BISM EYFS Handbook 23/24

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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Handbook

Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents,

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year at The British International School of Marbella (BISM) We extend a very warm welcome to all new and returning students and parents

Our aspiration is to provide a World Class Education for all pupils within the BISM community

We are fortunate to be governed by the Executive Board of The British Schools Foundation (BSF), a network of schools established across the globe. We are looking forward to providing your child with an outstanding educational experience. The Foundation Stage has an excellent reputation worldwide and we will continue to build on that as we seek to meet the needs of all students enrolled in our school. Our staff members are enthusiastic and passionate about teaching, and bring a wealth of experience and expertise.

At BISM, we have created a stimulating, safe and positive learning environment, with high expectations of achievement, endeavour and behaviour. We are committed to making the curriculum accessible to all students through utilising a range of teaching styles and state of the art technology, which will motivate our students to develop independent, lifelong learning skills.

As BISM’s Headteacher, my role is to establish a culture that promotes excellence, equality and high expectations of all students We value the opinions of our parents, therefore please feel free to send an email, call or arrange a visit Parent input is invaluable and I look forward to working with you in the most important job you have - educating your child

We hope you will find this handbook useful and look forward to working closely with you to ensure the success of BISM and our students

Yours sincerely,


Welcome from the Head of Primary and Early Years Foundation Stage Leader

Dear Parents

This Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) handbook will introduce you to the specific information that will help you to support your child in quickly becoming integrated into life at BISM.

The Early Years are the most important years of a child’s life. In order to create happy, healthy and confident children, as well as lifelong learners, we choose to adopt the best practice of the EYFS framework of the English National Curriculum.

The emphasis at Pre-Nursery and Nursery age is on learning through direct experience, with a focus on play-based activities in the three prime areas - Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development as well as Physical Development. Particular attention is given to children’s Personal, Social and Emotional Development to help them become confident, independent learners.

In Reception class at BISM, ‘hands on’ activities are still a part of everyday life. This is an important year where the children learn to read and write. We use the Read, Write, Inc. programme as the core of our reading and writing curriculum. This approach works best with parental support at home and good communication between teacher and parent

Children are challenged and supported by class teachers, teaching assistants and specialist teachers in Music, PE and Spanish to ensure that they are provided with the experiences to match the full range of their talents and abilities We have no doubt that you will see your child quickly progress and develop

We very much look forward to working in partnership with you and your child!











Pre-Nursery & Nursery Reception

Doors open for EYFS children

Morning greeting, physical development

Explore and Learn (Literacy/Phonic focus)

Snack Time and Break Time (food provided by school)

Explore and Learn (Maths focus)

Explore and Learn (Expressive Arts and Design, Physical Development)

Shared Lunch

Snoozy Siesta Time - 1 hour

Explore and Learn (Spanish / Phonics focus)

Explore and Learn (Topic / Understanding the World / / Continuous Provision)

15:15-15 30 Snack Time and Break Time (food provided by school)



Pastoral Time / Personal, Social and Emotional Development Story Time / Songs / Library

Hometime for EYFS children

It is essential that students arrive at their classrooms promptly at 8 30am at the beginning of the day, so that they can be registered and begin their learning with their classmates and teachers Please understand that teachers will not be available to meet with parents once the children start arriving

Explore and Learn Time

Explore and Learn time will allow children extended periods of time in which they will learn through play in a number of different ways Sessions may be adult led by FS staff or specialist teachers (music, PE etc ) or they may be more exploratory in nature where children are able to follow their own interests whilst exploring the indoor or outdoor Foundation Stage environment with FS staff supporting and developing their learning and independence

Children, particularly older Reception aged children, may split off into smaller groups to a separate area to join in with more structured focussed activities such as phonics, writing and numeracy skill development. Through Explore and Learn time children will have the opportunity to explore skills and knowledge across all 7 areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.

EYFS Timetable

Teaching Staff


Nursery A

Nursery B

Reception A

Reception B


Expressive Arts (music etc )

Physical Development (dance, ball skills etc.)

Foundation Stage Leader

Ms Shauna Millea

Ms Jackie Pottinger

Ms Jasmine Schreker

Ms Maggie Teachen

Ms Giuseppina Anderson

Ms Cristina De La Riva

Ms Vick Conlon and Mr Bruce Rafeek

Ms Laura Bruce / Mr Dave Thomas

Ms Maggie Teachen

Arrival procedures

It is essential that our youngest pupils are supervised at all times by parents in the playground prior to school starting. We ask that children are handed over to a member of staff at the outer doors of the Pre-Nursery and Nursery classrooms at 8:25am. All children should then be in class ready for learning by 8:30am. Children will be registered as being late after 8:40am. After this time, parents should sign children in at the main reception desk at the front entrance.

We encourage parents to promote independence with their children when dressing and changing shoes at home This will help them carry out their morning routine effectively

Hometime procedures

Please collect your child at 4:15pm. Parents and children must leave the play area and school grounds at this time Children are not permitted to play on the equipment

Parents must ensure that designated adults, who are permitted to collect children, are identified well in advance Parents must email the front desk and class teacher, with photographic identification

Parents who wish to collect their child early must email the class teacher, who will forward your information to the staff at the main reception desk

If you have been delayed, please telephone the school so that we are aware and can inform your child so as to avoid any unnecessary anxiety If you are unable to collect your child, please inform the school at the earliest possible time as to who will be collecting your child For security reasons, teachers will only release a child to a designated person

Early Years Foundation Stage Team


To ensure the safety of our children, all visitors entering the school must sign in and out at the main reception desk

Visitors must be escorted around the school building by a member of staff

You will need to sign your child in/out before leaving the school premises, if you collect your child early You should email the class teacher prior to this

Parents should provide the school with at least two contact telephone numbers in case of emergencies It is vital that you inform the school of any changes to these contact numbers Please ensure we are able to contact you or a nominated guardian at all times.

School Uniform

We pride ourselves on smart attire. School uniform is compulsory for all students attending the school. We believe that wearing a school uniform with pride promotes positive self-esteem and a strong sense of community which adds to our school ethos. All students are expected to arrive at school everyday in the correct uniform, worn in a tidy manner.

Children should come to school in their PE kit on PE days only (teachers will inform you which days). PE kits should include a pair of trainers with velcro fastenings and not shoelaces, unless the child can tie them independently.

The school will give guidance regarding the dates when summer and winter uniforms are to be worn, according to the seasonal weather conditions Summer uniform will be required at the beginning of the year

Below is the set uniform for EYFS children:

Other Items

● The correct socks and shoes complete the school uniform (see above) Therefore, black leather shoes must be worn every day Shoes should have velcro fastenings and not shoelaces, unless the child can tie them independently

● Use of coats, hats, gloves etc are encouraged during cold and rainy days As well as the black leather shoes or trainers on PE days, students will always need a pair of wellington boots to change into on rainy days.

● Named water bottles, sun hats and sun cream are strongly recommended for sunny days. Please apply sun cream before your child comes to school each morning.

For safety reasons, the wearing of earrings (except studs) or other jewellery (metal or plastic) is not permitted in school. They represent potential hazards to everyone.

We encourage independence in our students from the very first day of school. This does mean at times that items can go temporarily missing. With this in mind, please label all items of school uniform with your child’s name and class.

Sleep routine

As part of the school routine, the children in the Pre-Nursery and Nursery classes will have the opportunity to sleep for up to one hour or so each afternoon The children will need a sheet, small blanket (not duvet) and small pillow in a cotton bag or pillowcase These items will be sent home every Friday for washing All your child’s bedding will be kept in an individual locker If you would like your child to sleep during the school day then please communicate this to the teacher

General Appearance

Hair should be worn in a neat style, with long hair tied up to avoid head lice We consider mohicans, tramlines and bright colours are not considered appropriate hairstyles for school If a child attends school with a hairstyle that is deemed inappropriate the Headteacher will inform the parents and request a more suitable style

What Your Child Will Need For School

Water bottles: each child will be asked to bring their own named, reusable water bottle to school Only water should be placed in the bottles, no juice, carbonated or flavoured drinks The bottle will be returned home at the end of each week to be washed. Water dispensers will be available at school for refills whenever required

Spare change clothes, plain clothes, to include socks and underwear, that should be kept in your child’s bag in school at all times This will help staff when assisting your child if they have an accident School will telephone you to bring clothes into school if your child has had an accident and does not have spare clothes in their bag

Prohibited Items

● Mobile phones, iPads

● Music-playing systems or any other electronic devices not supplied by the school

● Toys or games unless at the request of a teacher

● Sharp or pointed instruments (e g scissors)

● Chewing gum and sweets


School Lunch

A hot and nutritious lunch is served to all children in school (except half-day Pre-Nursery children who wish to leave before lunch) School lunches are paid for in advance along with tuition fees Please immediately inform the class teacher if your child has dietary requirements, whether for health, religious or allergy reasons We will inform the catering company and special arrangements will be made to provide proper suitable alternatives

There is no need to send in a snack, as school provides children with a healthy snack BISM discourages sugar-laden foods for health reasons and also because they can have a negative effect on concentration and learning Under no circumstances should snacks be shared amongst children


Families often send in a small individual cupcake for each child to celebrate a birthday. Please avoid sending in one large cake or gift bags. Also, please note that, due to existing serious allergies present within the school, snacks with nuts must be avoided. BISM is a nut-free zone.


From an early age we encourage students to develop a sense of responsibility, self-respect and a respect for other people, property and the environment.

It is essential that parents and school work in partnership so that the values are encouraged at home and in school, in order to mutually reinforce.

The following are 3 basic rules that we follow and refer to frequently throughout the day:

1 Respect - people, property and place

2 Listen and do, first time

3 Be calm, be ready

Reward System

On entry to the school, each student will be allocated a ‘House’; members of the same family being placed in the same house We always seek a balance of male and female students in each one The House names and colours are as follows:

The whole school is involved in the reward system and each teacher and assistant teacher will be part

of a house The children earn house points for individual awards relating to their progress and efforts in all aspects of school life Beyond this, each week the total house point scores are collected and shared during assembly each week Teachers award points to each child when deserved and this information will be shared with parents on Schooly


Regular daily attendance is essential for even the youngest students They learn a great deal every day We ask that parents support attendance at school wherever possible and avoid any absences

Parents who are aware of such future absences should inform the class teacher and seek permission as far in advance as possible


In the morning, before school starts, please email the class teacher if your child is unable to attend school.

Please advise us of any illness, signs or symptoms your child is experiencing because this will help staff understand if there is an illness that is potentially being spread in class.

If a child has had any diarrhoea or vomiting, please be aware of school policy that states a child CANNOT RETURN TO SCHOOL UNTIL AT LEAST 24 HOURS AFTER LAST EPISODE. This is essential to avoid further problems and avoid the possibility of infecting other children and staff. Please respect this policy, even if your child appears to be fit and well.

Illness in school

We will inform you if your child becomes unwell and unable to participate in lessons. You will be asked to collect your child. Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the parents to collect their unwell child Please ensure that school always has updated contact phone numbers

Head lice

If a child has head lice you will also be called to collect your child Your child can return as soon as they have started the treatment, there is no need for your child to be absent Other parents will be informed of the presence of head lice in the department

Health and First Aid

All staff are first aid trained and are able to deal with day-to-day matters such as cuts or bruises, and when children feel unwell whilst at school If there is an accident/injury at school and the child needs to see a doctor the parents will be called immediately


Staff are prohibited from giving medication to students whilst on site In special circumstances, medication for illnesses such as inhalers for asthma can be administered, providing the school has received a prescription from a doctor, with the doctor’s signature and stamp, in order to administer any medication to a child If this cannot be provided, a family representative, known to the school, will need to give medicine to the student

Communication with parents via Schooly

The Schooly app is our way of communicating with parents Please download and check this regularly as information is shared on there Class teachers write a weekly blog on a Friday This tells you about what your child has learned that week and what they will learn in the upcoming week Parents are often invited to support class assemblies, activities, open days and curriculum days in order to be involved in school life as much as possible Details of this are provided via the Schooly app Not only will information from key staff members be presented there but also important calendar events that we would hate you to miss


Other communication with parents

● Email: critical/individual communication can also be maintained by email, though we ask you to do this selectively and concisely, so that email communication remains manageable for teachers and they can focus on their classroom work We aim to answer email within 24 hours The class teacher would be the first point of contact on most issues When appropriate, they will refer any important issues to the Senior Leadership Team

● Curriculum letters: at the beginning of each term, a curriculum letter is sent out to inform parents of the topics and objectives that will be taught in the coming term

● School reports: each term you will receive a report on your child’s progress and attainment

● Parent Teacher Consultations: these take place over the year and give you the opportunity to talk one-to-one with the teacher about your child’s progress, development and targets

Home Learning

Teachers are happy to provide guidelines, so that the support given at home is able to mirror what is being learned by your child in school

Pre-Nursery and Nursery

Home learning would simply involve supporting us by promoting independence at home e g encouraging/teaching your child to take off and put on their own shoes and coat and eating by themselves, using cutlery etc Parents can involve themselves and their child at home in the topics being learnt in school This helps to reinforce what is being taught and students can get a fuller learning experience


In Reception, parents should reinforce letter sounds, blending and listen to their child read Initially phonetic word lists to be ‘sounded out’ with children will be sent home Later, ‘Tricky Words’ will be introduced and exposure to these words at home will really help children to feel confident reading

It is always good to get children to make predictions about the story, answer open-ended questions and even write about what they enjoyed about the book

Counting objects, identifying shapes, using mathematical language (e g more, less, rectangle, add, subtract) and learning number bonds by heart to 10 (e g 7+3=10, 8+2=10, 5+5=10) will all help your child in class

General home learning For EYFS Children

● Encourage independence

● Share books together and discuss them

● Using their fine motor skills (building up the muscles in the fingers by writing, colouring, cutting, squeezing and threading etc.) Please ensure the correct finger/scissor grip is reinforced at home

● Ask a lot of questions (get children thinking)

● Get children physically active and playing alongside others

● Do jigsaw puzzles and encourage them to solve their own problems

As ‘home learning’ in the EYFS is not as structured as with older students, it can often be considered less important. However, please remember that these are the foundation years on which everything else is built and, therefore, the most important.

Using English in school

Bilingualism is an asset to the pupil and the school, and this is reflected in the way we approach the use of language in school. English is the first language of the school and we encourage it to be used as much as possible It is the one common language that all pupils will share and therefore has the capacity to unite all pupils When determining use of native language in school, the age and capability of children is key and all staff will take a common sense approach Children are not reprimanded or


sanctioned for using their mother tongue Instead, they are positively encouraged to use English wherever possible


Assessments are continually made throughout your child’s education to ensure they are progressing at expected levels and are suitably challenged and supported Evidence and samples are collected to help document each child’s progress You will be informed of your child’s progress in relation to their age and the standards expected

Curriculum information

We teach Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Science, History, Geography) and Expressive Arts and Design (Art and Design, Music, Dance and Drama) through topics

The main topics taught over a three-year cycle are outlined below:

Please note: cultural awareness is promoted throughout the year. We celebrate various cultural celebrations as well as sing songs, enjoy various festivals and of course recognise the range of cultures represented in our classes.

Autumn Spring Summer

Cycle 1


Once upon a time Ourselves

Traditional tales, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, spiders

Secret Garden Bugs, mini beast, growing

Under the Sea Water, sea animals, pirates, boats, floating and sinking

Cycle 2


Wonderful me Our body, skeletons, hands, senses, my family

Journeys through Julia Donaldson

Stick man, The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo’s Child, The Smartest Giant in Town, The Snail and the Whale

Animals of the world Animals (fact and fiction)

Cycle 3


People who help us People that help us, cartoon heroes, superheroes

Foreign Languages: Spanish

Zoom, zoom, zoom Transport Cars, boats, hot air balloons,

In a Land Far, Far away Dinosaurs Space

Children in Reception class receive formal Spanish lessons every week. A bilingual Spanish/English assistant supports each class. As well as supporting the delivery of the English lessons, they also reinforce the Spanish learning objectives to the non-natives when the opportunity arises, such as during Physical Development lessons and free play.


+34 952 779 264 wwwbsm org es

Teba 29602 Marbella
Málaga Spain

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