British Baseball Federation 2023 Summer Cup Event Sheet V1.0

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The National Governing Body of Baseball

British Baseball Federation – 2023 Summer Cup Event Sheet

Date Of Issue: 31 05.2023

Version Number: 1

British Baseball Federation 2023 Summer Cup Event Sheet

Pleasenotethatthiseventsheetissubjecttoupdatesandmodificationsbeforethecurrentandeventdates.TheBritish BaseballFederationreservestherighttomakechangesandadditionstoanyoftherulesandregulationsmentionedbelow.

Your Current to Dos:

1. Pay the remaining balance outstanding of the tournament fee by June 15th 2023

2. Request any ungraded players be evaluated for a grading using the British Baseball Federation grading request form by July 8th 2023 (1.3.1)

3. Submit player Grading modification request before July 8th (1.3.3)

4. Submit proof of insurance for non-affiliated teams by July 8th 2023 to (1.4.1)

5. There is a deadline of July 14th 2023 for all players to be rostered to their respective British Baseball Summer Cup team before rosters are locked. (1.1.1)

6. Submit a list of any players that are graded at a higher level to their current tournament division to by July 14th . (1.2.7)

Remaining Balance

British Baseball Federation Affiliated Teams: £245 (Remaining: £145)

Independent Teams: £325 (Remaining: £225)

Please ensure you pay the remaining balance by June 15th 2023. The British Baseball Federation reserves the right to remove any team from participating that has not paid the remaining outstanding balance by this date or fails to abide by any of the timelines and requirements outlined in this sheet

Bank Details:

Account Name: British Baseball Federation

Sort Code: 23-05-80

Account Number: 16841625

Reference: (Summer Cup) Team Name

Teams are eligible for a complete refund of their deposit if they withdraw prior to June 8th. By initiating the withdrawal process by emailing and completing it before the specified date, teams can ensure that they will receive a full refund of the deposit.

Farnham Park Playing Fields, Beaconsfield Road

Farnham Royal, Slough SL2 3BP

Web: Twitter: @BritishBaseball Facebook: British Baseball Federation (BBF) Instagram: british_baseball_federation


The National Governing Body of Baseball

British Baseball Federation – 2023 Summer Cup Event Sheet

Date Of Issue: 31 05.2023

Version Number: 1

1 Summer Cup Rostering Rules

1.1 Rostering:

1.1.1 Teams will be required to complete their rosters on MyWBSC for the tournament before 11:59pm on the 14th July.

1.1.2 Team will be set up with their MyWBSC team login details in advance to the registered email

1.1.3 Players may only be rostered to one team for the entire tournament.

1.1.4 Failure to comply with any of the rostering rules will result in an immediate forfeit from that individual game.

1.1.5 Players under the age of 14 are not permitted to be rostered and to participate, as outlined in BBF’s Senior Leagues handbook

1.2 Rostering Players from a Higher Division / Grading:

1.2.1 A player in a higher division is defined as someone who has played at least six games (three double headers) in that division (Silver: Triple AAA / Bronze: Double AA) in the 2023 season by July 14th

1.2.2 There are no restrictions for teams in the Gold division.

1.2.3 Teams may only consider rostering players from a team one division higher than their own division.

1.2.4 Each team may have no more than three (3) players from a higher division on the field at any given time.

1.2.5 Pitchers rostered and classified as belonging to a higher division are limited to two innings per game between them. (Example: Two (2) players in Silver may only pitch two innings a total between them in one game in the Bronze division).

1.2.6 Pitchers rostered and classified as belonging to a higher division are limited to four (4) innings total across both days.

1.2.7 Teams must submit a list of any players on their roster who will be subject to these restrictions within seven (7) days of the tournament by July 14th .

1.2.8 Failure to comply with these rules will result in an immediate forfeit from that individual game.

1.3 Rostering Players that currently do not possess a grading

1.3.1 Player Grading Requests: Players outside of the British Baseball Federation player gradings intending to participate in the Bronze or Silver divisions must submit a player grading request here: before July 8th.

1.3.2 Players outside of the British Baseball Federation player gradings that have not completed this process will not be eligible to be rostered as a result will be ineligible to participate.

1.3.3 Teams wishing to submit player grading petitions for those players on their rosters who they believe have a lower grading than what is designated under the British baseball Federation's applied gradings must do so by July 8 here: This will be reviewed by our Senior Leagues Committee for final judgement. All judgements cannot be appealed

Farnham Park Playing Fields, Beaconsfield Road

Farnham Royal, Slough SL2 3BP

Web: Twitter: @BritishBaseball Facebook: British Baseball Federation (BBF) Instagram: british_baseball_federation


The National Governing Body of Baseball

British Baseball Federation – 2023 Summer Cup Event Sheet

Date Of Issue: 31 05.2023

Version Number: 1

1.3.3 The following gradings apply:

Gold: BBF NBL, AAA, BBL Higher & BS Higher

Silver: BBF AA & Upper WMBL & NEBL

Bronze: BBF A, Lower WMBL, WCBL, EEBL, SWWBL & BS Lower

1.4 Insurance

1.4.1 Non-affiliated teams and travel teams must provide proof of adequate Accident and General Liability insurance coverage for their teams by July 8th

2 Tournament Details

The BBF Senior Leagues Handbook and Rules and Regulations will be observed with the exception of the following:

2.1 Pre-Game Details:

2.1.1 Teams must be ready to pitch-off at the start time displayed on their schedule.

2.1.2 The plate meeting between umpires and team managers will take place five (5) minutes prior to the first pitch; therefore, teams that have completed their games must clear the dugouts as soon as possible to ensure that all games begin on time.

2.1.3 The lineups must be exchanged no later than ten (10) minutes before first pitch to ensure lineups are entered into the scoring app.

2.1.3 The home team will be tasked with scoring the game using the My Ball Club App unless otherwise agreed by both teams Thisclausewillbesubjecttocontinuousevaluation Thenumberofscorersthat areavailablewilldeterminetheextentofanymodificationstothisclause

2.2 Game Length, Details and Run Limits:

2.2.1 Games will be timed with the game aimed to complete at around one hour forty-five minutes.

2.2 2 To finish the game within the allotted time, the umpire will use best judgement to call final inning to best allow for it to be completed as such. The final inning will not be run limited in any division.

2.2 4 In the event that games are not complete, umpires must end the game immediately at exactly two (2) hours, and scores will revert to the previous inning.

2.2.5 The Follow-on Rule: In Bronze and Silver divisions only, if the away team is seven (7) or more runs ahead when the final inning is called, they will bat second if necessary.

2.2 6 Catcher Speed Up Rule: If there are two out and a catcher is on base, the last available batter or a bench player may replace the catcher as a runner on the bases

2.2.7 Warm up pitches will be limited to five (5) for a pitcher’s first inning and three (3) for each successive inning

2.3 Run Limits and Mercy Rules:

2.3 1 The following rules apply to runs allowed per inning, excluding the final inning which is open ended, each Division:

Gold: No run limit per inning

Silver & Bronze: Seven (7) run limit per inning excluding the final full inning which is open.

Farnham Park Playing Fields, Beaconsfield Road

Farnham Royal, Slough SL2 3BP

Web: Twitter: @BritishBaseball Facebook: British Baseball Federation (BBF) Instagram: british_baseball_federation


The National Governing Body of Baseball

British Baseball Federation – 2023 Summer Cup Event Sheet

Date Of Issue: 31 05.2023

Version Number: 1

2.3 2 There is no mercy rule to end the game.

2.4 Pitching:

2.4.1 Across both days, pitchers will be limited to one complete game or nine (9) innings.

2.4.2 Youth players will be subject to the pitching restrictions outlined in the BBF’s senior leagues handbook

2.5 Tables:

2.5 1 The Home team for the finals will be decided by table rankings.

2.5.2 After the three (3) games have been completed, wins will be used to decide table rankings.

2.5.3 In the event of table are tied, ties will be decided in the following order to determine rankings:

1. Head-to-head result If the teams have played each other

2. Number of mercy innings reached for Bronze & Silver only

3. Fewest runs conceded

4.Run Differential

2.6 Authority:

2.6.1 The Tournament Commissioner's decision on any matter is final.

2.6.2 Protesting a game shall never be permitted, regardless of whether such complaint is based on judgment decisions by the umpire or an allegation that an umpire misapplied these rules or otherwise rendered a decision in violation of these rules. In the event that such an event occurs, the Technical Commissioner’s judgement may be appealed and his decision is final.

2.6.3 Any rule found in the document is subject to change in advance of the tournament.

2.7 Weather

2.7.1 If inclement weather disrupts the schedule, the Technical Commissioner and Tournament organisers will devise an alternative schedule.

2.8 Ejections

2.8.1 If a player, coach or manager is ejected, the individual will not be allowed to participate in the next game

2.8.2 Players ejected from a game will be reviewed by the Technical Commissioner and, if necessary, disciplined with further sanctions.

Farnham Park Playing Fields, Beaconsfield Road

Farnham Royal, Slough SL2 3BP

Web: Twitter: @BritishBaseball Facebook: British Baseball Federation (BBF) Instagram: british_baseball_federation


The National Governing Body of Baseball

British Baseball Federation – 2023 Summer Cup Event Sheet

Date Of Issue: 31 05.2023

Version Number: 1

3 Game Day Schedules

3.1 Schedules:

Saturday July 22nd

9:00 - 10:45 Game 1

11:10 - 12:55 Game 2

13:20 - 15:05 Game 3

15:30 - 17:15 Game 4

17:40 - 19:25 Game 5

19:25 - 20:00 Over Run Time & Drinks

3.2 Format:

Sunday July 23rd

8:00 - 9:45

Game 6

10:10 - 11:55 Game 7

12:20-14:05 Game 8



Finals 1

Finals 2

18:30 - 19:00 Over Run Time

3.2.1 Gold & Silver: Three (3) Group Games Followed by a final round determined by position in round robin table with fourth place not participating.

3.2.2 Bronze: Three (3) Group games followed by a final round determined by position in round robin table.

Farnham Park Playing Fields, Beaconsfield Road

Farnham Royal, Slough SL2 3BP

Web: Twitter: @BritishBaseball Facebook: British Baseball Federation (BBF) Instagram: british_baseball_federation

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