Prepared by: Bri-any Stark Corporate Account Manager
January 12, 2015
Although we know the benefits of partnering with a brand such as ours, we want you to know them too. You obviously know your brand and what is important to your business. We want you to understand how we can help, and how we can start to build a great relaJonship. Below are some quesJons for you to be thinking about when reviewing this proposal. 1. Are the Express a popular team? 2. Does the partnership help you meet your adverJsing goals? 3. Is the partnership creaJve and unique to Highland Fitness? 4. Is there enough depth to cover all of your bases in the partnership?
If you are leaning towards yes on these four quesJons aUer reviewing the proposal, then a partnership between the Express and Highland Fitness might be a great fit.
Pretend for a minute that professional baseball is like the business world. To gain experience in the business world, many students take internships while they are in college. In baseball, playing in a collegiate summer league is like the baseball player’s internship. Similar to an internship, Northwoods League players are being evaluated throughout their Jme here. Major League scouts a-end Northwoods League games to scout these players for the upcoming draU on a daily basis. The league has 18 teams and models the complete Minor League experience for these players.
Northwoods League players play a 72 game season, take long road trips and use wood bats. The league is designed to prepare these young athletes to be successful at the Minor League and Major League levels.
The 2014 season was the ten year anniversary season of Northwoods League baseball in Eau Claire. In that Jme, the response to what we have been able to provide has been very posiJve. The achievements of the Express over this Jme include: • Consistent a-endance success: The Express has averaged more than 2,000 fans per game in seven of ten seasons in the league. This has ranked the team in the top three teams in the Northwoods League in seven seasons. Total a-endance has topped 60,000 in nine seasons, with a record 80,000 (including playoffs) in 2010. • Events for the whole family: Whether it’s a fireworks night, bobblehead giveaway or appearance by a celebrity, the Express have become known for providing something for the enJre family.
• Player development: With 66 former players appearing in the Minor or Major Leagues at one point or another, the Express is doing what it has set out to do.
• CompeJJve baseball: While the main goal of the organizaJon is to develop players, the Express have won a fair amount of games along the way. The Express has qualified for the Northwoods League postseason three Jmes, winning the league championship in 2010 aUer a 48 win regular season. • Affordable entertainment: The mission of the Express from day one has been to provide affordable entertainment to the Chippewa Valley. A family of four can a-end an Express game and buy a hot dog and soda for less than $50, which is a unique offering for a sports franchise.
The 2015 season is sure to be another exciJng chapter in Express history. While it’s early in the planning process for the season, there are exciJng changes that are in store. The promoJonal schedule is currently being put together and will include five fireworks nights, numerous new giveaway items, creaJve entertainment acts and shows and likely a celebrity appearance or two. Whether it’s quality baseball or off-‐the-‐field entertainment, the 2015 season is sure to saJsfy the “fix” of many residents of the Chippewa Valley once again!
When puhng together a partnership proposal, it is our goal to provide our sponsors with a package that will best uJlize the promoJonal opportuniJes that we have to offer. We preach to our staff to provide the best fan experience possible. When fans leave Carson Park, we want them looking forward to the next game as much as we are.
The following pages will explain how we will have fans thinking about Highland Fitness as a major part of that fan experience.
You will get adverJsing on the radio, newspaper, Express website, and Express social media plaiorms. You get 300 general admission Jckets to give to your members, family, friends, or whoever you see fit. Inclusion in 40,000 pocket schedules, name recogniJon on every Jcket sold for your sponsor night, a live interview on Mix 98.1 FM and an opportunity to throw out a ceremonial first pitch is included in your sponsorship night. Have your company adverJsed on all 72 Express games through the summer on Mix 98.1 FM. With 65 mile radius out reach you are sure to get your message out to a large audience.
Have year long visibility on the Eau Claire Express website, updated for every home game, adverJse for mulJple demographics, great for community involvement, gives you the ability to give out a promo code for instore or online coupons
Staff a booth during an Express home game and have the ability to display your logo, engage prospecJve customers, hand out promoJonal materials, and move to mulJple locaJons around the park.