10EUA001 Introduction to Academic Studies Permissive Society Dr Marcus Collins Regular classes meet on Mondays from 2.00-2.50 in Schofield A218 My office hours are on Mondays from 3.00-5.00 in Schofield A226 and my e-mail address is marcus.collins@lboro.ac.uk
Week and Topic
1. Welcome and Introduction
In-Class Activity
Discuss topic
Library Activity
2. Contact the other two members of your group
Complete the ‘Internet for History’ online tutorial available here
Start writing your critical analysis of the Marwick chapter (1000 words max.)
2. Analysing Texts
Critique Marwick chapter
3. Writing Essays
Examine how to write good essays
5. Referencing and Plagiarism
Hear about opportunities for studying and working abroad
Attend session on referencing and plagiarism at 4pm on Monday 25 October (meet in T003)
1. Review the correct way to reference sources and to avoid plagiarising from them
3. Collectively devise response to your assigned task
Email your critical analysis to the other two members of your group by 4 p.m. on Friday 29 October (cced to marcus.collins@lboro.ac.uk)
1. Revise critical analysis in light of feedback from fellow students None
2. Provide and receive feedback about critical analysis with other members of your group
1. Read Marwick chapter for week 2 (available here) in conjunction with ‘Reading Secondary Sources’ handout (available to download here)
Attend first library session at noon on Friday 8 Oct (meet in lobby of library)
Attend second library session at noon on Friday 15 Oct (meet in SMB108)
4. Internationalising the Student Experience
Out-of-class Activity
2. Submit critical analysis by 4pm on Friday 5 November; paper copy should be posted in Dr Collins’ box in the Learning`f` Resources Centre and electronic copy emailed to marcus.collins@lboro.ac.uk
Choose three chapters to critique from a book on the module reading list (available here)
6. Reading Week – No IAS Classes
7. Using Textbooks
Identify key authors, arguments and sources from a textbook (title TBA)
8. Writing Correctly
Correct errors of spelling, grammar and syntax in critical analyses
Make a fiveminute presentation based on your critique
9 & 10. Individual Presentations
11. No IAS Classes
12 & 13. Assessing Progress
One-on-one tutorials in which the tutor will return your graded assessments and discuss your performance in the module
Start writing the critique (2000 words max.) of your three chosen chapters
1. Digest the feedback on your critical analysis 2. Prepare your presentation for wk 8 or 9
Continue to write your critique
Submit critique by 4pm on Friday 17 December. It should be accompanied by a bibliography, printouts of the Powerpoint slides and/or handouts from your presentation and a statement of reflection (500 words max.) on how the feedback on your first written assignment helped you to improve the second one. Paper copies should be posted in Dr Collins’ box in the Learning Resources Centre and electronic copies e-mailed to marcus.collins@lboro.ac.uk
That's it - you're done!