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New BOA Trustee (2023 – 2025)

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Eric Anderson

Eric Anderson

Stephen Eastaugh-Waring

Steve was appointed as a Consultant at North Bristol NHS Trust in 2003, initially with a broad practice of lower limb arthroplasty and trauma, but now focuses purely on hip surgery. Working during training as the lecturer in the University of Bristol responsible for undergraduate orthopaedic training, he took this interest forward into Consultant life. Shortly after appointment he became the postgraduate tutor for the Severn T&O rotation, subsequently moving up to the role of Training Programme Director for five-years. Head of School for Surgery followed this, eventually acting as the Chair for CoPSS (Confederation of the Postgraduate Schools of Surgery).


Throughout this period Steve enjoyed being a T&O examiner, and after his Deanery roles finished, he was appointed to be Chair of the ISB T&O examination for a three-year tenure. He still maintains close links, acting as an examiner assessor.

To complete a broad experience, Steve has also served a number of roles in clinical management, with five-years as Clinical Director for T&O (including a merger of two units into a large PFI hospital), then Divisional Director followed by Deputy Medical Director over the COVID-19 pandemic. A year’s ‘rest’ doing purely clinical work has now recharged the batteries and he is really looking forward to the challenges and opportunities offered by the BOA.

Steve is married to Tracey, a Consultant Anaesthetist (following ten years as an Intensivist) and has two daughters who are shortly embarking on their University undergraduate careers. An outdoor lifestyle offers a balance to a busy working life, and having represented Great Britain as an amateur in triathlon, an accumulation of injuries has now forced a transformation into a cyclist and motorbike enthusiast (don’t tell the trauma surgeons!!).

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