Split targets and PRN reform The Packaging Recovery Note (PRN) system was designed to help the UK achieve recycling targets set by the government. PRNs and Packaging Export Recovery Notes (PERNs) are issued by recyclers and bought directly from them or via compliance schemes. Obligated brands, retailers and manufacturers buy these as part of their responsibilities as a producer.
What is a ‘split target’? A split target is when an increasing percentage of evidence needs to come from PRNs rather than PERNs. This then helps to encourage investment in UK reprocessing facilities, as there will be the demand for PRNs.
WHAT IS THE PRN SYSTEM? The Packaging Recovery Note (PRN) system was designed to help the UK achieve recycling targets set by the government. PRNs and Packaging Export Recovery Notes (PERNs) are issued by recyclers and bought directly from them or via compliance schemes. Obligated brands, retailers and manufacturers buy these as part of their responsibilities as a producer.
Polymer Suppliers and Manufacturers
1 tonne recycled in UK = 0.8 PRN* PRN (or PERN) sold to producers
Cleaned and decontaminated Waste Management Companies
Recyclers reprocessing material in the UK have to remove contaminated and non-target material before issuing a PRN. A PERN, however, is issued for the weight of an entire unsorted bale encouraging companies to export rather than recycle in the UK. 1 tonne exported = 1 PERN
*based on estimates Smaller producers currently do not participate in the PRN