1 minute read

Joint Action - The Orthopaedic Research Appeal of the BOA

The Winter Appeal

Thank you to everyone for donating to the Joint Action Winter Appeal this year. With your generosity, we have raised a fantastic £7,000. If you haven’t already donated and would like to help raise funds for trauma and orthopaedic research, you can donate online at www.justgiving.com/campaign/jachristmasappeal2023.

All funds raised will go to activities like Clinical Trials and Research Fellowships.

Challenge Events - Support our Runners and Riders!

2024 TCS London Marathon

Please support our runners taking part in the TCS London Marathon on Sunday 21st April. Our amazing team raising funds for Joint Action include Emily Baird, Alex Chipperfield, Tom Curtis, Charlie Gozzard, Traceyanne Hughes, John McKinley, Natalia Mojica, Sanjay Mulay and Benedict Rogers. Please donate and show your support for our runners at: https://2024tcslondonmarathon.enthuse.com/britishorthopaedicassociation/profile.

Ford RideLondon-Essex 100

Please support our riders, Duncan Beedall, Mike Keen and Eugene O’Herlihy who will be cycling 100 miles in the Ford RideLondon-Essex 100 on Sunday 26th May to raise funds for Join Action.

You can donate at: https://2024fordridelondon.enthuse.com/britishorthopaedicassociation/profile.

Find out more about Joint Action, The Orthopaedic Research Appeal of the BOA online and the clinical trials we are currently funding at: www.boa.ac.uk/clinical-trials.

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