Global Education Dialogues: South Asia Series - Dubai (programme)

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21st CENTURY UNIVERSITIES The future of Higher Education in South Asia Day 1: Thursday 28 November 8.00 – 9.00

Pre function area-Ballroom Registration and Coffee

9.00 – 9.15

Al Khor Ballroom Welcome Address: Stephan Roman, Regional Director South Asia, British Council Prof Abdullah.M.Alshamsi, Vice-Chancellor, British University in Dubai (BUiD)

09.15 – 10.30

Al Khor Ballroom Opening Plenary 1: Is the current Higher Education model in South Asia fit for purpose in the 21st century? South Asia represents a youthful and dynamic region with an emerging demographic dividend. However, to reap the benefit of this, issues of scale, sustainability, capacity and relevance need to be addressed within Higher Education provision. Is there a risk of South Asia replicating the past and repeating the mistakes of their western counterparts or rather learning and adapting for needs? Speaker: Prof Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi, Vice-Chancellor, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan Speaker: Raman Madhok, Managing Director, CMI FPE Limited (CMI Group of Belgium), India Speaker: Rajay Naik, Director of Government and External Affairs, The Open University (OU), UK Speaker: Prof Raj Gill, Pro Vice Chancellor, Middlesex University, UK Panel Discussion followed by Q&A Chair: Ismail Badat - Regional Manager, Higher and Further Education, Wider South Asia, British Council Theme: Transformation

1030 - 1100

Pre function area - Ballroom Coffee and networking

1100 – 1215

Al Khor Ballroom Parallel 1: 21st Century Universities What are the future models of delivery of Higher Education emerging in SA in the 21st Century given the challenges of scale, capacity and relevance?

Murjan 3 Parallel 2: 21st Century Academics What are the defining characteristics of the 21st Century Academic and impending challenges and opportunities what does he/she (or it) look like and what are the new toolsets at their disposal?

Speaker: Dr Zubair Hanslot, Provost, University of Bolton, UK Speaker: Piera Gerrard, Director Marketing, Northern Consortium UK (NCUK) Speaker: Dr N V Varghese, Director Centre for Policy Research, NEUPA, India

Speaker: Prof Marilyn Leask, Dean, Bedfordshire University, UK Speaker: Prof N. B. Jumani, Department of Education, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan Speaker: Dr Ravi Singh, Director, Indira Gandhi National Open University, India Speaker: Prof Muhammad Abbas Khan, Advisor to Speaker Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.

Round table discussion Facilitator: Ismail Badat, Regional Manager, Higher and Further Education, Wider South Asia, British Council Theme: Innovation - Future models

Round table discussion Facilitator: Michelle Potts, Director Education South Asia, British Council Theme: Innovation – Teaching & Learning

1215 - 1330

Liwan Restaurant Lunch and networking


1330 – 1445

Murjan 1 Case Study 1 Higher Education and the new normal Dr A. K. Enamul Haque Professor of Economics, United International University and Director, Insight School of Learning, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Murjan 2 Case Study 2 ‘Collaboration a people endeavour’ - University of Liverpool & Laureate, on Line partnership Dr Ian Willis, Head of Educational Development division, University of Liverpool, UK

Murjan 3 Case Study 3 Towards a Global and National Innovation System for Inclusive Higher Education in a Developing Country: Case of the University of Uva Wellassa, Sri Lanka (The Entrepreneurial University) Chandra Embuldeniya– Founder and Former Vice Chancellor, University of Uva Wellassa, Sri Lanka

Followed by group discussion and action points

Followed by group discussion and action points

Facilitator: Ismail Badat, British Council

Facilitator: Michelle Potts, British Council

Followed by group discussion and action points

Theme: Innovation - Future Models

Theme: Innovation - Future Funding models - New Partnerships

Facilitator: Liz Dempsey, British Council Theme: Innovation – Future Models Inclusive Growth

1445 – 1515

Al Khor Ballroom Presentation of the Latest benchmark British Council research reports, ‘HE Trends in South Asia’ and ‘Skills in South Asia’ Highlights of two cutting edge reports commissioned by the British Council into the latest HE Trends and Skills in South Asia. Presenter: Michelle Potts, British Council

1515 - 1545

Pre function area - Ballroom Coffee and networking


1545 – 1700

Al Khor Ballroom Plenary 2: Panel discussion on the key messages for South Asia emerging from the British Council research reports, ‘HE Trends in South Asia’ and ‘Skills in South Asia’, An invited panel of experts will discuss the salient points highlighted in the paper (and elsewhere), drawing key messages for South Asia and posing the questions as to what South Asia now needs to do to seize the opportunity or risk losing the intiative. Speaker: Mr Sanjay Bhargava, General Secretary, Shiksha Mandal, Wardha (Bajaj Group), India Speaker: Dr Flevy Lasrado, Head of QA and Planning – Sharjah Institute of Science and Technology, UAE Speaker: Roeen Rahmani, Chancellor and President, Kardan University, Kabul, Afghanistan Speaker: Dr Zubair Hanslot, Provost, University of Bolton, UK Panel discussion followed by Q&A Chair: Stephan Roman, Regional Director South Asia, British Council Theme - Transformation

1700 - 19.00

Networking drinks hosted by University of Bolton


Day 2: Friday 29 November 0830 – 0900

Registration and Coffee

0900 – 0915

Al Khor Ballroom Welcome to Day 2 and reflections on Day 1 Michelle Potts, Director Education, South Asia, British Council Dr Jo Beall, Director Education and Society, British Council

0915 – 1030

Al Khor Ballroom Plenary 3: 21st century learners - Expectations, experiences and satisfaction Speaker: Rajay Naik, Director of Government and External Affairs, The Open University (OU) UK Speaker: Abia Akram, Global Coordinator - Global Network of Emerging Young Women Leaders with Disabilities (Disabled People’s International), Pakistan Speaker: Nizam Razzaq, CEO, Business Management School (BMS), Sri Lanka Speaker : Dr Fahima Aziz, Vice Chancellor, Asian University for Women, Bangladesh Panel discussion followed by Q&A Chair: Dr Jo Beall, Director Education and Society, British Council

1030 – 1100

Coffee and networking


1100 – 1215

Murjan 1 Case Study 4 The broader partnerships agenda and the political decision making process behind different models of higher education delivery Piera Gerrard, Director Marketing, Northern Consortium UK (NCUK) Followed by group discussion and action points Facilitator: Ismail Badat, British Council Theme: Innovation – Future Models

Murjan 2 Case Study 5 Promoting Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century University - case studies and good practice of how universities have supported entrepreneurs and how key components might be adapted by universities in South Asia.

Murjan 3 Case Study 6 State vs. Private higher education: the rise of the private sector

Jennifer Sheldon, Consultant, Quantum Leaps, Inc. USA Dr. Marina Arnaut, Assistant Professor, University of Dubai, UAE

Facilitator: Liz Dempsey, British Council

Dr Mohammad A Mannan, Vice Chancellor, Bangladesh Open University, Bangladesh Followed by group discussion and action points

Theme: New partnerships – Inclusive Growth

Followed by group discussion and action points Facilitator: Michelle Potts, British Council Theme: Innovation – Entrepreneurship – Policy

1215 1250

Al Khor Ballroom Feedback and review point

12:50 – 13.00

Al Khor Ballroom Concluding remarks and close: Dr Jo Beall, Director Education and Society, British Council

1300 onwards

Liwan Restaurant Lunch


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