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April 2013

Hone Your Hustle There are a lot of trends on twitter but what is actually trending in fashion on campus for the fellas at the University of Memphis? A few gentlemen were asked this question and here are their responses:by Gerrin Murray

College Student Turns Talent into


by Kelsey Semien

Love this Look (and others on these pages)? See Content Page.

Taveion McCutheon: Accounting: Cole Haan shoes, slim fit blazers, business professional/casual, blazers,Chuck Taylor style shoes, camo pants, and jackets

What Men Think is Fashionable Earl Wilson: Communications

Blazers and bow ties. It gives a sophisticated look even though you’re not. Until someone speaks, you are considered smart based on how you are dressed.

Ken Savage: Music:Be yourself.

Honing a craft or hobby into a job is a great way to make money and still have time to study, intern, and maintain a social life. The online article Working in College said, “Since 1984, the fraction of college students aged 16 to 24 who also work full- or part-time has increased from 49 to 57 percent.” This can be detrimental to grades and internship opportunity. Bakardi Shannon, University of Memphis junior, has honed her love of fashion and makeup into a successful part-time source of income. I would watch my aunt put her makeup on and I was amazed at how beautiful she was. That’s what really sparked my interest.” She has made a name for herself as an aspiring makeup artist on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube among young female Memphians. “A lot of girls think it’s best to buy expensive brands of makeup, when that isn’t always the case. NYX is a great cheap brand that sticks to your face and doesn’t fade or clump up,” Shannon said. She said the number one item a girl should have in her makeup bag is a nice brand of mascara. “Mascara is one thing you can’t cut corners on. It does so much for the eyes and creates a dreamy look. No matter what, women want to look beautiful, and I try my best to make them look and feel perfect,” Shannon said.

Demerius: Finance: Vintage look, prints on shirts, silk, combat boots

She charges $15 a face and on average makes $500 a month. Shannon does have a part-time job but she says doing makeup makes enough money for gas and other expenses by itself.

“It’s a new era in fashion - there are no rules. It’s all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together.” — Alexander McQueen

“I think it’s a great idea to go after something you love to do and get paid for it. Why flip burgers at McDonalds when you can do something you love and make money,” Shannon said. “So many people have talents with-in them that they don’t know about because they are busy working or studying. If they took the time to develop themselves they would be surprise at what they are capable of.

2 | SwaggMag | swaggmag.com | Issue #1

“I started off as a horrible makeup artist. I’m a little embarrassed at how bad I was, but with practice I got a lot better,” Shannon said.

Swaggin on a Budget

Shoes that happen to be one of the hottest trends. by Jerald Harris

Studies show that more men shop at thrift stores than women. by Lovie Hudson The Goodwill Store at 574 S. Highland St. offers quality used items at low prices.

Best Shoe of the Week JustFab.com

y l On .95! 9 3 $

“This is my first time in this Goodwill store. I just came to purchase some high waist shorts,” said Lauren Rutherford, a junior at University of Memphis.

Inexpensive fashion helps out college students struggling financially. Students at the university are showing their swag while keeping extra money in their pockets.

The actual pattern of the cheetah print adds that extra Wow Factor!

Paula Parnell, a Goodwill employee, said “about 30 students visit this Goodwill a week. Many students also donate to us.”

“I shop at thrift stores The Goodwill located because I don’t have at 574 S. Highland St. is not just any Goodany will. It’s a half-priced Believe it or not, money.” Goodwill, which there are more males means every priced item in the store is marked half priced.

Brice Blann -Music Major

This Goodwill could not have picked a better location just a few seconds down the street from the University of Memphis campus. Obviously tuition has gotten extremely expensive so it’s become a struggle for some college students to buy extra things. However, this Goodwill offers the students valuable vintage clothes, books and accessories all for affordable prices. Many would assume that the clothes in the Goodwill are old and worn out but some happen to be brand new and up-to-date. The question is, do students actually purchase items in this Goodwill? 4 | SwaggMag |swaggmag.com | issue #1

shopping at the Goodwill more than women.

“I see more males that purchase items from us than females,” Parnell said. Some males shop here to look descent for the public and buy what they can afford. I shop at thrift stores because I don’t have any money, Brice Blann, Music major said.

Cheetah print is so fab this season.

SWEET FIT! The studs add edge to the print. Its makes it so hard not to look.

That’s Swagg!

Rising Star Spotlight

Local Rapper shares his Thoughts about Rap Industry by Dwayne Dickey

When did you fall in love with rap? • In high school, I played football, but my secret passion was rapping. I used to rap in the shower and in my room.

Artist Of The Week With designs like these, Joshua Wilson hopes to become a world reknown artist by Jerald Harris

What types of artists do you aspire to be and why? • Kanye is my idol because his lyrics are so powerful. Performing on stage is a challenge, how do you overcome the stage fright? • It must be my alter ego. When I am on stage, I fear nothing. It feels like being on stage is where I belong. Do you get paid performing? • At first, I was paying to do shows, then to prevent falling off the scene, I gave my own self exposure footage by doing shows for free. Do you feel you set trends or you follow them? • I keep up up with the trends and follow what is hot. Plus, I put my little spice to what I wear. You have to keep up with the trends to reel your audience in. Is there pressure from your family to see you be a famous rapper now? • They want to see me signing a check for a million dollars. They are sort of growing weary of me doing shows and supporting me with no income coming in. It’s like if I eat, everbody else eats. What is your favorite song that you have created? • A song called “Tryna Eat”. Check it out on 107.1. Do you know some of the well-known rappers that are already famous? Yeah, I am alread.y cool with a couple of people but if you do not have any money, they will not be that friendly towards you.

6 | SwaggMag | swaggmag.com | Issue #1

Joshua Wilson’s love for drawing goes a long way from kindergarden.

niche when people started looking at “I would doodle my drawings in my photos and class and then make a collage im- they encouraged me to go age of my entire sketchings,” Wil- to school for this,” Wilson said. son said. The time spent drawing images and practicing is his open secret. He said his inspiration came from dreams he had as a child being a superhero and admiring the “ You have to practice at any strength he had. thing that you love to do, otherwise you won’t progress,” Wilson “I finally figured out this was my said.

Sue’s Edible Treats

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Strawberries with Swagg! AKA strawberries! Seeeeoouuweet!

She knows her keen sense of detail is heaven sent.


This includes edible images of Obama, sororites, sports, “When customers tell me erries awb r Hello Kitty, and even major what they t S a corporations such as FedEx. want, I am visualize it “I started everything in and I make 2010, with giving apprecia- it from tion treats to my daughter’s there”, teachers at Ross Elementary. Carruthers Teachers loved it so much said. that they started placing orders and it became a busi- She beness from there”, Carruthers lieves this said. talent is more than Making these treats aren’t just a hobtime consuming at all for by. her.

8 | SwaggMag | swaggmag.com | Issue # 1

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She also does hand made box packaging with a delivery rate of $10.00 added on

“I do this because it’s a gift from God that I can’t shake,” Carruthers said.

FedEx Strawberrie s


“It takes me an estimated 30 minutes to make one order”, Carruthers said.

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“Everything on my strawberries are edible.”

to the regular prices of the strawberries.

“For a dozen strawberries dipped in special made chocolate is $25.00 but $35.00 is the cost if you prefer a designed order”, Carruthers said.

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Inspired by her grandmother’s skills at decor baking, her designs are definitely one of a kind by Alle’Ana Hamiltonw

The remembrance of her grandmother’s cooking gave Laquasha Carruthers, CEO of Sue’s Edible Treats, the inspiration to make strawberries dipped in her very own special made chocolate with a twist.

Strawbe y o b w r r ie Co s

Chanel Strawberrie s

Jerald Harris: SwaggMag Reporter

Got Milk?

Kelsey Semien says milk does her bones a good measure which is why she pours up a glass daily.

Are You a Copy Cat? Koki Fujimoto-Exchange Student: “I am not a copy because my style is unique and I dress myself with whatever I see fits.”

“I most certainly am not. I make the swagg flow generate with my divalicious outfits.” -Shantle

“My swagg is contagious. If I even take a slight glimpse at you, you will immediately run to the store and buy whatever I had on so no , I am definitely not the copycat.” -Bobbi a.k.a. BB

Daisuke Satov: Exchange Student: “I dress the way that I do and it makes me feel like the true me. Being from Japan, you are used to styles that stand out.”

“I believe I set the trends. Most people dare to do what I do.” -Ashley student at Uof Memphis

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Snack Attacks

April 2013


2 What Men Think is Fashionable

Read what the guys believe are the ideal tag poppers to strut on campus

3 Honing Your Hustle

Proof that you can make money off a hobby and live well

7 Features

What to do when the snack monsters are calling? Make it miniature with these supermarket munchies by Brittany Carruthers BABYBEL CHEESE Bite into these semis off mini -cheese wheels; two provide about a quarter of your daily protein need.

Artist of the Week This talented artist is ready to spread his wings and fly to the next level in his career.

12 Cook

Snack Attacks Fill the Growl While in Class Try these Tasty On-the-Go Munchies

SHOPPING CONTACTS Food Faceook: Sue’s Edible Treats : Mobile: (901) 502-1849 : email:laquashacarruthers@yahoo.com Art Facebook: Joshua Wilson : email: jwilson9@memphis.edu Makeup Facebook Bakardi Shannon Performances Facebook: Dre Gutta : email : dregutta@facebook.com

M&M’s Feeling Guilty about this suggestion? These sweets supply a touch of calcium. GO FISH!

Hot Dog HOME RUN Zip lock a few of theses hunger heroes and your stomach will keep quiet during tests! Sssssshhhhh!

When quantity is key, opt for an entire school of these flavored crackers.




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Ceo Letter Dear Readers, When you put your mind to it, you can do it. I’m sure you all have heard of this saying. The making of SwaggMag came as a mere dream to me. I asked my colleagues if they were interested in helping with the process and everyone jumped right on board to make this happen. To the reporters and writers, thankyou for your excitement about the idea of this magazine from the beginning. Our first issue is a big success. I learned that throughout all of the ups and downs, consistency and great work ethic goes a long way. The SwaggMag Staff and I hope you enjoy reading our interests and remember, what makes you happy is all that matters. Sincerely, Brittany Carruthers CEO of SwaggMag Co-Partner Alle’Ana Hamilton

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