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An update from the International Orthopaedic Diversity Alliance (IODA)

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John Robson Kirkup

John Robson Kirkup

The International Diversity Alliance (IODA) is an international collaboration of surgeons and those working in the industry, with a vision for a global orthopaedic culture in which everyone can thrive, by championing equity, diversity and inclusion in orthopaedics worldwide.

IODA was launched in late 2019 by Australian Surgeon Jennifer Green, who became the second President and is the current immediate Past President. The first President was American Surgeon, Kristy Weber, who is also the ex-President of the AAOS 2019-20. Current President is Mari Thiart, a South African Surgeon and founder of their female orthopaedic surgeon’s society, SAFOSS.

IODA has been involved in various initiatives in the last year, many involving the UK, which are outlined in this update. All our initiatives can be read about in our member newsletters (www.orthopaedicdiversity.org/newsletters).

Membership to IODA is free and open to all in the healthcare sector by signing up at www.orthopaedicdiversity.org/register.

IODA’s Charter is a declaration of commitment to promoting DEI in the speciality by developing a strategic plan, regular reporting on progress on set objectives, developing a Board reflective of its strategic goals, developing and providing leadership opportunities and mentorship to under-represented groups, and creating a sense of belonging in meetings and in teams. The Charter has been signed by 31 signatories to date, including the Bone and Joint Journal, BHS, BOA, BOFAS, BOTA and Scottish Committee for Orthopaedics and Trauma. At the start of 2024, IODA surpassed 1,400 members globally – approximately 30% growth in the last calendar year. It is hoped this trend continues.

Kristy Weber, Past President of IODA and the AAOS, visited the BOA conference in September 2023, alongside then Canadian Orthopaedic Association President Laurie Hiemstra and American Orthopaedic Association President Professor Ann Van Heest. Kristy gave a very insightful and inspirational keynote address and contributed to a panel discussion on diversity.

The National Orthopaedic Alliance (NOA) Conference, sponsored by Stryker, took place in October 2023. IODA Secretary and arthroplasty surgeon, Samantha Tross, contributed in a DEI panel discussion and as judge for Excellence in Orthopaedics Awards in the DEI Category. The conference showcased the Alliance’s commitment to shaping the future of orthopaedics through a diverse range of sessions covering topics such as the NHS England MSK strategy, orthopaedic nursing, the future of the trauma and orthopaedic workforce, motivating patients to move, Model Hospital and much more.

The IODA inaugural Journal Club (youtube.com/watch?v=y7-jbEiyebg) took place in January 2024 and was entitled ‘The Science of Diversity’. Two articles, ‘The Racial and Sex Disparities in Resident Attrition in Orthopaedic Surgery’ and ‘The Role of Gender in Operative Autonomy in Orthopaedic Surgical Trainees’ were discussed. Deborah Eastwood, Past President of the BOA, Editor of JBJS and current Second Vice President of IODA took part in the discussions.

Jennifer Green, IODA Past President and hand surgeon from Australia, attended the AAOS Annual Meeting in February this year alongside other IODA members – Matthew Schmitz, former Secretary and First Vice President of IODA; Lorraine Boakye, Journal Club Lead and North American regional representative; and Makena Mbogori, who served as African continent Representative. She attended the Stryker Women’s Network Breakfast and met current BOA President Simon Hodkinson and Fergal Monsell Vice President Elect. We are grateful to have Fergal Monsell serving on the IODA Mentoring Committee.

IODA will have a regular biannual feature in the EFORT newsletter. Please continue to engage with us and join our organisation, membership is currently free. If you are part of an orthopaedic subspecialty group, and see the value of DEI, please consider signing the IODA Charter, declaring that your organisation will make efforts to improve diversity, inclusion and belonging.

IODA members including Jennifer Green and Simon Hodkinson at AAOS.
Laurie Hiemstra, Samantha Tross and Ann Van Heest.
Kristy Weber and Deborah Eastwood
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