1104 planning commission december 5 2017

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November 29, 2017 City of Pittsburgh Department of City Planning 200 Ross Street, Fourth Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 ATTN: Ms. Kate Rakus, Principal Planner, Zoning & Development Review City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning, Division of Zoning & Development Review RE:

SEA I-579 Urban Open Space Cap Project

We are requesting that the Sports and Exhibition Authority of the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County (SEA), I-579 Urban Open Space Cap project be placed on the agenda for the City of Pittsburgh Planning Commission Hearing of December 5, 2017. We are requesting Final Land Development Plan (FLDP) Review and Approval of the I579 Urban Open Space Cap Project. Attached to this letter are the following: i. City of Pittsburgh – Zoning & Development Review Application ii. I-579 Urban Open Space Cap Presentation iii. Traffic and Parking Summary iv. City of Pittsburgh FLDP Questions and Responses. Thank you for considering our project before the City of Pittsburgh Planning Commission. Sincerely, HDR ENGINEERING, INC.

Thomas P. Lench, P.E. Assistant Project Manager TPL:mjm cc: Tom Ryser, PE, SEA Roger Eaton, PE, HDR Fred Bonci, RLA, ASLA, LaQuatra Bonci Dan McDowell, RLA, LaQuatra Bonci

hdrinc.com 11 Stanwix Street, Suite 800, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1357 T 412.497.6000 F 412.497.6080






EI New application

LI Amendment/Addition to existing application


Development Address: Washington Place I Centre Ave. I Bigelow Blvd. I Chatham St. Parcel ID(s)/Lot and Block Number(s): 2-B Lots 101, 104, & 107; 2-B Lot 257: a portion of 2-B Lot 400 355 Acres Total Lot Area:

Project Cost: $ 26.440 million Existing primary use of the site, if known: Interstate 1-579; City of Pgh. Is the proposed use the same as the existing use? LI Yes


Open green space; Parking Lot


Describe the proposed development in detail (include changes to use, new construction, renovations, accessory structures and uses, etc.; if development is only in a portion of the building identify which areas): The 1-579 Urban Open Space Cap Project will be to construct a Cap bridge with concrete deck spanning above Interstate 579 and interchange ramps between Webster Ave. and Centre Ave. bridges, and Chatham St. and Washington Place. Soil will be placed and filled on the Cap structure with park amenities placed at the finished surface. The finished grade of the park at its perimeter will match the elevation of the adjacent city streets/bridges. This project will include a City owned open green space north of Bigelow Blvd. adjacent to Seventh Ave. The completed park will include accessible walkways, landscape features including plantings and integrated art elements. -


Impervious Surface (SF) Existing: 124,233 (2.852 Acres) Total Area of Disturbance (SF): 158,801 (3.646 Acres)

Proposed: 99,186 (2.277 Acres)

(Disturbance is any activity involving grading, tilling, digging, filling, or stripping of vegetation or any other activity which causes land to be exposed to the danger of erosion.) Publicly Funded project:

I Yes


(Publicly Funded means any development funded in whole or in part by public monies of at least $1,000,000, and that are in the form of any grant, loan that is forgiven or discounted below the market rate over the life of the loan, bond financing, infrastructure improvements related to a project, below-market sale or lease of property, or other form of financial assistance with an aggregate value over the life of all planned phases of development.) Steep slopes (25% or greater) disturbance:

LI Yes

I No

Will trees with a diameter of 12� or greater to be removed?

LI Not sure Yes


LI Not sure If Yes, what is the total diameter of all removed trees in this category? 246 Inches (Diameter is measured 4’ above grade)

Zoning and Development Review Application Page 1 of 2

Pittsburgh Department of City Planning

200 Ross Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219









Existing Number:

Residential Units

Proposed: None


Proposed Number:


Non Residential Space Existing (SF):


Proposed Addition (SF):

Total Building (ciII fIoor) Existing (SF):


Proposed (SF):



2. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE INFORMATION (if you need more space, use an additional sheet of paper)


Existing Height (Fl)



Total SF


Height (FT)

Total SF


Standard car spaces


Compact car spaces


Accessible car spaces


Bike parking spaces

Existing: None

Off-Street Loading


None None







Proposed: TBD







Grant Street, Pittsburgh

Owner Contact (phone and email):

PA 1 5222

Department of

Public Works


Is the owner also the applicant? LI Yes If No, complete applicant info below: Applicant Name:

Sports and Exhibition Authority of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County

Applicant Address:


171 10th Street, 2nd floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Applicant Contact (phone and email):

Doug Straley, Project Executive, 412.393.0207, dstraley©pgh-sea.com

My signature (below) certifies that all information provided as part of this application is correct and that I am authorized by the legal property owner to make this application. Date.

Applicant or Owner Signature:



Zoning and Development Review Application Page 2 of 2

Pittsburgh Department of City Planning

200 Ross Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219


Final Land Development Plan (FLDP) I-579 Urban Open Space CAP Project Sports & Exhibition Authority (SEA) of the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County Project bounded by Chatham St. / Centre Ave. / Washington Place / Webster Ave. - Bigelow Blvd. - Seventh Avenue over I-579

Pittsburgh Department of City Planning December 2017




Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

I-579 CAP Project

9 I-57








Location Map

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Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

I-579 CAP Project

Location Map

Centre Ave Looking East Towards Hill



Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

Centre Ave Looking West, West Parking Lot to the Right

I-579 CAP Project

Location Map

Looking North to Seventh Ave and Parklet



Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

Looking North to Seventh Ave and Parklet on Bigelow Loop Ramp

I-579 CAP Project

Location Map

Webster Ave Bridge Looking Towards Downtown



Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

Looking North from Centre Ave Bridge to Webster Ave Bridge

I-579 CAP Project

Location Map I-579 NB - Ramp D to Seventh Ave



Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

I-579 CAP Project



Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

I-579 CAP Project




Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

I-579 CAP Project




Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

I-579 CAP Project




Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

I-579 CAP Project

Landscaping Plan



Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

I-579 CAP Project

Landscaping Plan



Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

I-579 CAP Project

Perspective Drawings



Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

I-579 CAP Project

Perspective Drawings



Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

I-579 CAP Project

Perspective Drawings



Sports & Exhibition Authority - December 2017

I-579 CAP Project

Building Materials

6 16


Sports & Exhibition Authority - December November 2017

I-579 CAP Project

Building Materials

6 17


Sports & Exhibition Authority - December November 2017

I-579 CAP Project

Sustainability “Cap” Project - Sustainability Features The I-579 Cap project will incorporate six new rain gardens located in the park at near the intersection of Chatham Street and Webster Avenue. Landscape plantings are native plant species. The new highway lighting beneath the Cap project above Interstate 579 will be LED lighting as well as the light fixtures located within the park. “Cap” Project - as part of LEED-ND Certification Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design in Neighborhood Development (LEED ND) certification is being administered by Pittsburgh Arena Real Estate Redevelopment, LP (a related entity to Pittsburgh Penguins) and their sustainability consultant Sustainable Design Consulting, LLC. The I-579 Urban Open Space Cap is included in the LEED ND certification process may contribute to the following credits: Preferred Location - park is infill construction on a previously developed site Bicycle Network and Storage - park to include bike share station and increase the number of bicycle friendly paths Access to Civic and Public Space - increase access of the residents and visitors of the Lower Hill development to civic and public spaces. Access To Recreation Facilities - provide for a recreational area of more than 1 acre

6 18


Sports & Exhibition Authority - December November 2017

I-579 CAP Project

Accessibility & Universal Design

6 19


Sports & Exhibition Authority - December November 2017

I-579 CAP Project

Community Process – Public Meetings and Outreach

6 20


March 30, 2016

Public Meeting #1

“Cap” final design – community input

PPG Paints Arena

April 27, 2016

Social media campaign

“Cap” final design – community input

Online survey

May 13, 2016

Hill District Consensus Group - monthly meeting

“Cap” final design presentation

Hill House Association

May 16, 2016

Public Meeting #2

“Cap” final design - presentation

Jeron X. Grayson Community Center

June 27, 2016

Public Meeting #3

“Cap” final design - presentation

Jeron X. Grayson Community Center

September 28, 2016

Artist information session

“Cap” surface enhancements

Carnegie Library - Hill District

November 16, 2016

Art Commission

“Cap” presentation

Ross Building

January 19, 2017

Hill District Design Review Panel

“Cap” final design – presentation

Jeron X. Grayson Community Center

April 26, 2017

Art Commission

“Cap” site plan approval; surface enhancements prelim. approval

Ross Building

June 22, 2017

Open House Public Meeting

“Cap” surface enhancements Community workshop

Hill House Blakey Program Center

Sports & Exhibition Authority - December November 2017

I-579 CAP Project

I-579 Urban Open Space Cap Project Traffic and Parking Report The following summary below is provided for the approval of Final Land Development Plan (FLDP) for the I-579 Urban Open Space Cap Project. Traffic and Parking are addressed per Section 2.9.1 - Parking Ratios and Multi-User Parking on page 32 of the Preliminary Land Development Plan. On-street parking is not permitted on Centre Avenue, Washington Place and Webster Avenue/Bigelow Boulevard around three sides of the perimeter of the Urban Open Space Cap (UOSC) project. Metered on-street parking is currently permitted on both the eastern and western sides of Chatham Street which will remain after construction of the project is completed. Existing off-street parking is located within the UOSC area in an open surface parking lot known as the West Lot and at other surface lots in the Lower Hill. The existing access to the West Lot is via a curb cut on the western side of Washington Place. This surface lot currently has approximately 130 spaces. A portion of this parking lot is within the boundary of the development parcel (known as Parcel H) that is not included in the development of the Cap project. After the UOSC construction, the development parcel should hold approximately 70 parking spaces before it is developed. As part of the Lower Hill Preliminary Land Development Plan, it is planned that the development parcel will eventually include a retail/commercial development. This parcel is part of the Option Agreement with the Pittsburgh Arena Real Estate Development, LP. A new driveway curb cut is proposed at the existing driveway location on Washington Place. This curb cut will be for the development parcel and will accommodate vehicle access to provide service for this property only. Access will be restricted and unauthorized vehicles will be prohibited in the park space. Additionally, there are several parking garages and surface lots adjacent to the UOSC at the US Steel Tower, the Double Tree Hotel, Marriott Hotel and PPG Paints Arena. New handicap accessible curb cut ramps for pedestrians are proposed at all the existing ramp locations around the perimeter of the UOSC at the signalized intersections and at the stop controlled intersection of Centre Avenue and Chatham Street. The project increases pedestrian sidewalk capacity with the addition of several walkways within the UOSC. All the sidewalks around the perimeter of the UOSC will remain. The existing pedestrian tunnel under Webster Avenue/Bigelow Boulevard that conveys pedestrians between Chatham Street and Seventh Avenue will be removed and replaced with ADA compliant walkways to and from Seventh Avenue and Downtown via the existing at-grade intersection of Chatham Street and Webster Avenue/Bigelow Boulevard. As part of the project, the Chatham Street and Webster Avenue intersection will be improved with new signalization, ADA compliant crosswalks and pedestrian walkway signage.

11/29/2017 FLDP I-579 CAP Project - Traffic and Parking

The new Urban Open Space Cap Project will provide enhanced direct access to transit including the Steel Plaza T Station as well as bus stops on Centre Avenue. Bus stops are located at the intersections of Centre Ave and Chatham Street; and Centre Ave and Washington Place. The Steel Plaza T Station entrance on Sixth Avenue is 500 feet from the Cap. Additionally, all the walkways within the Cap will be lit for pedestrians.

11/29/2017 FLDP I-579 CAP Project - Traffic and Parking

Response to questions: I-579 Urban Open Space Cap Project

November 29, 2017

(a) The proposed development must comply with an approved Preliminary Land Development Plan for the Planned Development; This project is included in the Preliminary Land Development Plan for the Lower Hill. This Final Land Development Plan relates to a 3.55 acre urban open space park. This includes the area bounded by Webster Avenue, Washington Place, Centre Avenue and Chatham Street, and the northern parklet bounded by Bigelow Boulevard, Seventh Avenue and Webster Avenue. The project limits extend to the curb line of each of the streets listed above. This FLDP includes the relevant requirements of the PLDP. •

• • •

LEED-ND components – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design in Neighborhood Development (LEED ND) certification is being administered by Pittsburgh Arena Real Estate Redevelopment, LP (a related entity to Pittsburgh Penguins) and their sustainability consultant Sustainable Design Consulting, LLC. The I-579 Urban Open Space Cap is included in the LEED ND certification process and may contribute to the following credits: o Preferred Location – park is infill construction on a previously developed site o Bicycle Network and Storage – park to include bike share station and increase the number of bicycle friendly paths o Access to Civic and Public Space – increase access of the residents and visitors of the Lower Hill development to civic and public spaces. o Access To Recreation Facilities – provide for a recreational area of more than 1 acre Stormwater Management Plan – previously submitted to Department of City Planning Stormwater Management Reviewer and the Allegheny County Conservation District in October and November 2017. Traffic and Parking Summary – See the Traffic and Parking Summary attachment included with the November 29, 2017 FLDP submission. Community Process – See the Community Process Summary included in the presentation PDF of the November 29, 2017 FLDP submission. Public Art plan – Presented to the City of Pittsburgh Art Commission on November 29, 2017 for final approval.

The proposed development is for the Cap Open Space. The proposed development boundaries fall within the Preliminary Land Development Plan (PLDP) Subdistrict 2 with the exception of the small parcel north of Bigelow Boulevard. The small parcel north of Bigelow Boulevard is zoned GT-B. Per Section 2.6 of the PLDP the Block H Urban Open Space (approximately .66 acres) would be developed in connection with Block I the CAP Open Space project. The Block H Urban Open Space is intended to meet Urban Open Space requirements.

I-579 Urban Open Space Cap Project

November 29. 2017

During the design process and proposed by the community during the public and community involvement process it was determined that the Block H Urban Open Space portion should front the corner of Washington Place and Centre Avenue and the Block H Development portion should front the corner of Washington place and Bigelow Boulevard. The proposed development design intent is per the PLDP and the LEED-ND Scorecard, Stormwater Management Plan, and a Traffic and Parking Report have been provided to City Planning. (b) The proposed development must include retail facilities, where such facilities would maintain and continue the existing retail patterns. The development site is presently parking or green space. There are no retail patterns applicable and the development is of green space. (c) The proposed development must address compatibility with any existing residential area, including provision for maintenance of residential uses. The proposed development will be compatible with the surrounding community and enhance nearby residential and commercial areas providing a centralized area of green space in a predominately urban/highway setting. Careful consideration has been given to provide the community with the park features they requested and selected during the public and community involvement process. (d) The proposed development must adequately address parking, considering the demand analysis required in the Preliminary Plan Development Plan, and must make provisions for adequate vehicle access and loading facilities. The proposed development will include provisions in the site plan to accommodate vehicle access to service event set ups and maintenance. These access points will be restricted and no public vehicle access will be provided. No additional parking will be provided within the proposed development. There exists on-street metered parking along both the eastern and western sides of Chatham Street. Additionally there are several parking garages and surface lots adjacent to the Cap Park at the US Steel Tower, Marriott Hotel, and PPG Paints Arena. The Block H Development Parcel is anticipated to remain a surface parking lot until development occurs. (e) The proposed development must adequately address traffic generation characteristics and address reasonable alternatives that would mitigate increased traffic congestion. The project will not generate direct traffic impacts, but secondary impacts for events in the urban open space – project, that draw crowds for special events. Traffic generated by events at the UOSC will be accommodated by the combination of the use of public transportation and the existing parking facilities, similar to other events in the City. Events at the UOSC are anticipated to generate much less traffic than events generated by the adjacent PPG Paints Arena.

I-579 Urban Open Space Cap Project

November 29. 2017

(f) The proposed development must adequately address pedestrian traffic and patterns, including, but not limited to, sidewalk capacity, pedestrian safety and access to transit; The project is designed to accommodate all current accessibility requirements with grades less than 5 percent along all designated accessible routes. The project increases sidewalk capacity with the addition of several walkways within the new urban open space – park. The sidewalks around the perimeter of the park will remain. The new urban open space – park provides enhanced direct access to transit including the Steel Plaza T Station as well as bus stops on Centre Avenue. The urban space – park walkways will be lit for pedestrians. The existing exterior walkways grades on both the Webster Avenue/Bigelow Boulevard and Centre Avenue bridges and along Chatham Street do not meet current ADA criteria and will not be changed. All proposed interior pedestrian routes will have ADA compliant routes as well as stairs for access through the park. The traffic signal installation at the intersection of Bigelow Blvd and Chatham Street will be upgraded and completely replaced with the addition of new pedestrian signal heads and audible pedestrian push buttons. (g) The proposed development must adequately address access to public transportation facilities, including, but not limited to access to transit stops, encouragement of transit use and provisions for alternate forms of transportation; The proposed site will address this through style of park structures (pavilions, arbors, etc.), paving materials and site furnishings. We will be conforming to any architectural requirements for the park structures. The site was originally shown as public open space and the site will remain public open space. We are planning to provide space to accommodate bike racks/bike repair / share stations. The construction plans will specify bike racks as part of the furnishings. If the City requires a bike share station, an area will be provided for this feature (to be provided by others). The project provides direct access to public transportation with bus stops located at the intersections of Centre Ave and Chatham Street; and Centre Ave and Washington Place. The Steel Plaza Station entrance on Sixth Avenue is 500 feet from the urban open space – park. Consideration has been given to placing a bus stop at the park between Washington Place and Chatham Place. (h) The proposed development must adequately address architectural relationships with surrounding buildings, including, but not limited to, building siting, massing, facade treatment, materials, proportions and scale; The park surface and proposed park surface features have gone through local community supported participation and review. Design enhancements, not stand-alone art elements are incorporated into the landscape features such as the walkway, planting and stage and presentation areas have been worked through with community groups and with meetings and presentations to the Art Commission for review and comment. (i) The proposed development must adequately address microclimate effects, including, but not limited to, wind velocities, sun reflectance and sun access to existing buildings and streets;

I-579 Urban Open Space Cap Project

November 29. 2017

The proposed development is for the Cap Open Space and will address microclimate through site features and plantings. It will use sustainable materials, dark textured paving to absorb sunlight, non-reflective materials, indirect lighting, and plantings to help filter wind. The site is mainly green/landscaped. The proposed development will reduce impervious surfaces by about two-thirds of an acre; reduce noise from the interstate between the Centre and Webster/Bigelow bridge structures; provide additional trees, shrubs and grasses; treat storm water and delay conveyance of the water to storm sewers which are currently directly conveyed via impervious surfaces into storm sewer system. (j) The proposed development must address the project's compatibility and conformance with the Zoning Code and any plans and policies approved by the Planning Commission; The proposed development is for the Cap Open Space. The proposed development boundaries fall within the Preliminary Land Development Plan (PLDP) Subdistrict 2 with the exception of the small parcel north of Bigelow Boulevard. The small parcel north of Bigelow Boulevard is zoned GT-B. The proposed development conforms with the zoning code including the small parcel north of Bigelow Boulevard which is zoned GT-B. The site will comply with the public open space section of the PLDP. This plan is in accordance with the zoning code and previous approvals. The surface and landscape features including construction/ building materials were reviewed with the City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Works for contextual and long term maintenance issues. . Limitations on the proposed features on the Cap structure were discussed as well as long term maintenance issues for park features. The size and types of trees and physical features were limited on the Cap structure. The at-grade areas of the park along Chatham Street and Washington Place allow other above grade structures and features to be constructed in the future. (k) If the proposed application includes a building(s) that exceeds 50,000 square feet of building footprint, the proposed development must adequately address large footprint building criteria of Section 922.04.E.6. The proposed development is for the Cap Open Space which does not contain a building that exceeds 50,000 square feet.

I-579 Urban Open Space Cap Project

November 29. 2017

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