaping (at any time)

BSC YL cannot be responsible for missing items. Keep everything safe.

• No alcohol, drugs or stealing. Immediate expulsion with no refund is the likely outcome • Don’t use bad language – it’s not big or clever • Put your rubbish in a bin. No littering anywhere please! • Be polite at all times (use please, thank you) • You must attend all activities and meals • Bullying is not tolerated and will be dealt with strictly. If you feel that you are being bullied tell a member of the BSC YL team as soon as possible and we will help you. • When travelling on a bus please be polite and considerate of the other passengers and find a place to sit or stand on the lower deck where you will be safer. • Make sure your mobile phone is always on during activities and that the school has your correct number.

OUR 3-STRIKE POLICY We are completely focused on ma king this the greatest experience for you, but please follow our rules to make the best out of your stay! If you choose not to, then this could result in the use of our 3-strike policy: STRIKE ONE: One of the team wil

l give you a verbal warning

STRIKE TWO: One of the manage ment team will give you a written warning. You may be stopped from going on an excursion or taking part in an activity STRIKE THREE: You will be spoken to by the Centre Manager. A decision will be made on wheth er or not you can stay on the programme.

Classroom Rules • Only speak in English

• Be on time

• Respect your teachers

• No food or drink (except water) in class

• Always attend all classes

• Please switch off your mobile phone during lessons.

NOTE: If you commit a very seriou s offence you may be sent home with no warning. Repatriation costs wil l be incurred by the student/paren ts.


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