Issue 8: Winter 2015

Page 1

contents WINTER 2015 FASHION & PRODUCTS 11 Chasing West Blanket Spread 7Winter fashion trends-Mom, Baby, KidsKids: cutest baby and kids 39 DIY -Pinterest Page Contest FAMILY & LIFE 19 Kickstart Communication 20 Movement & Art

LITTLE BIG STEPS 15 Prenatal Supplements- (Nutritional Supplements for Pregnancy NEWBORN 17-18 Nap Blog TODDLER (1-2) 19 Kickstart Communication I’M A BIG KID NOW (3-5) 20 Movement & Art

HEALTH 24 Avoid Getting Sick in the Winter 23 Chocolate Zucchini Muffins

TEEN ( 12-16) 21 Social Media

JUST FOR YOU 28 How to survive with kids on the airplane 29-30 Article on Family Costa Rica Travel

BOOKS 36 The Best Back to School Books for all ages 0-2 3-5 6-8 13-16 adults

25-26 Mocktails & Cocktails

Multi-generational travel

FINANCE 33 Donations for Dummies

OTHER 3 Letter from editor

contributors UR


experts COLUMNISTS Nikki Goldman Stroh is the owner of Seasons Family Centre and the mother to one little guy. She completed a diploma in photography at Fanshawe College, followed by a degree in psychology at the University of Western Ontario. Shortly after she finished a post-graduate diploma

Dr Odiatu is a Toronto area dentist who

at the Toronto Art Therapy Institute.

has done over 300 media appearances

Tasha Bordnarchuk has been working

on TV (ABC 20/20 & Canada AM) &

in the non-for-profit sector in

radio (KFAR Alaska to WGST Atlanta).

Toronto since 2006, and opened her

He has lectured for several Fortune 500

private practice in 2010, providing

Mike Kemper is the Director of Operations

Companies and at the largest dental

counseling services for families,

for Brainiacs Tutoring & Learning

conferences in North America. Dr Uche

couples, individuals, youth and

Centre. Programming at Brainiacs is

Odiatu is the co-author of The Miracle of

children focusing on Narrative Therapy

individualized to each student, as we

Health, a Certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach

and Client Centered Therapy. After

understand that everyone is different,

& an NSCA Certified Personal Trainer.

delivering her daughter at home in

with different strengths and challenges,

2011, she became passionate about

and that learning is only optimized when

childbirth, and decided to become a

programming is catered to the individual.

birth and postpartum doula.



Editor’s Letter Winter Issue 2015 of P&B Giving Back & Acts of Kindness By: Nicole Bloomberg

Do you believe in Karma? We know that everything happens for a

reason, and there are no mistakes or coincidences. But life inevitably throws us curve balls, unexpected circumstances that remind us to expect the unexpected. I’ve come to understand these curve balls are the beautiful unfolding of both karma and current. I have received my share of curve balls that has made the person I am today.




Karma definition. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person’s deeds in the previous incarnation. A few months ago I had what Oprah would call an AHA moment, I have realized that we all have our own reality and live in what is our normal and a few of us find it hard to believe that others are in need. So often we hear people that comment as they pass a bum on the street asking for money and say, “ Why can’t he get a job?” Do you know lots of educated students cannot find job this day in age. Why do we pass judgement? Do we choose not to believe what is on the news or what is in front of our faces because it is so upsetting to believe? As I reflected on that one simple thought it brought the most clarity. People often judge others on how they raise their kids, discipline, foods they feed their kids etc. Who are we to judge others? Moms are just striving to do their best.No one really knows what anyone is dealing with unless we are in their shoes. My favourite thing happened since I started Pink & Blue a few months ago, we helped a single mom with three kids in need. We helped her to raise money for her & her family,you can read more inside in our Pay it Forward article! But, it was so much more behind it, like the universe sending me a message to help her. It seemed like a message I needed to hear. We asked our P&B members to donate money. It was the biggest act of giving that I have seen in a long time. It lifted my spirit to see many of our wonderful Pink & Blue members come together as a community of moms to help a other mom out. It also saddened me to see that others had such doubt and questioned if she was really in need. I believe if we can help others we should. Their is a reason this mom reached out, I could of just said, “ Oh, I feel so bad for her and left it at that.” But, I took action. I think people too often lack the confidence to make a real change and do things to help make the world a better place. Which is why we started our Pay it Forward Campaign! One act of kindness goes a long way. Let us know how you have helped the community and ways in which we can help! In this month’s issue, we will be celebrating our 8th issue of our digital magazine, and you will find recipes, wonderful articles, and our little big steps section that includes articles to help you out with your babies to tweens! Love, Nicole Bloomberg, MBA Publisher & Editor-in-Chief


S ’ R O T I ED By Nicole

g Bloomber


testimonials What people are saying about I love the magazine and the Facebook site is super helpful. ~ Julie Foisy Ironically, so many people have asked me if I work for Pink & Blue because of how excited I get about the forum and how much I actually promote it. I have to say I don’t think I could have gotten through the past 8 months with my daughter (first time mommy) without P & B. I have made some new friendships and have learned so much from the forum.. It is also my GO TO place when I need any advice. Thank you for starting this wonderful resource and outlet for us mommies. ~ Mandy Wagner



at the cover shoot

I am a huge fan of your Facebook group and a devoted member since having my daughter. ~ Jennifer Dickie

Hey saw some of your interviews on FB today. Looked like a great event. Congrats on such a needed event for moms and moms to be. You’re a true revolutionary!! Great Work!, ~ Eric Shendy To all the amazing women out there had helped make this possible, thank you! Today was inspirational and tonight my heart is full. ~ Staci

Nicole Lumb

Hi Nicole. I’m a big fan of your Pink and Blue empire :) Keep up the good work. Honestly, the Pink and Blue Facebook page helped me a lot after having a baby. I’m grateful! ~ Ofra N. I posted on your group this evening about a young woman who was in a abusive relationship and ran away with her 5 week old daughter. She had nothing for her little girl and was even contemplating adoption at one point as she could not provide. She contacted my website Single Moms Fresh Start and was only looking for a little inspiration. After hearing her story i wanted to help her. I posted in your group looking for any type of donation not expecting much but the out poor of support and donations has truly floored me and even brought me to tears tonight. I am doing a toronto run and collecting from everyone who has offered! I just want to say that because of your group this woman will have everything she needs for her little girl and i am so inspired! ~ Staci Nicole Lumb



here’s a fine line between spoiling your children and wanting them to have special items that they desire. Growing up, I recall wanting a Roots varsity jacket so badly! I felt like ALL my friends and their moms or dads had one and I just needed it. It was a cool parent/child fashion trend! Looking back now at the 90s, I would have preferred to have a fitted leather jacket - it would have been much more flattering! You ask, did my mom buy me the Roots jacket? Nope. She was a single parent and invested in cabbage patch dolls for me instead. Love my mom. Now, I have a soft spot for mother/daughter fashion trends and make certain exceptions when they are worthy. Let’s talk about those worthy trends. Fashion Trend#1 – LAZYPANTS It took me awhile to try on these sweatpants. I resisted the trend because I’ve been so accustomed tofitted yoga pants and couldn’t wrap my head around something loose. But then, my daughter and I both tried on LAZYPANTS and we were struck by the plush feel of the soft cotton blend pants. From then on we didn’t want to take them off.

The idea behind the LAZYPANTS is to encourage the wearer to lounge and feel good while doing so. We were happy to oblige. Wearing top of the line sweatpants makes it all the more comfortable and enjoyable. The colour choices are plentiful, everything from neon to neutrals and each season comes with new styles and colours. You can even dress your toddler and your hubby. Sizes run the gamut too. My daughter loves her navy blue LAZYPANTS and chose to wear it with her gray LAZYPANTS sweatshirt. My red sweats are my after work go-to pant! It is also comforting to support a company that has their products made in Canada. Check out Prices start at $76. Fashion Trend #2 – Geeky Glasses Now it’s cool to look smart! I love supporting this trend. My daughter and I both wear prescription glasses so this was a purposeful trend to follow. Joining the likes of Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake and Johnny Depp, we purchased the large black frame prescription glasses. The nice part of this fashion statement is that there are an array of choices and a range of prices appealing to all interests. The lenses are so large that it makes it a breeze to see more in focus! I bought my Geeky Glasses online at They have a large selection and the prices are unbeatable. Fashion Trend #3 – Toms As this trend began to emerge, I was not ready to jump aboard the band wagon. I’m just not a fan of canvas shoes. However, I was enlightened to learn that for every shoe sold a corresponding pair of shoes is donated to a child in need. Toms has already donated 10,000,000 shoes. Yes, that’s 10 MILLION! So I was now compelled to take a closer look. Tom’s has come out with some very fashionable styles this year. I bought my daughter and son matching black/white design Tom’s. They love how comfortable they are and I like that they can dress them up and down, as long as they don’t get them dirty wearingthem at the park. A lot of mom’s have bought Tom’s for themselves, but I’m not there, yet. Toms. ca has a variety of children, women’s, and men’s shoes. Prices start at $35.00 Fashion Trend #4 - Tween Spas Do you remember that giddy feeling you had when little things make you happy? My daughter and I felt that excitement when we went to Glama Gal Spa. We walked into this cute pink, white and black building near Yorkdale and were greeted with pink tinkinis (pink lemonade served in martini style glasses), beautifully decorated mini cupcakes, bedazzled slippers and a spa robe. My chatterbox daughter was completely shellshocked! She was in awe and smiling from ear to ear as they let her choose cotton candy scented bath bombs and birthday cake scented lotion all while lapping up an ice cream sundae we were served during our mani and pedi treatments. My daughter and I were pleasantly surprised that they carried VINYLUX polish for a manicure that lasts at least 7 days. We sat in pretty pink chairs and read encouraging girl statements written across the spa walls. The aestheticians were caring and attentive while focusing on girl power, mimicking the statements on the walls throughout the spa. Visit for more info about all their services. Be prepared to have amazing bonding time with your daughter and freshly painted nails!

LARGE UP CYCLED BLANKET 60’’ X 72’’ $387.03 USD Overview •Handmade item •Made to order Only ships to Canada from Toronto, Canada.

SMALL THROW SIZED UPCYCLED BLANKET 48’’ X 60’’ $259.54 USD Overview Handmade item Materials: clothes, tshirts, baby clothes Made to order Only ships to Canada from Toronto, Canada.

CRIB TO TODDLER BED SIZED UPCYCLED BLANKET 37’’ X 49’’ $159.37 USD Overview Handmade item Materials: baby clothes, tshirts, toddler clothes Made to order Only ships to Canada from Toronto, Canada.

he outdoor temperature is dropping and that means cold and flu season will soon be in full swing. Luckily parents can implement some simple tricks to prevent their children from getting sick in the first place and strike back against the first signs of a cold:

e all strive for the healthiest pregnancy possible and do our best to eat a nutritious diet.


are many factors, however, that can make this a challenge including lack of time, nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and food aversions, to name a few. Nutritional supplements can often help fill the gaps but making sure you are taking the right ones at the right times is essential.

1. Folic Acid: Important to take at least three months prior to conception and during your first trimester for prevention of fetal neural tube defects. It can be taken on its own, or as part of a prenatal multivitamin formula.

Here are a few important

nutrients that you may benefit from supplementing with.

2. DHA (omega 3 fatty acids): DHA is important for proper brain development of your baby. Omega 3 fats can often be hard to get from diet, especially if you are avoiding/limiting fish during to pregnancy. A DHA supplement is most important in the third trimester and while breastfeeding. DHA from fish oils are absorbed well, but make sure to look for high quality brands that do independent testing for heavy metal residues. If you are experiencing nausea or sensitivity to smells, you may prefer capsules rather than liquid. 3. Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that are essential for the health of our immune and digestive systems. They are helpful throughout your pregnancy, but especially important in your third trimester if you plan to have a vaginal delivery, to help build your baby’s immune system and reduce the risk of allergies. Look for high quality formulas that use human strains of probiotics and that contain at least 3-5 billion CFU (Colony Forming Units). * Always consult your doctor or midwife before starting any supplements during your pregnancy. For information on specific dosages, speak with a qualified healthcare practitioner for recommendations specific to your needs.

s an admitted “Type A” person, I totally thought I

Allow your child the rest they need while getting

would schedule my baby. I surprised myself when I

what you need to get accomplished. This is a dance,

became much the opposite when it came to raising

a flow, that can best be orchestrated through a

my own child.

Through education, research and

great foundation of healthy attachment.Life is what

experience, I decided on flexible routine as opposed

happens when you’re busy making other plans. If you

to rigid scheduling. What I have found is that with

have more than one child or you work, or both, being

flexibility we are engaged in less struggles, achieve

home for the perfect nap time is not always an option.

more peace, deeper happiness and abundance. The

When you miss the sleep window, be ok with sleeping

next time your day is threatened to be sabotaged

on the go. Sleeping in motion helps development of

from late-nap, no-nap, short-nap or 4-hour-nap,

the inner ear, which helps to strengthen language

just remember:You actually don’t need to create

--one major benefit to stroller or car-seat snoozes (in

a schedule for your child.Your baby has a natural

addition to their convenience!). You might not know

optimal schedule of sorts already programed into

(yet) why your child is _______.Fill in the blanks -

them, called the circadian rhythm. Their natural

not sleeping, sleeping in late, taking an extra nap,

rhythm changes as their bodies and brains dictate.

etc. The best argument against imposing schedules onto babies is in the instance if impending illness.

our baby might need two naps one day when they’d

So be sure to go to bed early that night, sleep in the

previously been on a one-nap schedule. They might

following day, or get a friend or family member to

need more nursing at night for the immunological

watch baby so you can have a relaxing bath. Or even

support while flu bugs are in their system. Whatever

just take baby outside for some fresh air - outdoors

the reason, there always IS a reason, even if it is

and exercise have a way of breathing perspective

not (yet) apparent to the naked eye.Remember to

back into the day.It is definitely not easy to let go

recover.If you are counting on a nap to rest yourself,

of your expectations of what the day was going

and that does not happen, it can leave you with

to look like, but I promise you that it is easier that

less stamina, patience, and positivity to parent for

fighting against what IS. My anchor is to look ahead

the remainder of the day. So be sure to go to bed

to when I am 90 years old, and think about what

early that night, sleep in the following day, or get a

memories I will want to be looking back upon... and

friend or family member to watch baby so you can

soak up those exhausting, but fleeting, moments.

have a relaxing bath. Or even just take baby outside for some fresh air - outdoors and exercise have a way of breathing perspective back into the day.

by: Tasha Bordnarchuk y daughter will be two years old next week, and each night we make sure that the 3 of us sit down, have dinner together, and talk about our day. It’s too early for in-depth conversations, but it is important to both my husband and I that we make space for talking, catching up and ultimately having open communication with our daughter. Setting the stage early with our kids is important for healthy communication, but even if your child is older, it’s never too late to start. I tend to recommend dinner conversations with your kids to the families that I work with. It’s the perfect time to share stories, ask questions and catch up on each other’s day. Some ideas to get the conversation flowing: Everyone at the table can talk about the best part of their day, the worst part, or the funniest. These are just a few ideas and you can tailor it specifically to your family and kids depending on their age, the type of work you do, and your child’s personality. Everyone will have the time to give their example and you’ll be surprised how interesting, funny and emotional these conversations can be. This will give you a chance to get closer to your kids and partner, and even help you to find out things you may not have otherwise known. Remember, it may feel mechanical at first, but don’t give up, it will get easier and more enjoyable the more you do it. Another good place to talk to our kids is in the car. Whether it’s a short drive to school or a road trip, you can take advantage of this time to open up, ask questions and share with your kids.

For some people the car is the best place to talk with their teens because they aren’t face to face with them and they may be more comfortable to share their feelings when they aren’t being stared down (Another bonus to car ride chats? They can’t run away either). No matter what their age, car conversations can easily be turned into fun games while driving. When it comes to how we tend to communicate on a whole, in this age of technology most of us are glued to our cell phone, laptops, IPads and tablets (our kids included). We easily can spend hours of our day tweeting, texting, Facebooking and Instagraming with friends and family, but at the same time we lose precious time with the people who are physically right next to us. I am not suggesting we need to be completely cut off from the rest of the world, but a step in the right direction would be to set time aside to disconnect electronically and reconnect with our kids. Maybe it’s one night a week or a few hours on the weekend, where our electronics are silenced so we can really talk with our kids and they can be heard. Again, you can make it fun and enjoyable by turning it into a games night, arts and crafts night, taking long walks together, or whatever you enjoy doing together as a family. Kids that feel comfortable talking to their parents about what is going on in their life are more likely to open up to them when they are being bullied, when they are scared, in distress, dealing with low self-esteem, peer pressure and making decisions around drugs and sex. The expectation isn’t that you know every single thing about your kids, we all need some privacy, but good parent-child communication really makes for happy and healthy families.

rom the very beginning of life we experience the art of movement. It’s innate; it’s a part of us. Whether it be stretching, kicking or turning, a fetus begins the beautiful dance of moving.

During the first

by: Melanie Fefergrad

year of life an infant will follow a set of 8 movement patterns which allow him/her to wire their entire

Furthermore, there are many other types of body movements found in

central nervous system.

Anne Green Gilbert, a

creative movement that have a direct impact on how our brains develop.

leading dance educator in the U.S. developed “The

Creative movement is a form of communication allowing a child to

Brain Dance” based on these movement patterns

express themselves through their mind, body and spirit. Movement

and I have been using it in all of my classes over

as creative expression plays an important role in the child’s life by

the past 5 years and can attest to seeing an

building upon their self-image, self-awareness, purpose and direction.

improvement in a child’s concentration, alertness

The beauty of creative movement is that it offers a child a safe outlet

and focus. A great example of these benefits is seen

to express themselves without being judged or made to feel insecure.

in many of the different forms of movement. One

There is no wrong way, as it truly is a form of individual expression. The

in particular, known as the Cross-Lateral (crossing

same can be said for Art. What is Art? A question every art educator

the midline) helps to connect both sides of the

is asked in University. Art can be a sunset or a smile on a child’s face; it

brain which in turn, allows for the development of

can be a scribble on a paper or a leap across a space. Art is a way for

higher thinking skills, as well as the development

an individual to interpret, imagine and feel. Artistic expression comes

of vertical eye tracking, which helps in reading.

naturally in a child’s development and is used as a form of communication.

BY: FARIDA BAYOUMI The toughest time in almost every teenager’s life is the high school period. Some may go through it with flying colors, however a majority of the high school students tend to struggle. This period of time is dedicated to finding yourself, your signature look, personality, your friends, and possibly your passion. Many teenagers turn to social media for outfits, hairstyles, or even DIY inspirations. One of the most influential social media in todays’ world is YouTube. The YouTube world has grown more and more over the past few years. Girls and guys all over the world turn to it when in doubt. This social media gives the consumer a chance to become the producer. Anyone around the world that owns a camera can create content and share their creative minds with the world. This has been a very popular safe haven for teenagers that struggle in high school and just want a platform where they can be themselves. As time has progressed, YouTubers have become inspirational women and men and before they know it they have turned into role models for millions of people worldwide. Other social networks that allow high school students to let go and be themselves is Twitter, Instagram and even Pinterest. Pier pressure and bullying are experiences that almost every teenager goes through in high school. These are what often lead girls and guys to turn to social media, an outlet where no one can judge them. It’s very easy to take everything to heart, however, its important to know that the stars cannot shine without darkness.

2 cups WHOLE SPELT FLOUR 1/2 cup RAW CACAO POWDER* 1 1/2 tsp BAKING POWDER 1/2 tsp BAKING SODA 1/2 tsp SEA SALT 1/2 cup UNSWEETENED COCONUT MILK 1/4 cup COCONUT OIL (warmed just enough to turn into liquid) 1/2 cup PURE MAPLE SYRUP 1 tsp PURE VANILLA EXTRACT 2 EGGS 1 cup SHREDDED ZUCCHINI (approx. 1 small zucchini) 6 LARGE DATES, FINELY CHOPPED *OPTIONAL: WALNUT HALVES

Procedure: 1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 2.In a medium bowl, whisk together dry ingredients. 3.In a large bowl, whisk together the remaining wet ingredients. 4.Add the dry ingredients into the large bowl of wet ingredients and mix well. 5.Place 12 large paper muffin cups into a standard-sized muffin tin. Use a spoon to pour batter evenly into all the cups. Optional: Place 1 walnut halve on top of each muffin. 6.Bake in the oven for 16-20 minutes, or until muffins feel springy and toothpick inserted comes out clean. 7.Let muffins cool for at least 10-15 minutes and enjoy! Notes:* Raw cacao powder is the same as cocoa powder but tends to be less processed and contains more nutrients, including iron, magnesium and antioxidants. If raw cacao powder is unavailable, unsweetened cocoa powder may also be used.

eeping Families Healthy During Cold and Flu Season As school starts back up, many families start to anticipate cold and flu season. Yikes! Naturopathic treatment for colds and the flu can help reduce symptoms and shorten illness time; but, an even better approach for the fall is prevention. Take active steps to boost your family’s immunity and reduce exposure to the germs that get you and your little one(s) sick in the first place. The body’s immune system works to ward off and kill germs that we are exposed to. Children are more vulnerable to sickness because they are still ‘growing’ an immune system...and because they touch everything!! In order for an immune system to function optimally, it requires adequate nutrients, proper rest and balanced exercise. While these principles may seem basic, they can be tricky to implement regularly in a busy household. Below are some specific strategies to help you maximize your children’s health. Apply them to yourself and double the benefits! 1. Keep a routine bedtime that ensures your child stays well rested through the winter. White blood cells (the guys that fight germs) multiply most while we sleep. 2. Enroll children in lessons or make time as a family to engage in activities through the fall and winter – be it swimming, skating, skiing or sledding. 3. Increase protein, vitamin C and zinc in your family’s diet as they are all required for optimal immune system function. Highest sources of vitamin C include: dark green leafy veggies, oranges, bell peppers, kiwi and strawberries. Zinc is contained highly in animal meats; but, other good sources of zinc include: wheat germ, spinach, pumpkin seeds and cashews. 4. Other immune supporting herbs and foods to increase in your diet: garlic, onion, parsley, thyme, ginger, broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts 5. Reduce germ exposure through regular hand washing and proper nasal rinsing. Sound strange? If we breath in germs and they grow and multiply, in part, in our nasal passages, cleaning them out regularly also flushes out the germs. Infant and child nasal rinsing products are easily available through health and drug stores and are best used in the evening. Dr. Kristin Heins, ND is co-founder of Thrive Natural Family Health.

Pomegranate & (faux)Champagne Mocktail Servings: 6 Mix: 2 ½ Cups Seltzer 2 Cups Pomegranate Juice (100% natural, no sugar added, if possible) Twist of Lemon (throw a peel into each glass for a nice garnish!) Ice Cubes Per serving - 51 calories; 0 g Fat; 13g Carbohydrates; 0g Protein For 50 calories a drink, sign me up! If you don’t like pomegranate juice, substitute it for something else. I prefer tart drinks over sweet ones, so I use natural Grapefruit Juice instead.

Lemonade with a Twist (delicious, but a little more time consuming! Blender/juicer required) Blend: 1 Cucumber 2 celery stalks 1 head of romaine lettuce 1 Lemon 1 small piece of ginger 2 green apples 1-2 oz Vodka to each glass Remember that we’re only talking calories here, and obviously these aren’t the healthiest beverages you could reach for! There is still a lot of sugar and alcohol is very dehydrating. Try and match every alcoholic beverage with a glass of water, so you stay hydrated. You’ll appreciate this the next morning when you wake up headache-free. Be well, Dr. Andrea Campitelli

nce your child turns a year their active imagination and need for constant entertainment requires a bag of tricks to ensure they aren’t running up and down the aisles. The trick for blissful family travel is to keep your little one calm and busy during your travels.

1. iPad – Have it locked and loaded with saved videos and games for endless hours of entertainment

By: Yashy Murphy

4. CARES – If you luck out and have an empty

seat having this Child Aviation Restraint System will not only be fun for the child but most importantly buckle them in safely. The system is designed for children weighing between 10 to 20 kgs that are old enough to sit up on their own but are unable to be safely harnessed by the regular seatbelts

5. Blanket and stuffed animal – bring the

2. Colouring books or etch sketches –

creature comforts along, especially for long journeys. The lull of the airplane engines are the perfect white noise for getting little ones to take a nap.

3. Snacks – Bring plenty and a good

If you’re already overburdened with a heavy hand luggage with no space for treats and toys, be creative and look around you. There’s plenty of items to entertain toddlers – water bottles, barf bag or inflight magazine to draw on, trinkets in your purse...the list goes on.

Small books and pads are easier to carry in your purse or hand luggage. Ensure any markers or crayons are washable, because accidents can happen!

variety. Cheerios, dried fruit snacks, biscuits and finger foods. Pulling anything they’d consider a treat at the onset of a tantrum always works!

aking Your Kids into the JungleWhen most parents sit down to discuss how to spend their hard-earned dollars on a fun yet affordable vacation, the obvious destinations are the ones that are talked about first. These inevitably include the places you are thinking about right now, which are Florida or perhaps a Caribbean Island. Before you book the flights and grab your mouse ears, consider the adventure and fun of taking your kids to Costa Rica. This country in Central America is the real deal when it comes to the rainforest. With its rugged beauty and thousands of wild species running around, it will be a trip that is talked about for the rest of the year.If you are the type that likes resorts and pristine beaches, then the Guanacaste region is for you. Serviced by Liberia Airport by almost every major charter and airline, Guanacaste offers 30 degree weather and every type of beach known to humankind. You got your black volcanic beaches, your white sandy beaches, your beaches covered with sea shells and even beaches covered with turtles (but you can’t collect those and take them home without getting arrested at the airport). Once in the country, resort lovers can stay on site and enjoy what luxury has to offer including many resorts with nanny services, so you can have some alone time with your significant other. The more adventurous types can do things like horseback ride or zip line in the jungle. Sailing, surfing and all other types of water sports are fun as well and can be found almost everywhere in the country. Kids are welcome on many of these activities and all hotels and resorts will have a tour or excursion planner of some kind to help you. One of the best areas to travel to in the Guanacaste region is the surfing village of Tamarindo, although it has come a long way from its small town roots.

amarindo these days is packed with tourists, swanky restaurants, beachside resorts, condos and looks more like Miami Beach than anything else. There is a great surfing school called Witch’s Rock and they offer surfing lessons to both kids and adults. If you want to stay near but not directly in the craziness, try for a great spot at the beach next door called Playa Grande. That beach has wide open spaces and is about as rugged and quiet as it comes. The perfect place to stay at in Playa Grande for the family is the Playa Grande Park Hotel, which is a cool boutique hotel with a great pool, bar and wonderful staff. If you are adventurous and decide to take a drive around this gorgeous country, you may find yourself near the Capital City of San Jose. This Central American Metropolis has all the challenges that go along with city centers such as lots of car and foot traffic, but San Jose has an excellent grouping of family hotels with lots of things to do. A great car rental company to consider, right near the San Jose Airport is Solid Car Rental. They are fast and easy to get to and they even pick up your car from various destinations around the country so you can rent in San Jose and return it closer to Liberia if you are leaving from there. One excellent place to stay in San Jose is the Radisson. With its modern architecture, tasty restaurants and great swimming pool, it offers a great place to stay when you planning other activities like going to hot springs, doing a tour up a volcano or visiting a nature reserve. Whether you are the family that likes some adventure when you travel or simply getting to the resort is adventure enough, Costa Rica is an incredible memorable vacation. ‘It’s a Small World’ will still be there next year, why not show them the big one?

t’s hard to check your email these days without an onslaught of messages from friends, family, colleagues and sometimes mere acquaintances asking you to support them in one fundraising journey or another. From funding research for debilitating diseases to helping little Timmy’s hockey team pay for their playoff pizza party, deciding how and who to give to isn’t easy on you – or your wallet. Before you randomly start writing checks or agreeing to conquer a triathlon when you’ve never swam a lap, discover your inner altruista with the following top tips: •Don’t give limitlessly – Set a budget for yourself for charitable donations each year. It’s easy to get carried away in an effort to support all of your loved ones, but if you must, give less to each, or make a schedule of who you’ll sponsor each year or every other year.

•Don’t just give – give it all you got! – Sure it feels good to donate but taking part can be fun and rewarding too! Many charities have found unique ways to raise funds and awareness that still promise a good time. For example, grab a couple of girlfriends, purge your homes and closets and take part in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s Yard Sale for the Cure. Or, if fine food and getting all dolled up is more your bag, you can give in style by attending the St. John’s Rehab Foundation’s Lights of Hope Gala – your participation will help to rebuild lives of adults recovering from life-changing illness or injury, all while enjoying a fabulous meal by celebrity chef Mark McEwen! •Challenge yourself – If you’ve been promising to get in shape, take the plunge and commit head-on to a physical fitness-focused fundraiser. There’s nothing like the fear of coming in last during a marathon or needing to be towed to shore in a life jacket to light a fire under you! •Take stock – What types of donation requests are coming into you? Are they religionbased? Disease-based? In support of animals? Providing war-relief? Take the time to learn more about each of the organizations that are pleading for your support and make an informed decision about where your money is going and the percentage of your donation that goes

This will be on going throughout the year and we can organize if you are in the states or another city we will help you organize a Pay it forward campaign!!! We will be publishing on our website, social media, and Pink & Blue Magazine. The Pink & Blue ‘Pay It Forward’ Campaign was created as a way for our large community to help make a difference in the lives of those around us by giving to someone else, spreading good will and kindness, and making a positive difference. Currently we have approximately 15,000 The P&B Pay it Forward Campaign

members on our Facebook group alone, and

created with the intent to use our

it is growing daily. Imagine the difference we

large community to perpetuate acts

can make in the lives of others if we all work

of good will and random acts of

together. We have readers and members

kindness. Kindness is always

all over Canada and the United States so

something that can be given without

this isn’t just a local campaign. We want to

having to cost us anything. It is free

help spread the Pink & Blue ‘Pay It Forward’

to give and free to receive and it is

Campaign as far as we can. Our hope is that

one of the most important attributes

we will continue to ‘Pay It Forward’ all year

one can possess. We would like to


pay it forward!!

We will be publishing our progress on our website, social media, and Pink & Blue Magazine so you can follow just how far Pink & Blue ‘Pay It Forward’ Campaign has spread! If you would like to join our committee: to help with organizing donations, sourcing places for people to drop off items, contacting charities, driving to pick up & drop-off please contact us. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook pages & group, our website, Tumblr.

OTHER WAYS TO HELP THE PINK & BLUE ‘PAY IT FORWARD’ CAMPAIGN: Suggest other organizations to add to our PINK & BLUE ‘PAY IT FORWARDfacebook, twitter, tumblr, pinterest, Facebook Page

How Can I Support The Pink & Blue ‘Pay It Forward’ Campaign? The team at Pink & Blue has been reaching out to different organizations and charities to see how we can help them. We are asking all our members and readers to help us make a difference by supporting and donating to one or more of these causes. The Clothing Cupboard – 905-882-8509 Donations Needed: • They urgently need donations of gently-used or new clothing for children ages pre-school to high school. • Winter clothing including boots, coats, hats, mittens/gloves, snow suits • Blouses, sweaters, tank top/camisoles to be worn under cardigans and blouses, pants, leggings, sweat pants, pajamas • Unworn socks, unworn panty hose • Accessories - scarves, fashion jewelry • No stained, frayed, torn, pilled or items with broken zippers or missing buttons will be accepted Donations can be dropped off to the Family Resource Centre, located at Promenade Mall, 3rd Floor - 1 Promenade Circle, Suite 313B or to make alternative drop off arrangements, please call 905-882-8509.

Choosing A Charity: • Choose a Charity that is similar to your families values • Decide how you can help or get others to help Pay it Forward • Do Research & Share with us! • Learn about charitable tax system-Canada has a two-tier charitable tax credit system • incentives for first-time donors • Donation deadlines like tax-deductible charitable donations is December 31st. • non-profit organizations • Adopting a Family Thank you in advance for your support. Pink & Blue Magazine Team

Recently on our Pink & Blue FB group(a

support forum that is an extension of the P&B brand like our website & magazine. The Pink & Blue Facebook forum is designed for mothers to (receive & give advice), one day a mom named Lindsay ( single mom) reached out for support from our moms and she didn’t ask for money but, just advice and she was amazed at the help she received! She was expressing her frustration at the system & was very upset about not being able to have support from a government agencies to help pay her Hydro Bill with good reason. She not only has a sick baby that increased her hydro bill but, also was denied help! Her baby ViennaGrace is now 1 1/2.Vienna-Grace was born 16 weeks early and spent a total of 111 days in Sunnybrooke Hospital’s NICU. She suffers currently from chronic lung disease, severe reflux/GERD and a weakened immune system. Due to the O2 machinesher hydro bill at her home was excessive which has caused her to fall behind. She currently owed $1,507.90 and didn’t have any extra money to pay for this. She needed to pay the bill by December 13th. Her story was very upsetting for many reasons on different levels. Being a mom is one of the hardest jobs in the world and add financial & health dififculties on top it and it makes it almost impossible at times.

Nicole Bloomberg, owner of Pink & Blue Magazine reached out to her personally and wanted to help her in any way possible! After learning more about her personal journey & just how much she was dealing with & dealt with in the past and it was purely heart breaking. People do not realize what other mothers are facing or families for that matter. All we have is one another! We are all given abilities and gifts in this world. One of the best gifts is to be able to help others when they are in need. When Nicole was told that she has a heart of gold, which is an amazing compliment. She replied, no I do not have a heart of gold,I have a heart! She then reached out to Staci Nicole Lumb from Single Moms Fresh Start to setup a fund to help raise money for Lindsay and she in turn reached out as well to Lindsay and have collaborated to help her! The money was raised in 4 hours to pay her bill. She is still back logged with hydro bills and needs some things for her kids but, very thankful for everything we have done. Just in time for the holiday’s, Lindsay & her family got a surprise they would never expect, they received donations from Playcare daycare owned by Ellana Katzberg. Ellana sent out a letter to the parents of her daycare and genouristy poured in, she only had to ask for 1 day. Talk about pay it forward, their donations of toys and some big gifts rolled in. They not only took care of X- mas for Lindsay and her kids by donating toys, winter coat, & even a t.v. ( see pics of Lindsay & her family at x-mas) This is just one example of how another mom business owner took it into her own hands to Pay it Forward. The Pink & Blue team would like to extend a big thank you to Ellan Katzberg, Playcare families that have taken care of x- mas for Lindsay and her kids. In addition, a big thank you to all of the people that donated so genourisly from the P&B community and beyond. A special thank you to Staci Nicole Lumb from, Single Mom Fresh Start, for setting up the fund and helping out this mom and to all the people that donated!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar board book: Ages 2-3

Goodnight Moon New born

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