On behalf of the British Trombone Society we are very excited to welcome you to the 2024 British Trombone Festival here at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire (RBC). A weekend full of events, classes, demonstrations, masterclasses and recitals awaits, brought to you by some of the most eminent artists, pedagogues, and creatives in the trombone world.
The weekend has been carefully crafted to offer something for everyone. Saturday hosts the Youth Day, Josh Cirtina, Chris Augustine, The Trombone Retreat Podcast, Richard Watkin, Callum Au and the RBC Jazz Orchestra with Jeremy Price. It concludes in the Jazz Evening with a triple bill of talent from the Dave Sear Quartet, the RBC alumni ‘Brum Bones’ and our international guest, Nils Wogram.
If that were not enough, Sunday sees Peter Moore, Nils Wogram, Emily White, the trombones of His Majesty’s Royal Air Force and Bones Apart, who are celebrating their 25th anniversary. The Festival concludes with the RBC Brass Band conducted by Ian Porthouse, featuring Bones Apart, Josh Cirtina and Peter Moore.
Throw in two massed warm ups and ensemble playing, our competition finals, and a host of trade stands – we have a trombone festival for all.
I was upset to miss out on all the fun everyone had at our 2022 Festival and cannot wait to connect with you all and play together. This year’s Festival will be dedicated to the memory of Peter Gane, a founder of the BTS who we sadly lost this year.
Read on for all the information, whereabouts and timings, but do not worry if you cannot see everything – some classes will be recorded and hosted in the members area of the BTS website after the Festival
I must thank our main Festival sponsors pBone/pBuzz, Rath, John Packer, RSL Awards and Denis Wick and to our ever welcoming hosts, the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Ed Jones and Jeremy Price. We thank all our sponsors and traders for their continued support of the BTS. Warwick Music have kindly offered a 20% discount on their online orders - please see page 22
So please enjoy yourself, chat with artists, friends and like minded musicians, explore the trade stands and make the most of what promises to be a truly spectacular weekend of music making.
Simon Minshall – BTS President
For additional information including competition rehearsal rooms see pages 17 and 19
08:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:25
Registration (Youth and General)
Youth Warm Up
09:30 - 10:15
10:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:30
MassedBlow(YouthandGeneral) Break
11:45 - 12:30
12:30 - 12:45
Group Performance Preparation
Bradshaw Hall
Bradshaw Hall
Recital Hall
Breakouts in Workshop 3 Workshop 6
Recital Hall
12:45 - 13:30 Event Venue
13:30 - 14:15
- 14:30
14:30 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:00
Josh Cirtina Recital
Break and End of Youth Day
Meet and greet, pick up a wristband, pop a name badge on and get ready for the day!
Bring your trombone and be guided through a warm-up by Chris Augustine, past Welsh National Opera and Frozen The Musical in London's West End
Join in with everyone to rehearse music for the evening concert led by Ed Jones A rare treat to be able to play with so many others Repertoire to include a tribute to Peter Gane, one of the founders and first president of the BTS
Norton York, from Rock School, will guide us through an introduction to Rock School and how it differs from some of the other exam boards We'll also have an opportunity to break out into groups to work on some of their grade repertoire and then come back together
Note you'll be told which breakout room to move to and when to move to / from the Recital Hall
As a group and maybe in smaller sectionals we'll work together to prepare some wonderful music for an informal concert in the Foyer
You'll perform an informal concert for Festival attendees to enjoy
Simon Minshall, BTS President, will join us to show off the bass trombone, including some demonstration playing and a question and answer session with him Have a think of any questions you have for him about the bass trombone or anything else you'd like to know about his career or his time a BTS president
JoininforamasterclassfromYouthStars,agroupof youngmusicianswithabrightfutureahead Agolden chancetolearnfromyourpeers
Bradshaw Hall
ForarealtreattohearRPOPrincipalBassTrombone, JoshCirtinainrecitalwithJoSealey Joshwillbe showcasinghisnewShiresVintagemodelinstrument. Expectbeautifulmelodies,technicalartistryandmore Sadlyitstimetoendanothergreatdaywithyou allandmeetupwithyourparentsandguardians
additional information including competition rehearsal rooms, see pages 18 and 19
Throughout the weekend we will be holding the final rounds of all of the BTS competitions The chosen finalists will perform in front of a carefully selected panel of judges, all experts in their fields. Keep an eye out for future competitions, as the finals will always be held at the biennial British Trombone Festival. A special thanks must go to Tom Pilsbury, BTS Competition Co-ordinator for all his work to bring these competitions to you All trophies are to be held by the winners for two years Thank you to all our sponsors and to you for taking part.
The Bob Hughes Bass Trombone Competition 2024
Finalist 1: Paul Rocamora
Finalist 2: José Teixeira
Finalist 3: Joseph Smales
First Prize: The Bob Hughes Bass Trombone Competition trophy, Two Lessons with Josh Cirtina
Second Prize: Hawkins Bass Trombone Mute
Third Prize: Denis Wick Voucher
Judges: Nick Schwartz, Dan West and Bob Hughes
Accompanist: Joanne Sealey
Sponsor: S.E. Shires
The BTS Trombone Quartet Competition Bones Apart Award 2024
Finalist 1: Slide by Slide
Finalist 2: The Funny Bones
Finalist 3: The Outsliders
Prize: The Bones Apart Quartet Shield and a four hour filming and recording session at World of Sound studios in Northamptonshire. This includes all associated post-production to give the quartet up to twenty minutes of professional quality video.
Judges: Helen Vollam, Becky Smith and Simon Minshall
Sponsor: World of Sound
The BTS Inter-Collegiate Trombone Choir Competition 2024
Finalist 1: The Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Finalist 2: The Royal College of Music
Finalist 3: Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
Finalist 4: The Royal Northern College of Music
Prize: The Warwick Music Publishing Trophy
Judges: Kevin Morgan, Chris Augustine and Ed Jones
Sponsor: Warwick Music Publishing
The BTS Community Trombone Choir Competition 2024
Finalist 1: South Coast Trombone Ensemble
First Prize: BTS Community Trombone Choir Award
Judges: Kevin Morgan, Chris Augustine and Ed Jones
The BTS Sackbut Competition 2024
Finalist 1: Claire-Ombeline Muhlmeyer
Finalist 2: Jamie Reid
Finalist 3: Pau Hernández Santamaria
First Prize: Hand made trophy made by Egger and a £500 voucher towards a new Egger Instrument.
Second Prize: Egger Instruments mouthpiece
Judges: Tom Lees, Adrian France and Silas Wollaston
Sponsor: Egger Instruments
The BTS Alto Trombone Competition 2024
Finalist 1: James Druce
Finalist 2: Milly Deering
Finalist 3: Jamie Reid
First Prize: The BTS Alto Trombone Award & €2,000 voucher towards a new Voigt Brass Instrument
Second Prize: Denis Wick Voucher
Judges: Sebastian Vera, Kevin Morgan, Richard Watkin
Accompanist: Charles Matthews
Sponsor: Voigt Brass
The BTS Trombone Composers’ Competition 2024
Winner: Ian Schwalbe, Through the Concrete Jungle
Runner-up: Shan-Tong Huang, Victory March
Runner-up: Salvatore Sciaratta, Labirinto
First Prize: Recording of the winning work and publication via Warwick Music Publishing & performance at BTF24
Runner-up: One hour composition lesson with a judge
Judges: Dan Jenkins, Callum Au and Alex Paxton
There are plenty of events covering all manner of different styles, genres and interests Below you will find all the details Please note that you will need a separate ticket for our triple bill Jazz Evening, featuring Dave Sear, Brum Bones and the incredible Nils Wogram, 20:00 in the Eastside Jazz Club We will be treated to three sets, the bar will be open and you can take your drinks in with you This evening has been very kindly assisted by the RBC Jazz Department
The incredible German trombonist Nils Wogram will be appearing with a top professional British rhythm section, playing a set of jazz standards and a selection of his own unique compositions, firmly rooted in the jazz tradition but drawing inspiration from many other musical genres
Registration (Youth and General)
Warm Up (General)
Competition rehearsal rooms Open competition warm up room
Massed Blow (Youth and General)
- 10:30 10:30 - 12:00
10:30 - 12:30
10:30 - 12:30
12:30 - 12:45
12:30 - 13:00 / 13:30
13:00 - 14:30
13:30 - 14:30
13:30 - 15:00
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 – 16:00
15:00 - 16:30 15:00 - 16:30 15:30 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:00 17:00 - 17:45
17:45 - 18:00
18:00 - 19:00
20:00 - 22:00
Trombone Section Writing with Callum Au
Trombone Choir Competition
Lesson Lotto Informal Youth Concert Break
Alto Competition
Ensemble Playing
Bob Hughes Bass Trombone Competition
A Taste of the West End with Chris Augustine
Richard Watkin Tenor Trombone Class
The Trombone Retreat Live Podcast
Quartet Competition
Josh Cirtina Recital
Showcase Concert (first half)
Showcase Concert (second half)
Jazz Evening
Recital Hall
Workshop 5
Dave Sear is swiftly becoming recognised as a leading soloist in contemporary jazz, forging an individual voice that is increasingly getting noticed at higher and higher levels of the professional jazz scene Trumpet star Percy Pursglove has found time in his busy NDR Big Band schedule to join him in what promises to be a spectacular two brass frontline, playing tunes from Dave’s debut album ‘I always thought my thoughts were me’
Finally, Dave Sear joins newly formed Brum Bones, a band of esteemed Royal Birmingham Conservatoire alumni featuring trombonists Tom Dunnett, Richard Foote, Jeremy Price and Lyndon Meredith, for a set of new compositions and arrangements This will certainly be a night to remember!
Tea/Coffee, meet and great, pick up your wristband
Bring your trombone and be guided through a warm-up led by Josh Cirtina and Kevin Morgan Time to get set up for the day!
Competition finalists see page 19 for timings
This is an open room in addition to your allocated rehearsal spaces
Join in and rehearse music for the evening concert led by Ed Jones A rare treat to be able to play with so many others Repertoire to include a tribute to Peter Gane
Eastside Jazz Club
Bradshaw Hall Bradshaw Hall
Recital Hall
Workshop 2
Bradshaw Hall
Eastside Jazz Club
Composer, arranger and trombonist extraordinaire, Callum Au provides a look at writing for trombone sections Session will feature Jon Stokes, Tom Dunnett and Simon Minshall
Inter-Collegiate Trombone Choir Competition & Community Choir
Competition A chance to hear some of the countries up and coming musicians and our chance to feature your community groups GSMD, RCM, RNCM, South Cost Trombone Choir and TCL
Delegates win a lesson with a BTF artist
Listen to our Youth Day Trombonists and have a visit to the trade stands
Finalists: James Druce, Milly Deering, Jamie Reid, see page 19 for timings
A hour session led by you the members BTS will provide various ensemble music for you to enjoy playing together
Finalists: Paul Rocamora José Teixeira Joseph Smales see page 19 for timings
Jump into the some of the most popular musical scores, and get a feel for life down ‘the pit’
Eastside Jazz Club
Recital Hall Workshop 2
Bradshaw Hall
Bradshaw Hall
Eastside Jazz Club
Eastside Jazz Club
Richard Watkin, RBC Professor and CBSO Principal Trombone, discusses trombone basics and the best ways to organise your practise Suitable for all ages and levels, bring your instrument along for a chance to join in We welcome Sebastian Vera and Nick Schwartz of 'The Trombone Retreat Podcast' all the way from the USA As part of their very popular podcast series, they will be chatting with Peter Moore
Finalists: Slide by Slide, The Funny Bones, The Outsliders see page 19 for timings
A real treat to hear RPO Principal Bass Trombone, Josh Cirtina in recital with Jo Sealey Josh will be showcasing his new Shire Vintage model
instrument Expect beautiful melodies, technical artistry and more
Massed ensemble annual award presentation competition results and the BTS Composers’ Competition winning performance
Take a small break and move to the Eastside Jazz Club - Time is of the essence
RBC Jazz Orchestra, led by RBC Head of Jazz, Jeremy Price, featuring our incredible international artist, Nils Wogram, playing Work Smoothly
3 SETS! What a treat to close day one The Dave Sear Quartet featuring Percy Pursglove, Brum Bones and Nils Wogram
This is a separate ticketed event, use the QR code on the poster, speak to Chris Sowerby on the welcome desk or go to the BTS website to grab any available tickets if you haven't already booked!
Sunday morning kicks off with even more featured artists after another massed warm up and ensemble play. Peter Moore takes students through repertoire in a masterclass whilst Nils Wogram lets us in on the secrets to his incredible musicianship.
We are honoured to celebrate 25 years of Bones Apart, supported by Conn Selmer - they will be taking a class as well as featuring in our closing concert As well as the Trombones of the Band of the Royal Air Force Regiment, who will be giving you an insight into life as a musician in the military, the amazing Emily White will perform a sackbut recital in the Organ Room presenting a world premiere by Alex Paxton and other works, as well as a talk on the instrument
- 9:25
- 11:00 11:00 - 12:30 11:00 - 12:30 11:45 - 13:00
Warm Up and Massed Blow
Sackbut Competition Rehearsals
Competition Warm Up Space Lesson Lotto Break
Peter Moore Masterclass
Nils Wogram Jazz Class
Sackbut Competition Break
A Chat with Kevin Morgan
Emily White Sackbut Recital
Bradshaw Hall
Organ Room
Workshop 3
Workshop 6
Bradshaw Hall
Recital Hall
Organ Room
Sackbut Jamboree led by Emily White
- 15:30 14:00 - 15:30
Organ Room Organ Room
Prior to Emily’s recital, you have the opportunity to hear the next generation of young sackbut players in our competition final The closing concert of the Festival promises to be one to remember, so don’t worry about the traffic and stay till the very end The RBC Brass Band, directed by Ian Porthouse will feature three of our artists - Peter Moore, Josh Cirtina and Bones Apart It is rare to be able to witness this level of quality all together on one stage
Bringyourtromboneandbeguidedthroughawarmup andamassedblowledbyBonesApartandPeterMoore Competitionfinalistsseepage19fortimings Competitionfinalistsseepage19fortimings
Delegates win a lesson with a BTF artist
Three young players will experience a masterclass with one of the world's finest teachers and musicians A chance for everyone to learn
Nils Wogram counts as one of the most important jazz musicians in europe His music is highly rooted in the jazz tradition Nevertheless he tries to find new ways in expanding this language by using chordal, formal, meldodic and rhythmic material originally coming from other musical genres than jazz We are delighted to be able to bring Nils to the BTF
Finalists: Claire-Ombeline Muhlmeyer, Pau Hernández Santamaria, Jamie Reid
DanJenkinsinterviewsBournemouthSymphony Orchestra'sPrincipalTrombone,KevinMorgan Expect anecdotes,funnystoriesandmorefrom40yearsinthe BSO
The21stCenturySackbut Ashortconcertofnewmusicforthesackbutincludinga talkaboutwhatthesackbutbringstocontemporary music,ThreeMiniaturesbyRaphClarkson,SevenLast WordsbyEmilyWhiteandtheworldpremiereof ApocalypseFlowerbyAlexPaxton(JointBTS commission)forunaccompaniedsackbut
Asessionforallinterestedintryingthesackbutledby EmilyWhite Experiencedsackbutplayersalsovery welcome Bringyourquestions,bringyouropenminds, andcomehavethechancetotryavarietyofinstruments
Recital Hall
RAF Trombones
Bones Apart Lesson Lotto Break
Closing Concert
Workshop 3
Workshop 6
Bradshaw Hall
WearedelightedtocelebratewithBonesApart,their25th anniversary Learnandbeinspiredbyoneofthemost distinguishedtromboneensemblesontheplanet
ComeandplaywiththeRAFtrombones!Hearhowasa sectiontheyprepareforaconcertwithsomechoicebitsof theirrepertoire(thefunbits) Spaceforafewplayersto joinintoo Allstandardswelcome DelegateswinalessonwithaBTFartist
Below are the expected timings for this year’s competitions Please bear in mind they may need to alter during the day We ask for your flexibility, thank you
Rehearsal Schedule
TheBTSInter-CollegiateTromboneChoir Competition2024
TheBTSInter-CollegiateTromboneChoir Competition2024
TheBTSInter-CollegiateTromboneChoir Competition2024
TheBTSInter-CollegiateTromboneChoir Competition2024
TheBTSCommunityTromboneChoirCompetition 2024
TheBTSInter-CollegiateTromboneChoir Competition2024
TheBTSInter-CollegiateTromboneChoir Competition2024
TheBTSInter-CollegiateTromboneChoir Competition2024
TheBTSInter-CollegiateTromboneChoir Competition2024
TheBTSCommunityTromboneChoirCompetition 2024
Royal College of Music
Joseph Smales
José Teixeira
Paul Rocamora
Slide by Slide
The Funny Bones
The Outsliders
Royal College of Music
South Coast Trombone Choir
James Druce Rehearsal
Milly Deering Rehearsal
Jamie Reid Rehearsal
Claire-Ombeline Muhlmeyer
Jamie Reid
Pau Hernández Santamaria
Workshop 1
Workshop 4
Workshop1 Workshop1
Workshop1 OrganRoom OrganRoom OrganRoom
Bradshaw Hall
Bradshaw Hall
Bradshaw Hall
Recital Hall
Recital Hall
Recital Hall
Bradshaw Hall
Bradshaw Hall
Bradshaw Hall
Bradshaw Hall
Bradshaw Hall
Recital Hall
Recital Hall
Recital Hall
Organ Room
Organ Room
Organ Room
Tuesday 5th November 2024
2.00pm Public Trombone Masterclassfree audience tickets available (please register online)
7.30pm Solo Trombone Recital - £16 (free for U18’s)
Hosted by Wells Cathedral School in association with the British Trombone Society and Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
us for an afternoon and evening
One of the most influential brass players of our time, now a soloist, conductor and pedagogue, Ian Bousfield has been at the top of his profession for over 35 years, having formerly been principal trombone of the Vienna Philharmonic and London Symphony in an orchestral career that spanned thirty years. As a soloist he has appeared with, amongst others, Riccardo Muti, Michael Tilson Thomas, Sir Neville Marriner and Kent Nagano with the Vienna Philharmonic, London Symphony, London Philharmonic and the BBC Philharmonic.
Ian is professor of trombone at the Hochschule der Künste in Bern and the Royal Academy of Music in London. His former students sit in some of the world’s premier orchestras and have won the most prestigious competitions including the ARD and Royal Overseas League. His book and videos, “Unlocking the Trombone Code” have met with great critical acclaim. He was awarded the ITA award in 2012, a lifetime honour from the International Trombone Association
Despite living outside of the UK for 20 years, Ian remains obsessed with cricket His main hobby is the wines of Burgundy, and in 2017 he was honoured by the region, being made a ‘Chevalier de Tastevin’
To book your place observing the masterclass: https://wells.cathedral.school/trombone-masterclass
To book your evening recital ticket: cedarshallwells.co.uk
Further enquiries: music@wells.cathedral.school 01749 834450