2009 Flower And Garden Show
This was the only other instalation that involved grow beds. It was all about recycled material and the material shown here is corrigated iron. Not useable for me because edges are sharp and the shape is awkard. It would be hard to set up and hard to transport. Again not probably at the cutting edge of grow boxes compared to other things going on out there at the moment. The material heats up alot and lining becomes a little more difficult.
This was the Childrens Garden grow box section, so so so incredibly boring, and so un- innovative, when you look at the amount of action and new ideas going on in the grow box area to see nothing more than a nailed together box in the childrens grow box garden section is sad. They are so un appealing to adults to buy i dont see how they would be appealing for kds to even want to be involved with.
.Recycled Boxes. Childrens Boxes.
Above is part of the childrens gardening section. This stall was just simply almost an information booth that represented school gardens, which are obiously is playing a big role in child based grow projects in victoria at the moment. Which is an area that has a huge amount of activity going on in this area at present time. This was just general information about the schools involved and the things they are doing. It would have been nice for people to get an idea to implment simular ideas in their home, which is what all the stalls are meant to be about but i suppose there goal was to promote there schools programs.
The childrens garden was so poorly fitted out, this was a play house in a central part of it, very boring, nothing new, very much probably not worth even being in the show, like alot of the children instalations. We see this big thing about all the great work schools are doing ect then next to it we see something so un appealing and un educational, I can not even work out what the show or viewers would even remotely get out of this
.Childrens Garden Section.
This was supposidly a “easily acheiveable garden� just using car tires on different levels and spots around the garden. supposidly sustainable as the obvious use of recycled material. but very boring and not very appealing. im not sure what the radical thinking was here that got it into the show.
Pictured here is the winning design (with designer in shot). It is based on a very natural look. All australian plants, all easily available for us, and as austrlian plants we know they will grow in most of the conditions we encounter here. This shows we are responding in some way to things that we know are relevant to us, as austalians we are intrested in what will work. maybe some keen things here for me to consider are, people like things they can relate to and things that will fit into the surrounds better (eg, dont make the grow boxes for kids a massive stand out bight peice.)
.Recycled Garden. Winning Garden.