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British Baseball Federation Umpire Handbook


1. Mechanics are all about your behaviour and willingness to put forth a focused, continuous, effort for the entire game.


2. Be crisp in all of your actions.

3. Hustle all the time. This always overlooked behaviour on the part of umpires creates respect from all and keeps coaches in the dugout on close calls.

4. Hit your positions on the field with accuracy. Know where you and your partner are supposed to be. Learn to make immediate adjustments to cover any gaps when your partner is out of position. Make sure you review missed rotations and positioning with your partner in your post-game review.

Angle over distance: This is one of the most important pieces of advice when it comes to getting into the right position for a play. Getting to a place where you get a good angle of the play should always be prioritised over trying to get as close as possible to the action. Most times being a few meters further away with a better angle will give you the best view.

Game Management

1. It's your game to run.

2. You are the final authority on the field, this means you have a duty to remain calm and in control at all times.

3. Learn to be professional and approachable but don’t fraternise unnecessarily with the teams.

4. Raise the level of awareness in your game. Defuse potential situations before they have a chance to develop.


1. Always dress impeccably as an umpire. It speaks volumes about how you accept your professional duties. Shine your shoes, press your trousers, clean your uniform.

2. If you look scruffy you will be treated with disrespect, and you single-handedly compromise your own authority. At higher levels of play, this becomes even more important.

3. You earn respect by dressing the part. Remember, more than 50% of how you are judged by the teams centres on your appearance.

4. First impressions matter! Look sharp, hustle on the field, never lose focus.

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