7 minute read
From the editor
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British Dressage: www.britishdressage.co.uk Managing Editor: Winnie Murphy e: winnie.murphy@britishdressage.co.uk t: 024 7669 8842 Content Editor: Jane Carley e: janecarley5@gmail.com t: 01926 645981 For the full list of BD Offi ce staff, visit www.britishdressage.co.uk British Dressage, Meriden Business Park, Copse Drive, Meriden, West Midlands CV5 9RG Main switchboard: 024 7669 8830 Fax: 024 7669 0390 Executive: 024 7669 8844
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23 – Leading grooms share their turnout tips
3 From the editor
4 News & Paramatters
When war broke out in 1914, the sad misconception was that ‘it will all be over by Christmas’. In a similar vein I’m sure that when the news of Coronavirus fi rst reached our shores, none o us e ected that hand sanitiser and face coverings would be essential accessories si months later. r that so many o the as ects o li e we too or granted would be out of the question.
This includes a jolly day out at a competition, catching up with friends, enjoying a picnic, huddling round the scoreboard, a hug for a fellow competitor who has scored a personal best….
All these leasures seem a long way off . ut we must never orget how lucky we are to have our horses, be able to train and compete. For members in Scotland especially it has been a long road out of lockdown, and they still face plenty of challenges in getting their season back on track. he eff orts made by organisers to acilitate social distancing at their venues, while still allowing competitors to have a fair warm u and com etition e erience have been e traordinary, given that many equestrian centres have evolved ‘organically’ and were not designed for one-way systems and two metre spacing!
For many competitors, just getting down that centre line again has been a ma or achievement, and will ho e ully off er some moments to savour as this most unusual of seasons continues. raining also eels a little diff erent, although or dressage riders individual sessions are a normal occurrence. Trainers have had to hone their tech skills to stay in touch with pupils, and while a virtual lesson can never re lace the honing off ered by a talented coach, it could be a useful option in the future if bad weather or work and family commitments get in the way of regular lessons. riginal goals or may have been derailed, but there is still plenty to aim for, whether it’s breaking into qualifying scores or moving up a level, as FEI 5* judge Clive Halsall tells us on P35.
Even without a pandemic to contend with, the route to success can be full of twists and turns, as rider and trainer Levi unt outlines in this issue s rofi le. he message is to loo or opportunities rather than worry about obstacles. It’s an approach that will serve us all well in the months to come.
Jane Carley,
Content Editor, British Dressage
Levi Hunt and Frappucino enjoy some ‘out of arena’ time. 7 Profi le
Levi Hunt on combining training with competing
13 Stay safe in the sun Protection from skin cancer
17 Get ahead
Latest developments in safety headwear
23 Well groomed
Turnout tips from the top
32 Livery on paper
Legal agreements and essential insurance
35 Maximising marks
Improving results and moving up a level
40 Joint care
Nutrition, care and regimes for sounder horses
50 Riding requisites
Going out of your comfort zone
53 Score sheets analysed
Part III of Jane Kidd’s enlightening series
61 Regional activity Contacts and judges’ diary
63 BD Action
BDHQ updates and members’ benefi ts
66 Dressage Days
Optimum Event
Management’s Duncan
REVISED BD YOUTH PATHWAY AGREED Recommendations from a review of the development pathways for riders with international and team aspirations conducted earlier in the year have now been approved by the BD Board.
Key decisions include the operation of a clear pathway through squadding, training and teams, into the development structure provided by the British Dressage Academy programmes.
The BD Academy programmes will now form a key part of the selection process, with riders new to international competition benefi ting from the signifi cant expertise available, as well as progressing their horsemanship skills.
Selection Policies for all teams and competitions will be reviewed and criteria determined by an indepth analysis of results and scores at international championships over the past three years. International team selection criteria will be benchmarked alongside policies for the BEF World Class Programme to ensure that there is a consistent approach across all levels.
A clear route will be established for riders who are new to competing internationally, including those who achieve qualifying scores outside of the formal development pathways, and a ‘fast track’ system for those who are proven performers at CDI level.
The summary report, pathway infographic and a selection of frequently asked questions are available from the BD website.
Tim Price It is with sadness that British Dressage has learned of the passing of Tim Price, former show director at Addington Manor. Tim passed away on 12 July at the age of 66 following a short illness.
A former show jumping competitor and BS course builder, Tim was probably best known in recent years as show director at Addington from 2003 to 2018.
Our condolences to Tim’s wife Liz, his son Julian, family and friends. FIVE STARS FOR STORR The FEI has promoted British FEI judge Peter Storr to 5* Judging status as of 1 January 2021.
Peter joins Andrew Gardner, Isobel Wessels, Stephen Clarke and Clive Halsall to make a total of fi ve British judges at this level and he is now eligible to offi ciate at senior FEI Championships around the globe.
During his competition career, Peter (55) has amassed numerous national titles including the accolade of National Grand Prix Champion in 2000 and 2001 with Gambrinus. Peter and Gambrinus also represented Great Britain at the 2001 FEI European Championships and the 2002 FEI World Equestrian Games, and were reserves for the Sydney and Athens Olympic Games.
Alongside judging, Peter is also an internationally renowned trainer, and spent eight years as trainer to the British Pony team.
In 2009, Peter fast-tracked to a BD List 2 Judge before progressing up the levels to reach FEI4* status, and 2018, Peter was appointed to a four-year term on the British Dressage board as Judges Director. FAREWELL TO...
International Small Tour, British Youth team and triple FEI Para European gold medallist horse Abira (above) was put to sleep on Tuesday 11 August. He was 20 years old.
Owned by Pammy Hutton, Abira took Charlie Hutton to two FEI Junior European Championships, two FEI Young Rider European Championships and later achieved para glory with Suzanna Hext at the 2017 FEI Para Dressage European Championships in Gothenburg.
Vicky Thompson-Winfi eld’s Olympic partner Enfant has also been put to sleep, following a long and happy retirement, at the age of 34.
Trained and mentored by the late great Franz ‘Rocky’ Rochowansky, a former Chief Rider at the Spanish Riding School of Vienna, Vicky and Enfant represented Great Britain at the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996.