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The Dean of Students position was back to a full-time Dean of Students position and not a split position between Housing and DOS.

1 It was the first year that there was intentionality and strategy in bringing the Student Services & Student Life Services together and beginning to create an identify within the Division. The bringing together of the two units resulted in the solidifying of an identifier for the combined units. After vetting in the team, Student Life & Services was determined to be the new name for the student affairs units.


DEPARTMENT ANNUAL SUMMARY JULY 1, 2017 - JUNE 30, 2018 Includes transition of department, related projects that impacted SL&S, highlights, goals and challenges

Student Life & Services had several senior leader transitions. Kathi Baker began work as the Director of Housing in August 2017, and Ann Murphy was hired in May 2018 to replace Kara James as the Director of Disability Services. With the departure of Angie Swenson-Holzinger, co-Director of ASPIRE, permission was sought to reconfigure the ASPIRE leadership into a single ASPIRE Director position. Angie Ruppe was appointed to that role.

Multicultural recruitment, formerly in Admissions, was moved to Multicultural Student Services. Meghan Dufrane-Grosse was hired as the Multicultural Recruiter.

Summer 2017 began with a difficult situation regarding a student with a disability who needed to be brought back from her study abroad experience due to personal safety concerns. The Office of International Education, Disability Services and Dean of Students were all involved in working with this situation. HIGHLIGHTS

ASLS had a focused initiative to educate students on sexual violence. To that end, two significant events were held:

o Kimberly Dickman – Presented numerous programs to students and staff.

o Aaron Boe, Prevention Culture, conducted a twoday train-the-trainer workshop for 15 staff.

o The Dean of Students Office and the Sexual Violence Coalition supported the student-initiated Sexual Assault Awareness Week. The theatrical performance by Speak About It was so impactful it will be incorporated into orientation for first year students in Fall, 2018.

Sadly, UW-Stout experienced it’s first suicide in the residence halls in 19 years. While a very difficult situation for all involved, University Police, University Housing, the Counseling Center and Dean of Students staff all worked closely together during the situation and after to support recovery efforts.

In cooperation with Registration and Records and Student Business Services, a one-page resource that includes all pertinent add, drop and refund information was created and made available online.

As of July 1, 2018, all units in Student Life & Services have been converted to the new external website format. Special credit goes to Andrew Cleveland who worked with every unit Director to make the transition. This was laborious and involved hours of work for many individuals to ensure the transition was a smooth one for the user.

New commencement chairs were purchased and utilized for the 2018 Spring Commencement ceremony.

This past year several professional colleague meetings were held at UW-Stout including: UWSystem conduct officers, UW-System Housing Professionals Mental Health Day, and UW-System Parking Directors. Upcoming hosting opportunities for UW—Stout include the Title IX Regional Teams on July 30 and in the spring of 2019, UW-Stout will host the UW-System SSAO’s for the spring faceto-face meeting.

Student Life & Services staff continue to participate in the Acquiring Talent Workshop offered by Human Resources. Some staff (Andrew Cleveland, John Achter, and Sandi Scott) serve as facilitators for the Acquiring Talent Workshops when their schedules permit.

Much of the spring semester was devoted to concerns regarding campus climate from underrepresented student groups. There were multiple incidents of hate/bias reported and students organized a protest around their concerns. In addition to the concerns from students, the Diversity Bridge Team (DBT) experienced significant turmoil.

The Dean of Students Office and Behavior Intervention Team continue to spend significant time supporting students experiencing serious issues that impact their personal and academic success.

Book group discussions were held for forty interested members of Student Life & Services. Amy McGovern, University Housing, and Vickie Sanchez, Multicultural Student Services served as facilitators for a discussion of Generation Z Goes to College.

UWS-136 (Disclosure Policy for Housing and Study Away) was successfully implemented.vv * Sadly, UWStout experienced it’s first suicide in the residence halls in 19 years. While a very difficult situation for all involved, University Police, University Housing, the Counseling Center and Dean of Students staff all worked closely together during the situation and after to support recovery efforts.

The Dean of Students Office and Behavior Intervention Team continue to spend significant time supporting students experiencing serious issues that impact their personal and academic success.

Book group discussions were held for forty interested members of Student Life & Services. Amy McGovern, University Housing, and Vickie Sanchez, Multicultural Student Services served as facilitators for a discussion of Generation Z Goes to College.

UWS-136 (Disclosure Policy for Housing and Study Away) was successfully implemented.


Phase 1 of the Price Commons project is underway which has resulted in several transitory office moves: University Housing, University Dining, Administrative Offices of Student Life & Services, Campus Card & Student Life & Services Technology, and LGBTQIA+ office.

Bowman window and brick renovation project necessitated the moving of Disability Services to the library for the next two years and the Counseling Center to Student Health for the summer.

University Housing spent the year preparing for the North Hall renovation project and completing the JTC renovation project.


Continuing efforts to brand Student Life & Services and integrate and strategically align all units in SL & S.

Enhance multicultural recruitment efforts and further refine recruitment strategies for underrepresented students while working with challenges presented by the existing structure.

Respond to low enrollment by continuing to participate in programs, services and initiatives that impact retention.

Successfully problem-solve solutions to challenges in student employment recruitment and retention.

Continue and expand efforts to address issues of campus climate for under-represented students.

Continue sexual misconduct educational efforts and utilize Prevention Culture training to effectively engage various student groups in engagement on this topic.

Respond, as appropriate, to recommendations from Food Insecurities Committee.

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