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BD Action


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British Dressage: www.britishdressage.co.uk Managing Editor: Winnie Murphy e: winnie.murphy@britishdressage.co.uk t: 024 7669 8842 Content Editor: Jane Carley e: janecarley5@gmail.com t: 01926 645981 For the full list of BD Offi ce staff, visit www.britishdressage.co.uk British Dressage, Meriden Business Park, Copse Drive, Meriden, West Midlands CV5 9RG Main switchboard: 024 7669 8830 Fax: 024 7669 0390 Executive: 024 7669 8844

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14 – Why getting the saddle fi t correct from the start is crucial to your horse’s career.


With spring around the corner, regionals almost complete and the NAF Five Star Winter Championships looming, many riders will be in full-blown planning mode. t feels strange to be able to look forward with some confi dence of having a normal’ campaign ahead fi ngers, toes, everything crossed!), but haven’t we all learned such a lot over the past two years.

One important realisation is that so much can scupper our plans and dreams, from an unexpected lameness to temperamental transport to a microscopic virus from the other side of the world. n parts of the country where competing was off the table for months at a time, or getting to a trainer di cult, we learned new ways of working and achieving with our horses. We certainly became more resilient, but sometimes it’s hard not to think of missed opportunities and what might have been.

Putting pressure on ourselves is an area where we riders excel, and can ruin what is supposed to be a fun hobby or enjoyable career. In this issue’s edition of our popular Bodyzone series, (P48) Andrea Oakes looks at how to gain some perspective and enjoy the ‘journey’. Defi nitely worth a read if you’re inclined to curse one uff ed transition after your test rather than appreciate six good ones!

Technology has become a much bigger part of our working lives, and we’re now building on the successful digital judges’ seminars with our new platform which enables BD listed and trainee judges to virtually score a test using digital test sheets while watching a video. Comments and scores can be instantly gauged against a range of senior master judges. This will allow judges to train and develop around their busy lives, and should hopefully encourage more candidates to come forward to meet the growing demand for our sport.

However, it’s even more exciting to present the Principles of Judging eminar at oulton College, returning for the fi rst time since on arch, and off ering valuable insights from top udges sobel Wessels, Clive alsall and udy arvey. Details are on page it’s the perfect opportunity to get your eye in as a judge, coach, competitor or spectator and look forward to a great season ahead.

Jane Carley, Content Editor, British Dressage


Bright prospects


3 From the editor

4 News

6 Profi le

Andrew Gould on his exciting prospects and the family passion for dressage

14 Fit from the start

Getting saddle fi t right for young horses

25 On tow

Could a trailer be an option now towing laws have changed?

33 Therapy systems studied

Applications for horses in competition or rehabilitation

39 Let’s face the music

Will this be the year you try freestyle?

45 Ask the expert

How sitting off to one side may point to other issues

48 Bodyzone

Fear of failure and how to overcome it

51 Infectious diseases

The threat to breeding stock from EVA

52 Regional Activity Judge training

55 BD Action

BDHQ updates and members benefi ts

58 Dressage Days

NAF’s Richard Cleeve

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