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NetWorks Issue 6
Messages from London and Liverpool
Vince Dignam, Chairman from London sums up 2019
Christmas and New year celebrations are drawing closer, and it seems like this year has just disappeared! Looking back so much has happened for BITA this year, new chapters opening and growing mean that we now have eight chapters – with new ones in Cork, Manchester and the Isle of Man.
In London our events are growing and getting better each year. Our construction networking lunches sell out, at our last one in September we hosted 200 businesspeople from across the UK and Ireland. We have also been lucky this year to have some great speakers from various backgrounds talking about live issues and initiatives that will help the BITA family of businesses grow.
One of the biggest events of the year, for me at least, was taking part in the St Patrick’s Day Parade in London. This is a massive three-day event attracting over 125,000 people culminating in an incredible parade on the Sunday following St Patrick’s.
The message this year was “air quality”, and following the Mayor of London’s strategy, we had a wooden lorry float painstakingly assembled and painted that volunteers pushed along the route. Surrounded by sports men and women, cyclists, young children dressed in their sports kits, and many a hurley in sight; what a message!
The success of the BITA Gala Ball and Awards Ceremony highlights the recent successes for businesses and people involved with BITA; seeing the emotions of Mick Crossan of Powerday on getting the BITA Lifetime achievement award summed the evening up for me. We are honoured to host it in London.
As the year draws to a close and 2020 around the corner there is so much more planned by BITA including a strategic Non- Executive board to develop new initiatives and support all chapters for the future.
All that leads me on the say “Best wishes for joy and love this Christmas season, for you and your family. Merry Christmas and happy New Year!”
Sarah McCartney is looking to the New Year
As we come to the end of 2019 it is a time for reflection on what has passed and time to focus on 2020.
2019 has seen the board from BITA Liverpool grow in our reputation as one of the main ‘must-join’ networks in the Liverpool city region, as well as a consistent increase in attendees and members at our luncheons and monthly social networking events.
Throughout the year we have seen our members go from strength to strength; a great indication of this was seen with two of our chapter members making it as finalists at our annual BITA Awards (Krol Corlett and Go Green Office Solutions). We were so proud to see Go Green Office Solutions go on to win the award for Small Business of the Year.
Our support for our members continues to grow and this will remain key to both BITA and myself as I lead the board in to 2020 ensuring that we continue to show how we really are the ‘people who know people that help people’.
Our luncheons have continued to grow in numbers and our last one held on 8th November showcased this success; supported by over 110 businesses from across the UK, Isle of Man and Ireland and featuring guest speaker Rory Underwood MBE. We were also very pleased to welcome the board of the newly formed Manchester Chapter of BITA. I know that myself and the Manchester Chairperson Christiane Hutchinson, are excited to be working closely together as we move to bridge the perceived gap between our two cities to the benefit of our members.
As we go in to 2020, plans are being developed to hold a joint BITA and CLOCS (Construction Logistics and Community Safety) event in January. This will showcase how businesses can use the CLOCS Standard which is the direct result of collaboration between the construction and fleet sectors to address shared issues saving lives, reputation and money.
Our regular monthly social networking events will continue at our new home The Restaurant Bar and Grill in the business district in Liverpool along with our luncheons at Anfield, which will be held in February, June and October.
Myself and the board of Liverpool would like to thank you for your support this year and look forward to working with you all as we go in to 2020.