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The National Governing Body of Baseball

British Baseball Federation – 2023 Summer Cup Event Sheet


Date Of Issue: 31 05.2023

Version Number: 1

British Baseball Federation 2023 Summer Cup Event Sheet

Pleasenotethatthiseventsheetissubjecttoupdatesandmodificationsbeforethecurrentandeventdates.TheBritish BaseballFederationreservestherighttomakechangesandadditionstoanyoftherulesandregulationsmentionedbelow.

Your Current to Dos:

1. Pay the remaining balance outstanding of the tournament fee by June 15th 2023

2. Request any ungraded players be evaluated for a grading using the British Baseball Federation grading request form by July 8th 2023 (1.3.1)

3. Submit player Grading modification request before July 8th (1.3.3)

4. Submit proof of insurance for non-affiliated teams by July 8th 2023 to tournaments@britishbaseball.org.uk (1.4.1)

5. There is a deadline of July 14th 2023 for all players to be rostered to their respective British Baseball Summer Cup team before rosters are locked. (1.1.1)

6. Submit a list of any players that are graded at a higher level to their current tournament division to tournaments@britishbaseball.org.uk by July 14th . (1.2.7)

Remaining Balance

British Baseball Federation Affiliated Teams: £245 (Remaining: £145)

Independent Teams: £325 (Remaining: £225)

Please ensure you pay the remaining balance by June 15th 2023. The British Baseball Federation reserves the right to remove any team from participating that has not paid the remaining outstanding balance by this date or fails to abide by any of the timelines and requirements outlined in this sheet

Bank Details:

Account Name: British Baseball Federation

Sort Code: 23-05-80

Account Number: 16841625

Reference: (Summer Cup) Team Name

Teams are eligible for a complete refund of their deposit if they withdraw prior to June 8th. By initiating the withdrawal process by emailing tournaments@britishbaseball.org.uk and completing it before the specified date, teams can ensure that they will receive a full refund of the deposit.

Farnham Park Playing Fields, Beaconsfield Road

Farnham Royal, Slough SL2 3BP

Web: www.britishbaseball.org.uk Twitter: @BritishBaseball Facebook: British Baseball Federation (BBF) Instagram: british_baseball_federation

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