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Acadia Innovation
The Edge Podcast
A new episode of Berkley's "The Edge" podcast was recently launched. Click on the episode description below to take a listen:
FinTechandtheFuturefeaturingMikeNannizzi,Director ofFinTechInvestments

Where do the opportunities lie? Technology is driving a sea change in our industry, our environment, and our world as a whole. But what are the implications for us and our business? How will the technology revolution impact eciency? Distribution? Our customer interface? And what opportunities for investment will it create? Hear Mike Nannizzi, Director of FinTech Investments at WRBC, discuss technology not just as an enabler of innovation in our industry but as an "amplier" of our core competencies that will enable us to create durable competitive advantages.
The Edge Podcast Suggestions Wanted!
Do you have a person and/or theme related to innovation that would make a good podcast? Berkley is in the process of planning for the upcoming season and would like to hear any suggestions. Submit a podcast idea and be entered for a prize. Please submit enteries to Matt McManus or Brittany Emerson.

Learn more about curiosity by reading this article: https://hbr.org/2018/09/the-business-case-forcuriosity