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New Loan Instrument
We are delighted to welcome a new instrument into the BTS Instrument Loan Scheme. Huge thanks and gratitude go to Martin Voigt at Jurgen Voigt Brass for generously donating a beautiful bass trombone. The model J-164 is an independent set up with a gold brass bell and features an adjustable hand rest and an ergonomic slide cross stay for greater comfort. This instrument will be added to our existing collection, bringing the total number to six, to be used by a younger player in need of a quality instrument.
New U16 membership category
Aiming to encourage the youngest generation of trombonists and to build on the success of recent events, such as the British Trombone Festival 2022 Youth Day and the South West Trombone Day 2023 hosted by Wells Cathedral School, the Society has introduced a new junior membership subscription category for under 16’s.
Slide Action's Trombone Toolkit
The BTS has partnered with Slide Action to support the production of a series of videos entitled 'Slide Action's Trombone Toolkit'. Intended as a resource for composers looking for answers about just what the trombone can (and can’t) do, it is hoped these videos will be interesting and a great educational tool for all musicians.
Supporting our members
Each year the BTS Instrument Loan Scheme and BTS Bursaries support numerous members across the country. Below we hear from some of the 2022 recipients about how their awards have assisted them over the last year.
Sam Phillips
The BTS loan scheme has benefited me greatly during my first year of studying music at Oxford University. I have played the Rath R400 in multiple recitals (including my final first year performance exam) and it has been an amazing experience getting to use a professional instrument. I have found that it has really aided the improvement of my sound and my teacher has helped me develop my technique using it. It has also been useful in the ensembles I am a part of, particularly whilst playing new music that calls for advanced techniques. For example, I worked with composer Simon SteenAndersen whilst playing his work Chambered Music, and the trigger attachment allowed me to convey the sound he was aiming for in a way that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise. Both my teacher at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and my tutors at university have noted my progress during the year, particularly regarding sound quality, and the loan scheme is largely to thank for that. I have been extremely grateful for this opportunity offered by the BTS. instrumental in helping me to achieve my musical ambitions. Thank you so much!
Joshua Clayton
Receiving a loan instrument from the BTS has been an incredible experience that has allowed me to progress in my playing on a high-quality instrument, at a time when my financial situation wouldn’t otherwise have allowed this while studying for my degree. The instrument has been invaluable in being able to further develop my technique and repertoire and knowing that the instrument was donated in memory of Tony Parsons, with his signature engraved into the counterweight, provided an extra boost of inspiration in each practice session. Over the course of the last year the instrument allowed me to develop my technique, learn more repertoire, take part in some great performances and development opportunities, and achieve my ALCM diploma, with practice underway to sit my LLCM later this year. Thank you BTS for the opportunity, it’s been invaluable over the last year.
Mike Tatt – Diss Located Bones
Diss Located Bones is open to all East Anglian trombonists. When Tony Parsons and Andy Gray were running DLB, the rehearsals were in Diss, Norfolk, and the name ‘Diss Located Bones’ was very funny: we now rehearse in Haughley, Suffolk.
I’d like to say that the loan of the Conn trombone has helped me enormously. What a wonderful instrument! It's allowed me to do everything I need to do on the trombone. It has a great sound, with the wide bore bell. It also has the valve which allows me to do short cuts and achieve complex rhythms that my jazz band members were amazed by when I first started doing them!
The slide was a massive step up from my previous trombone (it was very rough) as it’s extremely smooth, improving my playing significantly – it’s helped me to play faster passages much more easily. The deep sound has been amazing for playing in a quite loud ensemble (I am one of only two trombones); it’s much louder and given me a greater diversity of tone compared to my previous trombone.
The experience has given me an insight into the range of sound and styles a trombone can produce. I had no idea about this beforehand! I wasn’t expecting the quality and I'm so pleased I had the good fortune to experience it.
I’m extremely grateful for all the help and generosity of the BTS, including the bursary award which will go towards my next trombone – you have been

Last year we were awarded a BTS bursary, which covered our hall hire for the year. We were very grateful for this, as it was paid directly into our Parish Council account and we didn’t then have to think about collecting subs, which can be awkward if you have an open group and don’t know how many will turn up. But, more than that, we felt supported by the BTS community. We are also hugely grateful to the BTS for being able to access their library of music.
The photo shows Dave Charles, Tom Yates, Paul Beer and myself representing DLB at a charity event in Felixstowe this Summer (you don’t often see two Elkhart 62h bass trombones on the same stage!). It was raining heavily when we arrived, but the sun came out just as we got on stage. We were well fed and watered, and a good time was had by all.