1 minute read
Business Agility
Paul Edmonds of Kornerstone and Partners discusses LSR
I recently stumbled across an article i that discussed a Living Systematic Review (LSR).
LSR is an emerging approach to the frequent updating of information and measurement. When I first read this I initially fell in love with the phrase, as I have long struggled to correctly articulate that common problem of how businesses lose their ability to stay in touch, agile and proactive. The pandemic has highlighted the many businesses that relied so heavily on having a long-term plan and then working backwards; that they had almost lost the skill of “thinking on their feet” or even “flying by the seat of their pants”.
The businesses that have survived the last 9 months are the ones that quickly re-set the clocks, ripped up the rule book and tried something new.
The term Living Systematic Review is very fitting for the current climate. I was sharing this article with a CEO of a large main contractor and he summarised by saying “better decisions, more often”, which I couldn’t put better myself. There is a quote in the Bible that says, “A lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”. The meaning behind this is that the light will shine out into the unclear and shadowed areas in front of us, not the whole road as far as we can see, but enough to keep stepping forward. This approach is required now more than ever.
LSR means that you hold firm to your goals but plan lightly, that you invite feedback and contributions, and remain agile enough change direction, shape or even focus if the path changes.
LSR doesn’t have to be difficult for larger companies, I have seen some incredible agility in some international companies and some awful stubbornness in the smallest of SMEs. Those businesses who are coming out of this pandemic in a strong place are flexible, have strong management, hunger for wisdom and knowledge, and an insist that anything can and will be changed.